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Warnings: occasional swearing, torturing the enemy (not heavily described), sex scene

Worldwide he was known to be the most powerful mafia leader due to his weaponry skills of fencing, shooting any type of gun with 100% accuracy, knife skills, inhumane bayonet practices, his methods of torture and so much more.

Although when it came to you, he turned from a ruthless monster into a cute, harmless bunny. You were his gem, his treasure, his light, his escape, his beloved family.

Seonghwa was definitely not known to be the most trusting man out there, so he wasn't close to any of his staff. Therefore, once you entered his life as his romantic partner, he no longer had any guards manning his mansion. This would come as a security risk but you trusted Seonghwa with your life, his status as the most powerful mafia leader was nothing to think lightly of. Most mafia gangs tried to be companions with Seonghwa out of fear and survival rather than become his enemy due to his brutal reputation. Furthermore, you weren't a fragile, dainty damsel in distress that couldn't fend for themself.

But this time, you couldn't fend for yourself.

His enemy ordered his men to kidnap you by taking you out with a tranquilizer dart from afar and out of sight so that you wouldn't see it coming, already knowing your expertise in self defense. For the past two days you've been held as the enemy's captive.

And for the past two days Seonghwa writhed in an apoplectic state and loathe not only at himself but his enemy, Heesung. All he could do was restrain himself to his desk and ponder.

He couldn't believe himself that he let you out of his protection. He always thought to himself that not showing his affection for you in public and acting indifferent towards you by giving you his usual cold eyes that held no emotion that he gave to everyone else was enough to make anyone think that he remained as a cold unwavering heart of stone.

But boy was he wrong

He now realized that he underestimated Heesung, understanding now that he never really bought his story that you were his personal bodyguard.

His head had been swimming and his skin crawled and burned as if it were on fire, desperate and antsy to do something, anything. All he could do was sit and panic as to how or if he should act to save you. On one hand, you were his lifeline, of course he had to save you. But on the other hand, if he made any effort to go after you, it would just prove to Heesung and countless other enemies he made that he was in fact utterly in love with you, which would forever put a target on both of your backs. So the question is, should he save you or wait it out? He believed that there was a chance that he would let you go if Seonghwa proved to them that you were just a mere body that worked under him, but you have to realize that this is the mafia world. Why wouldn't they just leave you for dead after they get tired of waiting for a response from Seonghwa?

"I CAN'T FUCKING DO THIS ANYMORE!" He slammed his hands against his desk as he stood up, his blood boiling and gasped, catching his breath panting, as if he had just run a marathon. In that moment he took his knife, gun, and a special weapon that only meant death, now making his departure for Heesung's mansion alone.

He knew that Heesung would have countless security guards manning the mansion, so Seonghwa nonchalantly walked up to the door in order to not cause too much of a stir and tried to remain unnoticed for as long as he could manage.

Well, too late now.

A gas mask was attached to his face, dropping the small but deadly tank of mustard gas, resulting in Heesung's bodyguards to drop to the ground helplessly, their attempts to breathe were all in vain, all they could do was choke and cough up their own organs, immediately dying. It was a challenge for Seonghwa to not laugh in the midst of their agony due to the gas mask. About 50 more body guards from inside came out to meet their doom as well. Helplessly meeting the same fate as the body guards who once stood previously.

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