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109 1 0

Ease the grief or distress of.


Set in World Tour, episode eight - The Am-AH-Zon Race


Falling asleep in the Amazon forest was as tough as you thought. All the creepy crawlies and critters around, and the weather wasn't the best. But your mind was also racing, so you're unable to fall asleep.

Doing any type of training to sleep fell flat. The non-stop yawning didn't help one bit, not even seeing how the others managed too. So what did you do? Walk around the area, staying in the areas with light.

This also meant you were unaware if anyone woke up, in this case Alejandro had awoken after hearing someone walking around. Finding you pacing back and forth on the other side of the fire.

For a few minutes he let you continue before speaking up. Which caused you to swing around, only to relax seeing it was him.

"Y/N, why are you awake at this hour?" Standing up while he spoke, when you explained he stepped forwards towards you.

"There's many times Al," You overheard him say how much he hates the nickname, but also hearing the exception for you. Not that he'd tell you that, yet.

"But I don't think you want to hear them."

"There there, c'mon now." Wrapping an arm over your shoulder, guiding you away from the site and group. Which led you to a grassy clearing.

"Now, what's wrong?"

"First of all, Chris! He's the root of like," You flung your arms around, unable to find the right words. "Them all!"

"God, but I don't know if I can continue..." Your tone and volume changed suddenly, from yelling to pouting. "The season is worse than ever, but if I leave then the team will be worse off."

Alejandro knew Total Drama wasn't for everyone, and maybe not for you. So he pulled you closer into a hug, letting you get out everything that was needed.

Soon enough though, you had to return to the others. Not letting you stray from his grasp, not even when you both lay down. Instead pulling you closer.

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