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10. There's A World Where Your Dreams Came True

Asher and Hope were in Alaric's office, preparing themselves for the next monster.

"And we're sure this urn glowed again?" Asher asked, what seemed like the millionth time to Alaric.

"I sleep with the damn thing under my pillow, it's hard to miss" Alaric replied, grabbing a cross bow.

"What do you think it's gonna be this time?" a curious Hope asked, "Cyclops? Slender Man? Santa?".

"Since when is Santa a monster?" Asher asked his best friend.

"I don't know" Hope said, "I mean, Santa Claus is kind of terrifying when you think about it, breaks into your home, he sees you when you're sleeping, not to mention, judge-y".

"Hope, Asher, I need you two to focus" Alaric stated.

"We are" Asher defended.

"He is, I'm trying" Hope corrected, "I just wish that Satan's nightlight would give us some rest".

"Agreed" Asher said.

"And I wish that knife was never in our school to begin with, but it's not like we can change that now" Alaric said, "All we can do is make sure we're not blindsided by another monster waltzing through our doors".

Suddenly the doors to Alaric's office opened and Lizzie and Josie walked in.

"And here comes the monster" Asher mumbled, looking at Lizzie, Hope, who heard him, slapped his shoulder in warning.

"Oh, god" Alaric mumbled, "Uh, girls, what are you doing here? You're not supposed to get in until tonight".

"Mom was able to get us direct into Dulles" Lizzie informed, glaring at her father, "Then faxed, texted and e-mailed you our revised itinerary".

Alaric let out a guilty sigh, "I am so sorry" he apologized, "It's chaos around here".

"It's okay, dad" Josie quickly said before her sister could say something hurtful to their father, "We know that you're overwhelmed, but Europe was amazing, and seeing mom was really good".

A slightly bitter Asher turned to Hope, "I can't believe Beks took these two to Europe and we were left here to fight monsters" he whispered.

"It was their scheduled yearly trip, don't be bitter" Hope reminded, making sure the twins couldn't hear them.

"I'm not bitter, I just feel bad for Nova whose mother clearly prefers her surrogate kids over her real daughter" Asher said.

Hope looked at Asher in confusion, "Okay first of all, don't say that infront of Nova, ever, second of all, why are you upset with Aunt Rebekah today?".

Asher let out a sigh, "I'm not upset with Beks, today is just not a good day for me".

"Did something happen?" a worried Hope asked.

"Not yet" Asher admitted, "But I feel like something is about to happen".

Hope opened her mouth to assure her best friend that nothing bad was going to happen today, but before she could, Lizzie interrupted her, "Jo's covered the bright side" she said, bringing the two best friends back to the main conversation, "Far less sunny was waiting for you in the chilly dark of morning at the terminal and you not showing up".

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