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01. This Is The Part Where You Run

Dear Journal,

Ever since we were born, me and my brothers have watched our mother and father fight against all the evils that tried to separate them, they even fought each other, but at the end of the day their love won all, they didn't even let death separate them, when mom jumped into that fire, dad followed straight away, not wanting to live in a world that didn't have his soulmate in it, Damon Salvatore and Aria Salvatore, died as heroes, and now as their children, we are expected to follow in their footsteps, people look at us to be the exact heroes mom and dad were, and that terrifies me.

Mom and Dad will always be my heroes, I will always be proud of them, but I wonder if they will feel the same when they look at me, I'm supposed to be my mother's daughter, I'm supposed to be strong like her, yet here I am, unable to even leave my room in fear of someone coming out of the shadows and attacking me, maybe that's why Asher and Alec are so protected of me, they know that though I might look like mom, I'm not her, I can never be her.

My name is Mia Salvatore, I'm the youngest daughter of Damon and Aria Salvatore, my dad was a well known villain before he met my mom, who turned him into a hero, you've heard the story of Damon and Aria, now it's time to hear the story of their children, it's time for me, Alec and Asher to decide are we going to be a villain or a hero, or someone in between.

Mia let out a startled gasp when the door to her shared room burst open and a furious Hope Mikaelson walked in.

"They left us!" Hope yelled, "Our brothers actually left us, again!".

Mia sighed, she closed her diary and placed it on her side table, right next to a picture of her mom and dad on their wedding day, "And why are you surprised by this?" she asked, "They leave us everytime".

Hope groaned in annoyance and went and laid next to her best friend, "When are they going to realise that we are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves, that we don't need them to shelter us from the world?".

"Jayden doesn't shelter you from the world" Mia clarified, "If you really wanted to go with him, he would have taken you along".

"And leave you alone here?" Hope asked, "Yeah, no thanks".

"I wouldn't be alone, I have Nova" Mia pointed out.

"Whose too busy picking fights with Lizzie" Hope retorted, "You know what? I can't wait for the day your brothers realise you are no longer the six year old Mia who cried everytime she siphoned from someone, you've grown up, and it's high time they realise it".

"They mean well" Mia defended.

"I know" Hope sighed, "But it sucks when those three get to go on secret missions and we are stuck here watching Lizzie and Nova go back and forth, it's so annoying!".

"Don't worry, one day we will also go on secret missions together" Mia said, "And then we will make them watch Nova and Lizzie's cat fights while we save the world".

Hope laughed and gave her a best friend a high five, "Sounds like a plan".


Atlanta, GA

Landon Kirby sat outside a church, his earphone in while scribbling on his notebook while his foster brother, Rafael, was inside the church being exorcised because the church people thought he had a demon inside him, when in reality, he didn't have a demon in him, he was simply a werewolf.

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