ɴᴜɪꜱᴀɴᴄᴇ || Scott x Reader

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Nuisance - a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance.


Ever since day one Scott has made many enemies, clear in his intent. Not here for friends, fun or love, instead for the sweet, sweet money. It's just the other 13 people on the island were in his way, but he would gladly... remove them.

And he did just that fine and dandy. Making his way through his list until he reached one person, and that was you. Always either being a pain in his side or throwing a wrench into his plans.

Many almost had him caught, while you shared some pretty heated words. Shared wasn't the right word though. More like him lecturing you to 'say out of his way' and 'if you listened maybe he'll be nicer.' Though you doubted that.

But while you were at camp with him he only increased his amount of sabotage. A lot of those targeted towards you instead now. There were the classics, pinning the blame on you during challenges, trying to convince everyone to eliminate you and others.

While many people either learned to deal with him, ignore him or try to get revenge it proved he got under their skin. Eliminating many of his previous targets, you weren't going to end up like that though. Maybe even try turn the tables on him.

The plan was simple, almost stupidly simple. But luckily you knew he wasn't the brightest tool in the shed when it was to anything outside competing, always laser focused on winning. The rope was covered in dirt and leaves just enough for someone unfocused to step inside.

And it seems this unlucky guy was concentrating on his little carving, the knife picking away any unneeded parts. This left the perfect chance to pull the rope, having him spin upside down while dropping both items, but no.

Waiting until he sat on a tree stump. Still too busy carving away to notice the unnatural pile of leaves. Finally, you pulled it. Watching him ascend, his knife stabbing into the stump while the carving rolled away.

"So, the schemer is caught in another's plan."

"What, me? A schemer?" He saw how you didn't believe him, not budging in the slightest. "Fine, yeah, what 'cha want?"

Slowly stepping closer, allowing the rope some slack to lower him a bit closer to your own height.

"Finally wanna see eye to eye huh?"

Instead of answering you just looking him up and down, letting him think his problems in silence, though it never lasted.

"Look, I get it, I look good. No need to steal me away though, let me go and then we can talk."

There he was, Scott was back and ready to talk back.

"I was always told to never touch any art in museums, so maybe I'll leave you here~"

With that you secured the rope before whistling in a certain direction. Leaving Scott confused until someone stepped into view, Fang.

"You little Nuisance."

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