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06. Mombie Dearest

Alec and Jayden were in the gym, playing basketball together.

"So, Nova broke up with Asher?" Jayden asked, after Alec finished explaining to him why Asher and Nova were so depressed and why he was so worried.

"Yeap" Alec confirmed, blocking Jayden from getting the ball in his hand.

"Wow, I never thought she would be the one who would break up with Asher, I always though it would be the other way around" Jayden admitted, finally managing to steal the ball from Alec's hand and going to shoot it into his hoop, but Alec jumped up and swatted the ball towards his goal, "Nice".

"Thanks" Alec said, as the two boys rushed after the ball, Alec grabbing it seconds before Jayden could, "Also, turns out Nova isn't as oblivious as we all thought, she saw right through Asher".

"Dammit!" Jayden yelled as Alec shoot the ball through the hoop.

"Yeah you're definitely not beating me in this century" Alec teased.

Jayden grabbed the ball that rolled over to his ankles and threw it at Alec, "Shut up".

"Ow!" Alec complained, catching the ball as it hit his stomach.

"Oh please, that did not hurt" Jayden said, "Anyways, the break is the reason why Asher and Nova are depressed, I get that, but I don't get why you're so worried".

"Because all her life, Asher is the only guy Nova has ever loved, I'm worried that this thing with him is going make her lose her belief in love" Alec expressed.

"Do you know whose daughter she is?" Jayden asked, "Rebekah freaking Mikaelson's, there is no way Nova is losing belief in love because of one guy, instead I think she's going to become even more motivated to find the love of her life".

"First of all, don't compare Nova to Beks" Alec said, "Beks never felt for anyone the way she feels for Enzo".

"But when she did fall in love with people before Enzo, she thought they were all gonna be the one" Jayden pointed out, "She was wrong, and so is Nova, and like mom always says, we need to get our heart broken a few times before we find our true love, it happened to every single one of our parents".

"It didn't happen to dad" Alec reminded.

"Uh yes it did" Jayden stated, "Remember we read about her in the book uncle Kol wrote, Natalie Connor, Damon Salvatore's first love".

"I'm not talking about dad, dad, I'm talking about Kol, dad" Alec clarified.

"Okay, you really need to think of different names to call them, calling them both dad is very confusing" Jayden said.

"It's too late for that" Alec said, "And like I was saying, Kol Mikaelson loved Ariana Connor a thousand years ago, and then he loved Aria Connor, he's never loved another woman, so your thing about all our parents getting their heartbroken before they find their true love is wrong, mom was always dad's true love, even when he knew she would never love him like the way she loved my bio dad, what if Nova is like him? What if she loves Asher for the rest of her life, even when Asher realises he loves Hope?".

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