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07. Death Keeps Knocking On My Door

Asher sat in the Damon and Aria Salvatore memorial library, he glanced behind him where his two siblings sat, busy writing letters for remembrance day, Asher let out a sigh, before turning back to write in his diary.

It's no secret to anyone, that we Salvatore's are no stranger to death, hell we're surrounded by it, but that doesn't mean that I like talking about the people I've lost.

A few years ago, Care Bear had come up with the brilliant idea that every year on remembrance day, all the students of the Salvatore Boarding School will write letters to the people they've lost, we're supposed to sign the letters with our name, fold them up, and scatter them throughout the cemetery.

Ever since Care Bear introduced this tradition, Mia has always written letters to both mom and dad, but me and Alec never did, however this is the first year that Alec sat with Mia and decided to wrote mom and dad a letter, I think seeing mom again changed something for him, I know it changed everything for me, but despite that I can't write to her or dad, frankly speaking, I'd rather not think about them at all, but it seems that no matter how much I try to stay away, death keeps knocking on my door

Asher, Hope and Rafael were walking down a corridor together, when suddenly Rafael stopped in his stop, his eyes going wide seeing the girl who had just entered the school.

"Whose that?" a confused Asher asked, wondering why did Rafael look so shocked.

"Cassie" a shocked Rafael whispered, making both Hope and Asher look at him in shock.

Cassie looked towards Rafael and immediately a sense of relief went through the very confused girl, "Raf".

"Cassie?" a shocked Hope asked, "Isn't that your--?".

"My girlfriend" Rafael finished, before rushing over to Cassie and pulling her into a tight hug.

While Rafael had his reunion with his dead girlfriend, Hope and Asher exchanged a worried look between them.


Alaric let out a yell and stabbed the necromancer in his head with a butcher's knife, the necromancer he had captured the night Aria died again, after realising he was the one who brought his adoptive daughter back again and was using her to hurt her own children.

"Was that really necessary?" an unphased necromancer asked.

"I told you I need answers" a frustrated Alaric retorted.

"Why would I help you?" the necromancer asked, "You have me in chains, this indignity will not go unpunished".

"We have been at this for days" Alaric reminded, "Answer my questions, or I'm gonna peel your skin off like a grape and shower you with battery acid".

The necromancer pulled the knife out of his head, "A rather grotesque effort, considering it will feel like a delicate tickle of a feather", the necromancer forwarded the knife towards Alaric.

An annoyed Alaric snatched the knife from his hand and slammed it on the table that was full with his weapons, "All right" he said, grabbing a blow torch, "Let's see how this feels".

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