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08. Maybe I Should Start From The End

Alec opened his eyes and immediately shot up in shock, looking around he realised he was at a open field, with Nova and Landon laying near him.

There's something you guys need to know, but the problem is I'm not sure you'll believe anything I say, so to make you believe, I will start from how it all ended.

Landon and Nova slowly stood up, "Where the hell are we?" a confused Landon asked, "What happened?".

"I have no idea" an equally confused Nova said, "But clearly something happened, because this isn't Kansas anymore".

Alec looked at Nova and Landon with a shocked expression on his face, realising he remembered what they didn't.


Three Days Ago

On second thoughts, starting from the end is too damn complicated, so I'll just start from the beginning, from the time Alaric called me and Nova into his office for Landon Kirby.

"Okay, pause" Alec said, "Remind me again, how are so sure that Landon is in trouble?".

"Before Landon left the school, Emma charmed him a bracelet, she told him to press it whenever he was in trouble" Alaric informed.

"And he pressed it?" Nova asked, Alaric nodded his head in confirmation.

"And why do you think me and Nova are the best people to go rescue him?" a confused Alec asked.

"Because you and Nova work well together" Alaric stated.

"Said no one, ever" Alec retorted.

"A lot of people think that, they just don't say it because they don't want you to punch them" Alaric said.

"People think me and Alec make a good team?" Nova asked, "Yeah Alaric, no offence but even I don't believe that".

"Well I don't care what either of you believe, what I need from both of you right now is to go help Landon" a frustrated Alaric said.

"Help him where?" an annoyed Alec asked, "We don't even know where he is".

"Kansas" Alaric informed, "He's in Kansas and you two are going to find him and are going to help him with whatever he's going through".

Alec and Nova looked at each other, both clearly not happy with the task of going after Landon.


Alec drove his car, the car that once belonged to his father Damon Salvatore and was now gifted to the triplets by Kol for their sixteen birthday, he glanced at Nova and shook his head seeing her sitting in the passenger seat with her books opened.

"You're supposed to be telling me when to turn next" Alec reminded.

"And I will when you need to turn next" Nova retorted, "I also need to study otherwise I'm gonna fail my midterms".

"You say that every year, but every year you end up passing with flying colors" Alec reminded.

"I'd rather be prepared than be sorry" Nova defended.

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