Chapter 2- The Meeting

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Y/n watched as all the parents faded out of view, each little first year eagerly waving at their families but she knew she could never have that, her life had been torn away from her and the more she road the train alone, the more she realised how much she missed her friends back home but she had something to do, she couldn’t let foolish emotions get in the way of thousands of lives.
Just as she was beginning to monologue her past and all the damage she possessed, the cabin door opened, at first she was relieved another person to stop her constant emotions but as she looked into those brown eyes she knew she wouldn’t get away so easily.
“all the other cabins are full mind if I share with you?” Tom said while acting sweet and innocent, Y/n knew all too well this was not the true Tom riddle but nodded regardless.
“I am Y/n, fifth year” Y/n said while holding her hand out towards Tom, he reluctantly shuck her hand and greeted her “I am Tom riddle fifth year as well, I don’t believe I’ve seen you before” Tom raised an eye brow at Y/n and she smirked at him “perhaps I am just good at not being noticed" Y/n winked at him, knowing all too well Tom would be racking his brain to try and figure out where she had come from, so much so he hadn’t realised she didn’t give him a last name.
The train ride faded as Y/n was awoken by a shouting poppy, “Y/n wake up, your going to be late" poppy said while jenny was trying to shake her awake “huh, it was just a dream" Y/n said clearly half asleep causing both poppy and jenny to look at each other and then pounce on her “who were you dreaming about, do tell" poppy said in the most flirtatious manner she could muster, while jenny decided to leave her to it and walked out “don’t be late, you know how much Slughorn hates late comers” she said as she faded out of sight, “so spill" poppy said while brushing her hair for the hundredth time that morning, Y/n groaned and got dressed and managed to make her self some what presentable “it was the train ride to Hogwarts" she said while stealing poppy’s brush and brushed her hair with it “hey that’s mine, and wasn’t that your first interaction with riddle, Before you became arch enemies? “ poppy said with an eye brow raised still looking at Y/n through her reflection, she spotted a slight blush form on her cheeks “yes, he was so sweet on the train ride, but after that he became such a jerk" Y/n said while walking out of the dorm room to make it on time to potions with poppy following.
“ah, nice of you to finally make it to my class, I hope you have a reason as to why you feel it appropriate to arrive late,  miss black and miss Parkinson” slug horn said clearly annoyed at having to stop mid sentence to scowl at the latecomers. With a frown poppy sat at her seat trying to be silent and stealthy “sorry sir overslept” Y/n said half scowling to her self at the half baked excuse, slug horn was clearly unamused as he had an eyebrow raised and  a scowl forming on his once happy face “as you’ve missed so much of my classes already miss Black, I am moving you away from your troublesome friends in favour of my most skilled student” slug horn almost dragged Y/n from where she stud, towards Tom who was currently enthralled in his writing clearly not paying anything to mind until slug horn placed Y/n next to him, causing him to finally look up and see the interaction.
“I hope you’ll learn not to be late for my lesson again “ slug horn said in a warning tone as he walked back towards the front of the class to continue teaching.
“I can’t believe he did that, I wasn’t the only one late" Y/n huffed to her self as she wrote down that slug horn was saying, she didn’t want him to see her slacking after the show of what he did, she wouldn’t put it past him to put her in the class with first years to make her value the lesson, but Y/n was never the one to pay attention in classes, sure she did well but that was because she had the natural talent, nothing to do with studying but here she was listening to an old crone talk about how the difference in stirring could make one’s potion be perfect or about to blow up, Y/n just rolled her eyes at that.
How drastic could this guy be, clearly she wasn’t going to learn much from him today, so she decided to use her most favourite spell she knew, it was a spell of her own creation one being where if she said the spell and blinked three times her eyelids would become transparent making everyone think she had her eyes open and alert but she was just sound asleep.
Y/n was slowly awoken by a strong odour, making her stand up in alarm causing all the students to stare at her. “ah Y/n how nice of you to volunteer “ Y/n looked at slug horn clearly not knowing how to react, and not wanting to be caught for sleeping in class, Y/n begun to slowly walk towards the professor “yes, I just couldn’t wait"  each step making her worry about the outcome her stupidity got her into now.
“Well take a sniff then" slug horn said once Y/n made it to the potion, she sniffed and sniffed but only the faintest of smells could be detected “rich cologne and honey" Y/n  immediately knew it was a love potion as she remembered smelling honey the first time she sniffed it in the first year, the honey represented her brother as he would always eat honey and constantly smell of the stuff but the rich cologne Y/n couldn’t place, she’d never smelt something as vile as that before but the potion had never been wrong before, lost in thought she hadn’t heard slug horn ask the rest of the class to smell there’s as well.
