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12. There's A Mummy On Main Street

"You want us to go where now?" an annoyed Jayden asked Alaric.

"Maple Hallows, it'll be fun" Alaric insisted, "You just have to convince the others, look you guys were the one who didn't want to go home on spring break".

"We didn't go home because no one is home" Jayden defended, "The adults at the compound are all on some sort of secret mission that involves god knows what, and no offence Ric, I don't think any one of us want to trade our family drama for yours".

"Look Jayden, I need all hands on deck here" Alaric pleaded, "Under the influence of the slug I threw the urn into the waters and we have to find it before it ends up in malivore, I figured six of the most powerful creatures could help me in that".

Jayden let out an annoyed sigh, "You know I can convince the girls, but convincing Asher and Alec is like talking to a brick wall, they're already grumpy that we couldn't go back to New Orleans for spring break, they're not gonna wanna spend their break with you and your daughters Ric, no offense".

"Just get the girls to agree, once they agree Asher and Alec will also agree" Alaric stated.

"That is true" Jayden realised, knowing Asher and Alec will never let Alaric take the girls into a town possibly being attacked by monster without them, "Fine, I'll convince everyone to join your little family road trip, but if we are going to a small town like Maple Hallows, you realise we can't go in the Salvatore bus, right? It will attract too much attention".

"I'm one step ahead of you" Alaric assured.


"This van is horrendous" Jayden stated, sitting in the passenger seat of the nine seater van Alaric had managed to hire for this road trip.

"It's retro" Alaric defended.

"It's a gas-guzzling atrocity on wheels" Lizzie stated, sitting in the aisle behind them with her sister and Nova, Hope and Mia behind them, with Asher and Alec behind them, Emma and Dorian deciding to follow them in another car.

"I can't believe this is how I'm spending my spring break" Alec complained.

"Me too" Asher admitted.

"I brought snacks" Hope announced.

"Pass them over" a hungry Nova demanded, grabbing some snacks from Hope.

"Here you go" Hope said, handing snacks over to her friends and then throwing a packet of chips over to her brother.

"Oh sweet, did you pack them before or after you and your stupid friends decided to FOMO your way onto our trip?" Lizzie taunted.

"You actually think you have a chance of defeating these monsters without us?" Alec asked, glaring at the Saltzman girl.

"I would've thought you lot wanted to spend the break back in New Orleans" Lizzie stated.

"Trust me Lizzie, we are not willingly sitting in this van with you" Asher said.

"We're just trying to protect people" Mia defended.

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