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- He would come home from work, smiling softly to himself thinking of coming home to you.

- When he walked through the door, he giddily looked toward the couch, where you usually always sat and waited for him to come home when you weren't working.

- He found himself dumbfounded and disappointed to find that you were no where in sight. He walked upstairs to change clothes and look for you until he heard the sounds of your heartbreaking sobs emit from the bathroom.

- Seonghwa's eyes widened, immediately knocking on the door, "baby, are you okay? What's wrong, my love? May I come in?" He would ask softly, not wanting to make you anymore upset or cross your boundaries.

- As soon as you opened the door, you fell into his arms, a letter in hand, almost making him stumble backwards.

- Seonghwa was your rock, you felt so safe and loved in his arms. Being in the warm embrace of your lover made you feel better despite the evil troubles of the world that weighed down your tears and your soul. You had just received a letter from your supposed birth parents, you had never talked to them before, met them, nor did you even know what they looked like.

- You were so upset over the fact that you wouldn't know how to verify that if the words on the page were all coming from your birth parents, or if it was all a sick joke from antis. Even if it really was from your birth parents, you were so angry with them after all they put you through. You felt powerless, and had absolutely no idea what to do next. Seonghwa was well aware of your past and has always been a comforting person to talk to about it.

- "Cry it all out, my love. I'm here for everything you go through. Every emotion, every challenge, every achievement, every event, I'll be here to love you, support you, and cherish you." He whispered into your hair while stroking your back up and down with one hand, the other holding your waist.

- After calming down, you told him everything that you had just discovered and read, voicing your innermost thoughts and feelings about the situation. He would listen to every word you said carefully, giving you his full attention, carefully thinking of what advice to give you in order to move forward.


- He came to visit you in the MAMA dressing room where you waited for him, coming in all sweaty and smiley until he saw your tears fall down your beautiful face. The sight broke his heart.

- "Why are you crying, beautiful? Who made you cry? Tell me and I won't show them any mercy, they'll immediately regret their actions." He rapped out of pure anger and concern.

- You shied away from his affection when he tried to wrap his arms around you to hug you. Unlike some people, you much preferred to be alone when you cried. You didn't want to burden anyone with your problems. Especially right now since your boyfriend has dealt with numerous burdens over the past few months, his whole career really. In your heart, you did not feel like it was right to burden him with your problems.

- All that really happened was that you received a vicious comment from one of the idols, bitching about how annoying and helpless you were. And that it is disappointing to see that Hongjoong is dating such a worthless person when he deserves much better.

- You always felt terribly sorry to everyone else for never being able show any worthiness. Throughout your life you've always felt worthless and lost, always feeling like a burden.

- Your actions left him shocked since he knew how much of an affectuous person you are. His mouth hung open. "Y/n-ah, please talk to me. Whatever, or whoever has hurt you has now hurt me. I'll always be here to dry your tears and listen to your pain, so please don't turn away from me. Lean on me instead. I have learned, especially from being in this career, that it is absolutely necessary to find someone to lean on when you cry. It's impossible to go through alone, and every time you do go through it alone, it is excruciatingly unbearable. So, please, I'm here to alleviate your pain and listen to your sorrows. Let's work through this together, hm?"

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