ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇꜱ || Damien x Reader

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Memories - The faculty by which the mind stores and information.


It was a brand new year, and for Damien another year closer to finishing school. But for you it was a fresh start. Your parents had been offered new and better job offers here, so without much argument they moved.

In turn you lost all your friends, and just maybe you could create better friendships here. But everyone knew each other, except you. So rightfully so you were worried, so Damien took it upon himself to be your first friend.



"Damien!" He started whining minutes ago, you were currently beating his ass in one of his many games. While he was glad you enjoyed them he wasn't that you were much better than him.


There was a new game he'd been waiting for to release, and after months it was finally in his hands. And he was ready to show you, bringing it and his device to show you. Except wherever he looked you weren't there.

So he asked the teacher, as everyone else had no clue.

"Sorry Damien, they don't go here anymore." You had moved. On one of the few weekends you didn't spend with each other you and your family had packed up and moved to who knows where.

But there wasn't anything he could do about it.


Next thing he knew he was on the newly revamped Total Drama Island. Not that he wanted to be there. He was actively trying to get eliminated, the million dollars wasn't worth it. There wasn't anything that could make him want to stay.

Until you arrived. It seemed his attempts of leaving wasn't helping the reviews, so Chris decided it would be better to try keep him content. That's when he brought you in, doing so after the previous challenge.


"What are we doing here?"

"Well I have a surprise for a very lucky guy." Instead of continuing he turned to face the pier, watching the boat get larger as the seconds passed. A figure standing at the front.

"I want to introduce you to Y/N, the childhood friend!" Being weirdly kind by helping you onto the pier.

"Uh, hi?" This was not what you were told. Sure you would be on Total Drama but for one person, not for the season, hopefully not.

"I'll let you get comfortable before tomorrow, bye!"


When you finally got comfortable, well as much as possible as you don't belong to a team, in turn a cabin. Luckily enough a few people were kind enough to lend you a bed for the night, even if you didn't stay.

After that was over you decided to take a quick and simple stroll around the area, which was ruined when someone pulled you away from the path. Turning to see a very familiar face.


"Y/N!" He was quick to pull you into a hug, having to tap out during so.

"I'm sorry! But you're here!" His hands pulled away only to reappear on your face, holding it up to his own. "God it's been so long, I just–" He couldn't finish his words, instead pulling you closer.

Letting your lips connect, arms wrapping around you to keep you close. After all this time you finally returned, he didn't want to let you go. Not for a while, and luckily enough neither did you.

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