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- "Y/n-ah," he calls sweetly as he opens the door to the miniature hotel room the two of you were staying in. While on his phone and not paying attention, you were in the middle of getting dressed and you had just set your towel down to put on your clothes after taking a relaxing shower.

- "Have you seen my—" he didn't look up until he heard your scream. When he did, his smile turned into a panicked frown, dropping his phone and his eyes widened. As soon as he realized the situation he immediately turned around and covered his eyes that were still wide in shock.

- For a few seconds his brain was genuinely malfunctioning with what to say or do next. "Y/n-ah..." he started "I am so sorry, my love, I-I wasn't thinking. I am so sorry. I will make sure to always knock from now on." He apologized profusely, genuinely feeling bad for seeing you in such a vulnerable state.

- Feeling awkward, he mentally cursed at himself and made his way toward the door trying his best to forget the image he just witnessed.

- Still bewildered yourself from what just happened, you finished getting dressed and sat on the bed thinking of what you should say to him in order to make him feel better. You know that Hongjoong is the sweetest and most sympathetic person on this planet, so you knew that he had no mal intentions. Since he is sensitive to matters like this, you knew you had to comfort him and tell him that this is not something to mull over or feel bad about since it truly was just an accident.

- 'He must be really upset with himself' you thought since you couldn't reach him by the other members phone or find him anywhere in the hotel. Later that night though, you and all the members would be eating dinner together so you decided that you would tell him there that you had forgiven him and finally return him his phone.

- As you arrived at the restaurant, you found Hongjoong sitting down at the dinner table already, sitting in between Wooyoung and Seonghwa. "Hongjoongie," you called sweetly, Hongjoong avoiding eye contact. "You came here safely I see. Can we talk outside for a minute please?"

- He nodded without looking at you. The two of you walked outside of the restaurant to talk privately. "Hongjoong—"
"Babe, before you say anything, I just wanted to apologize again. I—"
"Hongjoong! Let me speak, please." You interrupted. "I don't want things to be awkward between us. What happened earlier was truly just an accident and I don't resent you for it. If anything, your reaction made me become more comfortable with 'certain' actions in the future." You stated. Hongjoong looked at you in surprise after what you just told him. "Ah, really?" He glanced down shyly with a small smile. "That's good to hear because... can I just say that you're really pretty?"
"Naked?" You laughed "Yes." He hid his face in his hands and blushed like a tomato. "Well... I may or may not have taken a special picture in your phone..."


- As you just stepped out of the shower without being given a chance to even reach for your towel, all of a sudden, Seonghwa barges in panicked and immediately starts apologizing. "Baby I'm so sorry but I have to use the bathroom." He rambles as he doesn't even look your way since he is so preoccupied doing his business.

- You just stand there in shock and fear, frozen up and feeling self conscious. 'What if he saw but he's not saying anything?' You thought to yourself.

- Seonghwa kept hearing the sound of droplets hit the floor and wondered what you were doing so he looked over to his side and found you standing there naked.

- He gasped in shock and quickly looked away. "Babe... um..." he stuttered and finally reached for a towel, handing it to you while keeping his eyes on the wall in front of him.

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