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02. Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn

Alec sat infront of Emma, the guidance counselor for the Salvatore Boarding School.

"Do you know that Shakespeare quote?" Alec asked Emma, "The one that says that no legacy is so rich as honesty, I wonder if the old man would write the same quote after seeing the state of our world, I mean I know they are people out there who lead with truth, take my siblings and friends as a perfect example, but then there's also people who lie and lie and lie, and no matter what, their lies just don't end".

"I see you've decided to double down on your nihilism this morning" Emma said.

"You're the one who said I have to be honest in here" Alec reminded.

"Start from the beginning" Emma insisted.

"You're going to have to be more specific because there's a lot of beginnings I can start from" Alec said.

"Of your decision to perform black magic on school grounds last night" Emma clarified.

Alec let out an annoyed sigh, Alec, Asher and Jayden knew the moment they did black magic, they would get caught, so they had to play thumb war to decide who takes the blame for this, and unfortunately Alec lost.

"And this can't wait till we catch the guy who broke my sister and Hope's trust?" Alec asked, "Because if you have forgotten, then let me remind you Emma, Landon Kirby knows all about us and our little school of supernatural beings, the longer he's out there, the more likely it is that he tells someone about us, now this school might not mean a whole to you but it means the world to me, this school was my mom's dream and I will be damned if I let a useless being like Landon ruin it".

"You know there's a beacon that alerts me when someone's using" Emma reminded.

"Of course I know, my sister is the one who set that beacon up for you" Alec snapped.

"You knew you would be caught" Emma realised.

"Yes I did and frankly, I don't really care" Alec stated.

"Did anyone help you with the spell?" Emma asked.

"I come from the most powerful magic bloodline" Alec reminded, "Do you really think I need help to perform black magic? Now is that all? Can I leave?".

"Alec, you're a student" Emma said.

Alec rolled his eyes, "So I'm aware" he mumbled.

"This isn't your fight" Emma said.

Alec glared at Emma, "There is a handful of people I care about in this world, Hope and Mia are part of that handful, Landon Kirby hurt them, hell he even betrayed my brother, who opened up to him thinking he was nothing but a stupid human, so yes Emma, this is absolutely my fight".

A furious Alec stood up and proceeded to walk towards the door but Emma's next words made him stop in his step, "And what happens when you do find Landon Kirby?".

Alec smirked, "The same thing that my father, Damon Salvatore would have done to his enemies" he said, before walking out the office, leaving behind an uneasy Emma.

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