ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ || Wayne x Millie

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Inspiration - the process of being to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.


Millie is a writer. For the season she has been writing down almost everything about the other campers. Within her recent notes small doodles have snuck their way in between words. All having a common theme.


It seems ever since she spoke to him he's been a more common thought than she expected. But no problem, it won't become one. Right?

Wrong. Her newest page in the notebook didn't include any writing. Instead containing one sketch of Wayne. Whenever she looked at it she felt her face heat up, her cheeks becoming red.

She hoped Wayne didn't notice but he wasn't that dumb. It wasn't with any evil intent but to make sure she was okay.

"Oi, Millie, you good, you're all red and stuff?"

"Oh! Y-yeah, I'm good..." He wasn't convinced but didn't push further.

"I didn't know you drew, who's that?" This was it, no one looked similar enough she could brush it off as them. Plus if he saw it he would know instantly.

"It's you..." Her voice came out as a whisper, but he still heard. "Cool! Can I see?"

She didn't respond, only flipping the book over. His eyes searched the page, filling with love.

"It's amazing! You should do more, how about this?" He was quick to start posing, changing every second.

"Hold on then!" If he wanted to give her more inspiration she wouldn't decline the help.

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