ALL MEMBERS • When you call him 여보 for the first time

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Notes: 여보 (yeobo) is a term of endearment used between married couples in Korean.
추석 (chuseok) is a Korean holiday, kind of similar to thanksgiving.

[Synopsis] : How will the ATEEZ members react when you call them 여보? Will they fall in love with you more or turn away?

Warnings: there is some suggestive activity for Yunho and Yeosang

- It had been almost 4 years since you and Seonghwa started dating. Each day you fell more and more in love with him. How is it possible that the romantic spark had never once wavered between you two? Recently, marriage talks have sparked up between the two of you since you both felt like the relationship was starting to get super serious. You were both sure that the other was the one.

- Since things were starting to get more serious in your relationship, Seonghwa and his parents invited you over for dinner since it was 추석. You were helping Seonghwa's Mom prepare the side dishes until she had to leave to use the bathroom.

- "여보야." you called out to Seonghwa who was busy grilling meat for the holiday. He immediately turned around with his eyebrows raised, shocked at what you just called him. "여보?" He repeated, still shell shocked. You stopped what you were doing to walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, looking deeply into his beautiful eyes, resting your chin on his shoulder making sure no one was watching this intimate moment. "Mhm, 여보. Since we'll be getting married, I think I should start calling you that. So start getting used to it, 여보." You said, emphasizing the last word. Seonghwa was over the moon happy by the nickname, he couldn't hide his smile thinking of the fact that you would be his forever. He turned to you cupping your cheek and replying, "I guess I should be getting used to it. Promise me that you'll never stop saying it, 여보."

- When it comes to relationships, Hongjoong is known to be a private man, and a gigantic tsundere. Despite knowing this, you and Hongjoong agreed to do an interview together about your relationship since your 4 year anniversary was coming up soon and the public had some questions for the two of you.

- You have been wanting to use this nickname for a while now, but you've been a bit nervous to bring up the topic to him, especially since the two of you had never had an in depth conversation about marriage before but you knew it was something that he wanted to do eventually.

- "Do you mind showing us what your contact names and photos are for each other?" The interviewer asked. Hongjoong went first, showing that your contact name was listed "my sweetheart 💞" and your contact photo was a silly picture of you when you and Hongjoong were baking together and you got flour all over your face. Now it was your turn. "Let's start with the contact photo first" you said shyly. You showed the camera that your contact photo of him was a picture of him laughing beautifully, not intending to pose for the camera at all. "Aww that's such a nice photo of Hongjoong!" The interviewer gushed. "You two must really be in love." She continued. "For the contact name..." you trailed off "the contact name saved is 여보 💖" you said finally, looking at Hongjoong while showing the camera. Hongjoong looked back at you surprised, but in a loving way at the intensity of the nickname chosen as his contact name. "여보?" He questioned. "Is that what you think of me now? How long have you had the contact name set to that?" He asked in admiration but smirking at the same time. "Well, I've had it for about 2 months" you replied. "Wow, you should start calling me that from now on, 여보."

- It is no secret that Yunho is a competitive person, and so are you. Therefore, when he brought you over to Wooyoung's house to play games with the boys, you desired to win. Currently, the 9 of you were playing a game where you whisper something funny, bold, flirty, etc into the persons ear next to you and try to make them show a reaction. If they show a reaction, they can tell the others something embarrassing they did as punishment or take a shot. If the person does not show a reaction, then the person who did not react has to tell everyone what the person whispered in their ear to embarrass them.

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