ᴍɪx-ᴜᴘ || Wayne x Damien

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Mix-Up - a confusion of one thing with another, or a misunderstanding or mistake that results in confusion.


"Ferocious Trouts, WAKE UP!" At the start everyone was confused on why Priya was yelling, until they caught sight of a nearby clock. It was almost an hour after they were meant to be awake. Causing them to scramble around, trying to get ready.

In the other cabin they weren't awake yet. At least until Wayne and Raj went stumbling through the door.

"Hey, I think we're late to something?"

"Too what? We're up early."

"No you're not." Turning around to see Zee standing behind them. "Everyone's late, might want to wake them up." Pointing at their team before leaving.

And that's what they did, in an unconventional way, but it worked. Turns out no one likes yelling in the morning, especially when they're late.

Then it hit Wayne. He's late! He still needs to get ready, all that beauty needs to be perfect.\

So when he entered the bathroom, finding people still around wasn't surprising. But in their rush he accidentally knocked his own hat away, instead grabbing the other one on the counter.

Only noticing the size difference, but somehow thinking nothing of it. Fixing it as he left. In turn neither did Damien, who also had to fix the sizing when he left. Neither somehow noticing until later.

Apparently everyone else did, watching but not questioning their new fashion sense. Not even Raj. Luckily (or not) Damien noticed soon enough and it quickly clicked.

"Yo Damien! Nice hat, red looks good on you man!"

"Huh, what do you mean?" Wayne points at the hat.

"Brought another one. Why didn't I think of that?" Damien reaches up to pull it off, seeing it was in fact, not his hat. Instead seeing it on Wayne's.

While he was distracted Damien reached up and switched them, not bothering with the sizes as he left.


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