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I woke up feeling quite disoriented. I felt like I'd been in a coma. My back was sore, I wasn't in my bed. Why wasn't I in my bed?

I rubbed my bleary eyes and it all came back to me.

Birgitta was here. The day had finally arrived, she was in London. To see me.

And I'd fallen asleep on the damn sofa.

'Birgitta?' I sat up and stretched. Hopefully she'd actually slept in my bed like I'd wanted her too, at least her back wouldn't be sore like mine was.

'Well, good morning sleepyhead!' She emerged from the kitchen, already dressed in jeans and a plain shirt. 'Did I wake you up? I was trying to be quiet.'

'What? No,' I told her. 'What time is it?'

'Almost ten,' she laughed. 'It's fun when you sleep in and I get to make you breakfast!'

'Ten?' I repeated with a groan. 'We ought to get going, I have all sorts of plans for today.'

I stood and made for my bedroom to find some clean clothes. To my astonishment, the bed looked like it hadn't been touched since I slept in it nearly a week ago. Her bag was still on the ground, but she clearly hadn't slept in the bed.

I shook my head, I didn't have time to wonder about that right now. I dressed quickly and then returned to the sitting room where Birgitta was setting out two heaping plates of eggs, sausage and toast.

'Thanks,' I said gratefully, happy to have a decent breakfast. It was going to be a busy day.

'No problem,' she grinned and took the seat opposite me at the small table.

We ate in silence for several minutes. Well, more like I shovelled food in my mouth as quickly as I could while she actually ate like a normal person.

'I don't normally eat big breakfasts like this,' I told her.

'Me neither,' she said with a small smile.

'I was just trying to impress you when we were in Nova Scotia,' I admitted a bit sheepishly.

'Maybe I was just trying to impress you,' she retorted. I felt my mouth stretch into a grin and helped myself to the pot of tea she had on the table.

'Is that right?' I asked.

'Maybe,' she said, shrugging.

'You don't need to make me massive breakfasts like this all the time,' I told her.

'Well, what do you normally eat for breakfast?' She asked.

'Toast,' I answered. 'Maybe some porridge. Usually a coffee.'

'Oh!' She said, standing abruptly and looking around the tiny kitchen. 'I didn't think of that.'

'Crikey, don't worry about that!' I laughed. 'Sit back down, we'll get some on the way.'

'On the way where?' She asked, sitting back down and taking a bite of toast.

'It's a surprise,' I told her, tapping my nose.

'Okay...' she said slowly.

'Did you bring a jacket? Or a jumper?' I asked her.

'Yeah...' she said.

'Brilliant, you might want to bring one,' I grinned at her.

'Where are you taking me?' She laughed. 'Ice skating?'

'No!' I sputtered. 'I don't even know how to ice skate.'

'I could teach you,' she replied.

'Promise?' I asked.

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