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- kinda clueless as to how to help you since he mostly grew up around men so he doesn't really know what to do.

- Does whatever you say whenever you say it. He is at your mercy.

- Comes home early and goes to work a bit late everyday just to see you smile and possibly help you lighten your mood

- Gives you stomach rubs

- Lectures your uterus to stop hurting you "yah, my pretty Y/n doesn't deserve such pain from you!"

- Gives you lots of cheek kisses and hugs


- Mothers the shit outta you

- Cooks every meal,  clean freak mode 1000X, buys you random stuff to make you happy

- Buys snacks for you (but also for himself bc we love our foodie 🥰❤️)

- Makes sure you always have your heating pad, carries you to bed, gives you a warm bath, and makes sure you're always wearing comfortable (his) clothes. Princess treatment at its finest.

- Makes sad faces whenever you mention you're in pain "I'm so sorry that you're in so much pain, love. I wish I could make the pain go away. Is there anything I can do to help?"

- Does anything silly that comes to his mind to try to make you smile


- Buys you all the pad and tampon brands under the sun when you ask him to buy you feminine products from the store

- Also kind of clueless since he mostly grew up around men.

- Researches how to handle periods

- Makes you your favorite food and brings / makes your favorite dessert

- Rubs your tummy and gives you a spectacular shoulder and back massage

- Helps you bathe

- Asks you a ton of questions about periods so that he'll be more prepared to take care of you in the future "so, do tampon sizes mean how deep your vagina is? What size are you?"


- He also doesn't really know what to do, so he just buys a bajillion snacks and chocolate since he's heard on the Internet that these are the things you should do when someone is on their period 🤷‍♀️

- Gives you lots of random cuddle sessions

- Always makes sure that you're happy and content, let's you pick all the movies and shows that you want to watch.

- Buys you a few gifts

- Always reassures you that you're not bleeding through your clothes in public. Tells you that it's ok if you if blood leaks into the sheets at home and that he'll wash everything for you. "Oh, don't worry about the sheets, darling. Just worry about which movie you want to watch next."


- He also lectures your uterus about hurting you. He gets up close and personal with your uterus, sometimes getting into some serious beef with it. "Oi! You better not bother my precious Y/n again! You need to treat the owner of your uterus nicely! Let's have peace, right?" He says while furiously pointing his finger.

- Takes you on fun dates to distract your mind from the discomfort if you're up for it

- Buys you candles and lights them up around the house. Is very romantic during bath time together, along with the decorations of rose petals littering the water.

- Turns into your personal massage therapist

- Scolds you when you apologize for leaking through the bed sheets

- Does everything you ask, but you have to earn it first by giving him a kiss


- Gets growingly concerned every time you wince in pain. "Will you be ok? Do you want to go see a doctor?" He asks, but you reassure him that this is unfortunately normal for you.

- Gives you utter princess treatment, makes sure that you don't lift a finger the entire week.

- Reluctantly leaves the house everyday to go to work, he just wants to take care of you and make sure you're really ok.

- Always texts you during work to see how you're doing

- You guys play a lot of board games and card games in your free time together to make you happy. Sometimes he loses on purpose just to see you happily call him a loser and give him a finger flick punishment.

- Purposely acts more silly than usual and gives you lots of cuddles


- Buys you 15 boxes of pads/tampons every time you mention you're on your period

- Has a period tracker app on his phone, so he always knows before you when your period will start

- Always sends you TikTok's on how to make the cramps go away, even if they're ridiculously stupid

- Sometimes has weird conversations about it. "Do you prefer blood coming out of your vagina? Or would you rather bleed somewhere else for a week?"

- Gives the BEST massages ever

- Gives you cuddles, kisses, and the best princess treatment


- Does an obsessive amount of research on periods

- Buys you cute plushies to keep you company while he's at work

- When he comes home from work, he gives you flowers 🥰

- Babies you to the fullest extent

- Becomes more cuddly than usual and is full of aegyo

- Makes every meal for you

- Asks his mom how to make her special recipes that you love



Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate and get super motivated whenever I see comments and votes on my stories. I can't believe I've received almost 700 reads!

I'm taking requests if you have any!

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