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[Synopsis] : cutesy fluffiness of Seonghwa being the clingiest and most devoted man to you

"Seonghwa we really need to get up now—"

"No." He stated decisively. You had obliged to Seonghwa's requests three times already that you would stay in bed for just a little bit longer. The first time you tried to get out of bed was at 10. It's currently 2:00 pm. You sighed before struggling to get out of his grasp. Trying to escape his hold was like being stuck in quick sand, the more you tried to escape the tighter he held you. "Babe I'm starving. Please let me go." You finally gave up, trying to reason with him now. "No. I want cuddles." He whined, never opening his eyes, only giving you pouty lips and furrowed eyebrows. You gave out a fake cry, "I can't believe this, my boyfriend is trying to starve me! I should report you!" You joked being dramatic. He finally opened his eyes, letting you look into his beautiful doe eyes, giving out a small chuckle. "Fine." He started "I'll let you go and make breakfast."

Once you washed up and he finished cooking breakfast, he sat next to you on the couch. In one hand, a bowl held brown rice with eggs mixed together and a spoon in the other, with his head resting on your shoulder. You looked over to admire him. He was only in his boxers, his revealed abs making him 100X sexier yet he was eating adorably next to you with his cheeks puffed out full of food, resembling that of a chipmunk. You couldn't help but kiss his forehead as he adorably ate his food while literally attached to your hip. "Babe I'm going out later today to hang out with my friends, I'll only be gone for two hours." Seonghwa immediately set his food aside and hugged you tightly around your waist whining, "nooo you can't leave me." You chuckled at this and combed your hands through his hair. "You are particularly clingy today my love. I promise I'll give you all my love and devotion today, tomorrow, and forever. But you have to let me hang out with my friends." You reasoned with him, smiling softly. "You can't go. Hang out with them another day. Not today. Our duties today are to cuddle and make love to each other. Wouldn't you agree, my love?"

After dealing with a pouty Seonghwa that clung to you during the entirety of you doing your makeup to get ready for the fun night out with your friends and pleading with you not to go, you finally left the house. In the middle of your hang out, you received a phone call from Seonghwa. You began to get a little worried before answering. "Hello..?" You started. "Baby come home. I miss you." You heard the sadness and slight pout in his voice. You scoffed, playfully annoyed that this was the reason why he was calling you. "I'm hanging up, I'll see you later." You laughed, almost hanging up before he immediately responded back. "Don't hang up! If I can't hold you I want to at least hear your pretty voice. Even if you're not talking to me just... don't hang up yet."
"Are you sure you're ok? You're not usually this adorable and clingy."
"If I say no will you come home and cuddle me?" He asked, hoping you would be on your way home now regardless.
"No. I'll see you later." You giggled and hung up.

After the hangout with your friends was over, you remembered that you needed to go grocery shopping since you forgot some essential items for the dinner that you had in mind for tonight. Seonghwa though, couldn't have objected more to your trip to the grocery store. This time as you were pushing the shopping cart around, you received a FaceTime call from Seonghwa. "Hey my love." You answered. You could see his eyebrows start to scrunch up in confusion. "Are you at the grocery store right now instead of giving me love and affection?"
"Yup." You replied, giggling at his reaction. "At this point just tell me that you don't love me anymore!" He started fake crying, being dramatic. This made you laugh embarrassingly loud in the middle of the aisle full of people who were trying to peacefully shop. "Fine. I'll come home right away if you stop annoying me." You rolled your eyes. "Ok! I'll see you soon! I love you so much!" He waved you bye and blew a kiss, throwing in a wink as well. All you could do was roll your eyes and giggle at your dorky boyfriend.

Before you even reached the door, it was immediately opened and you saw your boyfriend with the widest smile on his face. He quickly assisted you with the groceries that were in your hands and helped you put them away. Soon after he engulfed you in the biggest hug as if he hadn't seen you in years. He pulled away a bit to give you a few quick pecks on your cheeks. "Next time maybe I should go with you on your outings so that I don't miss precious seconds of your life." He commented dazed. "If that'll make you less pouty, then I might just let you." You responded sarcastically. "I'll make dinner now since you cooked breakfast." You said, pulling away from the hug. Despite this, he continued to hold onto your left hand. "You don't have to make dinner, love. We can order out or I can make dinner. I don't mind." He stated. "Thanks for the offer but I really wanted to try to make this new dish." You said excitedly. As you made dinner though, Seonghwa had his arms wrapped around your waist the entire time you made dinner. Occasionally he helped you out when you requested his assistance, but other than that he never left your side, or, he had your back. Quite literally.

Dinner was finally ready and the two of you sat down at the dinner table. Before Seonghwa could even take a real bite of his food, he yelped out in pain. "Ouch! I burned my lip." He exclaimed. "Do you need ice?" You asked worriedly. "No." He faced you now and pointed to his lip where he supposedly burned it. "Just a kiss will make it better." You grinned at this and decided to play along with your clingy boyfriend's wishes. "My poor baby." You now held the back of his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Does my baby need kisses anywhere else?" He thought to himself for a minute, "hmm... I think a few more kisses on my lips should do."


Thank you so much for 200+ reads! It means a lot to me :)

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