ʙʀᴇᴀᴋꜱ || Wayne x Millie

54 1 1

Breaks - interrupt (a sequence, course, or continuous state).


"C'mon Millie, we still have so much more to do!" Priya had a weird way of encouragement, but it had worked until now. Millie had reached her breaking point now.

"No, no, no," Picking up her notebook and pen again, "I'm going on a break, call me when you need me." With that she started walking off.

Soon enough a whole hour had passed with no sign of Millie returning, so Priya had set out to try find her. In turn running into Raj, literally.


"Priya? I thought you were training Millie?"

"I was. She's gone and ran off somewhere," She looked around while speaking, seeing something shine in the light.

"Weird, so did Wayne." It became clear quickly, at least to Priya. They likely ran off together, which made them abandon Priya and Raj.

"Say, we should so look for them."


The search had started not far, on the ground laid a pen. Millie's pen to be specific, one she would never let stray too far from her.

And luckily footsteps made a clear path to the forest. But instead of the main area, they strayed to a non-recorded section.

With minimal distractions they finally reached their supposed location, a nice but empty area.

"Weren't they meant to be here?"

"Shut up Raj!" She tried to stay as quiet as possible but it wasn't as quiet as she thought, which somehow didn't get them spotted.

Both jumped when bushes nearby rustled, soon enough two people stepped into the light. Millie and Wayne.

The two didn't go far, only able to lean on a tree as they continued their... activities.

And that was practically sucking each other's faces off. Well in better terms they were making out.

Wayne had Millie against the tree, his hands sat on her waist. Leaning down to reach, also allowing him to stay close. While her hands and arms wrapped around his shoulders, keeping him down.

As the seconds passed neither of 'em showed signs of slowing down or even stopping. Priya knew when to call her loses, pulling Raj away to allow them their privacy for the day.

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