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sorry ella came, i wanted to know
what u were gonna say?

it's been playing on my mind

u won't believe me, princess

so nvm

pls 🥺

be careful around ella, she's faker
than her "designer" clothes




Putting her phone down softly, april looked to see lizzie was busy getting drinks. they hadn't earlier due to the queue, but now the morning customers had left and the afternoon ones weren't here just yet it made logical sense.

april found herself gazing around, trying to not look so lonely. and then she saw something that not only made her heart sink, but made butterflies in her stomach.


he was stood in the hut, waving to her in an attempt to beckon her over. april eventually stood up, walking calmly over to him.

once she got up to him, she closed the tent covers and sighed loudly. it was a shame he was so fit in real life.

"what the hell are you doing here?"

"i came to see you," he said, a flicker of a smirk upon his lips, "thought you might need me,"

april figured in the sexual sense, but didn't catch the double meaning. how could she? she didn't know what he nor hope was. roman believed hope posed as danger to april, which was stupid considering hope would never try to hurt her. but, all april knew was that he finally wanted to make clear on his promises of a fun time.

"no? i got some the other night," she replied, making it seem as though it were common sense, "besides, i don't need a pity fuck so piss off,"

norman rolled his eyes, trying to act as though he weren't the twatish fuck boy he was, "look, alls,"

he reached out to touch her, and so she pulled back, "no, what are you doing?"

"making my dreams come-"

he was cut off by the park owner, tom cunningham, opening up the tent, "go elsewhere, april. we've got a picnic in here in an hour, besides im sure there are tons of places for teenagers to get it on,"

april chuckled, tom was about five years older than her yet acted fifty, "whatever," she muttered and left the tent, going back to the table to wait on lizzie.

april chuckled, tom was about five years older than her yet acted fifty, "whatever," she muttered and left the tent, going back to the table to wait on lizzie

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Roman knew he shouldn't be here, he was carefully instructed by the salvatore school to stay away from hope... but if she weren't there then it was obvious that rule didn't apply, right?

and so, he stood waiting for hope in an alleyway. it was abandoned, but at night it held that eerie vibe that gave off the fact he meant business. also it served in his mystique by being ominous.

it took him a while, and a few times of checking his phone but eventually he smelt her. she was just as he remembered, rosemary and old books combined with a sweet after tone that lingered in his nostrils - one that is just unforgettable.

"who's there?" hope called out, eliciting a smirk from roman who knew he had caught his prey in the trap.

he emerged from the shadows, trying to act slick but in fact all it did was cause hope to chuckle.


hope raised an eyebrow, "your kidding, right?"

"no?" he asked, clearly confused.

"look, this is cute and all. you've probably worked out the whole april thing, but i don't have the time for all of this," she gestured at him and went to walk past him, causing roman to grip her arm harshly and tug her back.

"april's not yours, you know," he said slyly, with a smirk. hope sighed, knowing he was bullshitting. "she's mine,"

hope chuckled, "did that sound convincing when you practiced it in your mirror?" she crossed her arms over her chest, the leather jacket she was wearing ensured rays of moonlight glinted upon it.

"don't play dumb, hope. we both know i've ruined you before, i could do it again," roman began to step closer to hope, but she didn't falter and stayed in the same place.

"try me. im more powerful than i was then, and a hell of a lot smarter," she hissed at him, her mind running wild as he moved closer. she didn't let him know she felt uneasy in his presence, then roman would believe he was right. which he wasn't.

hope could take him out right now if she wanted to, but she wasn't that kind of person. she wasn't fully her fathers daughter, and whilst she identified with the softer traits of him, she knew that his darker traits were not hers to share.

"really?" roman tutted.

"that's the way im playing it. come for me, i dare you. it won't end well," she grinned widely, "did you hear the horror stories i created without my humanity? think of them whilst you plot my downfall," and with that, she barged past him and vamped off into the dark.

roman was left dazed, but a plan was unfolding in his head. he picked up his phone and saw a flyer for some party that was happening soon. that was when he knew exactly how to get back at hope.

 that was when he knew exactly how to get back at hope

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𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐏 𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now