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Notes: PLEASE READ! This was a collaboration between me and another ATINY writer @mintymingii on Instagram. I wrote the Hyung line and she wrote the maknae line. So please do not think that I am claiming the maknae line as my own work!


- A bit surprised at first since you did it in front of everyone at the party, but immediately wraps his arm around your waist.

- Looks into your eyes with pure love and wonder

- "What's this for, love? I'm not the only seat on this couch." He chuckled a bit.

- You moved his hair behind his ear, not giving him a verbal response, only giving him a loving smile and a kiss to the forehead.

- "I missed you"


- You, Hongjoong, and a couple of your other friends were all heading to the beach together. Although, not all of you could fit in the car, which resulted in you having to sit in your boyfriend's lap on the ride there.

- He blushed like a tomato. After all, PDA makes him flustered and feeling every inch of your body sway back and forth along with the movement of the car made him shy.

- Every time you look at him, he looks away immediately, causing him to break out into his beautiful smile while looking down.

- His left hand goes back and forth between supporting the small of your back and your waist, while his right hand rubs your thighs gently.

- "I'm not too heavy, am I?" You start to feel a little insecure. He immediately looks at you like he's about to scold you, "don't even think about that. If anything, I should be strong enough to hold you."


- Yunho had taken you out for a picnic date in the park with a view of the beautiful sunset shining down on your faces

- No one was around in this deserted park, so you took this opportunity to sit in his lap, getting comfortable while all he could do was chuckle and give you the biggest smile.

- You rested your head in the crook of his neck while watching the sun set and the moon became more prominent, while Yunho fixed your jacket to keep you warm, proceeding to wrap his arms around your upper arms, pulling closer to his chest.

- "I love you so much, Yunho." You looked up at him dazed, your right hand on his chest.

- He looked down at you, his smile never leaving his face, giving you a big smooch on the lips. "I love you more, Jeong Y/n."


- "I dare you to sit in the nerds lap." Your friend dared you. Unbeknownst to the school, Yeosang was your boyfriend.

- You couldn't say no to the dare, so you sat on his lap in front of the entire cafeteria. Yeosang looked at you wide eyed, utterly shocked to see you give him any attention while at school.

- Once the shock wore off, he looked around the cafeteria cautiously and looked back at you confused.

- "Hey, nerd. I was dared to do this. So don't act too shocked." You laughed a bit at his cuteness. You wished that your relationship could be public and you could give your boyfriend the love and affection he deserved.

- "I like it when you sit in my lap. I wish you could do this more often."


- You brought your boyfriend as your plus one to a high school reunion.

- There was this one girl that caught your attention when she was very clearly being all flirty and touchy with San.

- "Hey, handsome." You said as you sat down on his lap.

- Keep in mind that this was your first time being intimate with him in public and he was just as confused as you were with your approach.

- The more you enticed him by tracing your fingers around his body, the more comfortable he was - and by comfortable I mean him as well being touchy with you.

- Until he whispers in your ear, "I know you're sitting on me just to make that girl jealous, but lowkey, this is turning me on."

- You pulled your head back just to look so surprised and speechless at him. He raised his hand, separated two fingers and created a small gap in between to indicate only a little bit.


- It becomes a habit that you sit on your boyfriend's lap whenever he is busy in the study room of your apartment, working on some lyrics.

- He'd gradually just embrace you and ask you to lean back as he supports your body.

- "Hey, baby. Do you want to help me out here?"

- Even though this is a habit, he will act all flustered and will turn into a smiling mess.

- Will most likely get inspiration on love lyrics from you and will sing it to you, just to get your approval.

- When you get all cheesy and start praising him, he'll show his appreciation by tickling you and poking you from the sides that will make you squirm and laugh.

- "I love nights like these, 'cause whenever I'm on stage and performing this song, everything's so much easier knowing that you're the reason the lyrics exist."


- It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and you were hanging out in your boyfriends apartment. You've had a hard week at work and you decided that it was the best thing you could do for the weekend to relax.

- Whenever you want less screen time, you'd switch positions in the bed and cradle yourself in a seated position on his lap.

- He'd turn off his phone and toss it to the side to place all his attention on you.

- "Pretty, are you okay?"

- He can tell by looking into your eyes that you are overworked; just mentally exhausted from everything.

- Will rub his hand against your arms soothingly, putting you in an emotional trance to be held like this again. You lean forward to give him a hug and surrender your entire body to his.

- "Aww, I know, my darling. You work so hard all the time, you do everything. But I also know that I will always be here, every step along the way. Whenever you need me, I'm either a few blocks or a phone call away. I love you so much."


- Whenever you want some loving and Jongho is gaming, you plop yourself onto him face first so you end up hugging him while he faces the screen.

- Almost instantly, he'd ditch his headset.

- "I've got you, what's wrong, my love?"

- "Nothing, I just miss you.."

- He'd giggle at your cuteness

- "Hmm, I'm sorry. I just had to finish one game, now I'm all yours, okay?"

- Rubs his hands all over your back.

- Whispers sweet nothings.

- Leans his head against yours and closes his eyes out of comfort.



Thank you so much for reading! Please comment and vote if you liked it. 😊

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