After the lesson had commenced Y/n was tackled by her two best friends eager to know who the mystery man she smelt could be, poppy was sniffing people left and right eager to find the one even though she had no idea of the smell Y/n had even smelt.
“poppy you know that’s pointless right?” jenny said as poppy smelt the last person coming out of the classroom.
“but jenny I can’t be the only one in a relationship in this friend group, I’ve made it my mission to get Y/n a boyfriend” Y/n just looked shocked and unable to reply to that but jenny just sighed and pushed up her glasses, something she tended to do when she was annoyed.
“firstly your relationships only last about a week and secondly you couldn’t possibly know what the smell is so there’s no point sniffing people like a weirdo” jenny said with her arms crossed clearly saying end of argument that caused poppy to huff and walk off towards her newest boyfriend a red head of the name Arthur Weasley.
Y/n and jenny made it to there next class just in time, not that Dumbledore noticed as he seemed to be having a staring match with Tom, who didn’t seem to be backing down any time soon, so to break the ice Y/n clapped to get there attention.
“what is it miss Black?” Dumbledore spoke anger evident in his voice.
“I just wanted to know what we will be learning today or is toms face too much for you to concentrate” the class had begun to laugh while Dumbledore was staring at her so intently she could have sworn he was trying to hex her or something.
Tom stared at Y/n in disbelief he hadn’t expected her to speak in such regards especially towards Dumbledore but he was happy for now as she had put him down a peg and he could finally get some peace.
“as miss Black wants to know what we will be doing, I will show you" Dumbledore said as he pulled a cloak from a large object to show an oak wood wardrobe, the handle began to rattle and everyone was on the edge of there seats.
Y/n stared at the wardrobe, she knew this wardrobe all too well, in her third year she had been introduced to it, her bogget was of her family members dying around her, but Y/n had seen that already.
“now as miss Black was so keen to know I’ll let you go first, just stand in front of this please" Y/n could hear the venom in his voice clearly wanting to embarrass her, but Y/n was not scared of him infact nothing really did scare her anymore, there was nothing more for it to take.
Y/n walked to the spot Dumbledore instructed and he opened the door... Y/n  came face to face with Tom riddle but of course this was not the tom she knew, he had red eyes and snake like features, Y/n stared at the figure as he emerged from the wardrobe, he began to speak.
“I know all about you, you’re the one that got away, perhaps I’ll be able to kill you this time, or maybe you could become one of my collections” he was circling her like she was his prey but Y/n just rose an eyebrow “don’t remind me of those times, your nothing but a horrible memory, you will never be real again” the man before her soon to be known as Lord Voldemort staggered back and fell, Y/n had struck him with the killing curse and she began to speak in parseltongue out of pure rage,  I doubt she even realised, but Tom did infact he was quite impressed at her attack and curious of this man before him, unaware that it was him.
“You’ve lost Tom, or do you prefer Voldermort I could never remember with you" she had hit him with a Cruciatus Curse, one would think Dumbledore would stop this but for some strange reason he seemed completely fine with this outcome.
“you can’t kill me, you’re bound to me" at this Y/n stopped and became stiff “don’t you dare bring that into this you’re just a Baggott “ Y/n hissed and with that she forced it back into the wardrobe.
Dumbledore began to clap clearly interested in there conversation but as it was mostly in parseltongue he was unable to decipher it.
“who’s next?” Dumbledore asked the shaking children, after seeing Y/n’s performance no one wanted to go, each one taking a step back except tom he stood tall smiling while the others trembled, he was better than them after all.
“Very well then tom, but I warn you, I am watching" Dumbledore spoke the last bit just above a whisper, to that tom nodded and stepped infront of the wardrobe.
What came out surprised everyone in the classroom, Y/n emerged from the wardrobe battered and clearly dying, tom was silenced he had thought he’d see himself dying as that was his biggest fear but something had happened to him, perhaps a potion or a hex did this to him, he felt nothing for Y/n so why would her dying be his worst fear. Dumbledore was the most shocked as he thought tom was incapable of love or even the thought of someone else, if he was wrong about this perhaps he was wrong about other things too, Dumbledore thought as he stroked his beard but then thought that he could never be wrong as he was too skilled to be mistaken, he whole heartedly believed that tom had somehow rigged the bogget, which wasn’t too far off toms capabilities.
Tom had once again composed him self and just begun laughing at the dying Y/n clearly not bothered by it in the slightest. Y/n watched on in horror as if reliving a memory, watching as her friends die, while she falls to the ground looking closely like the bogget does now. Class had finished and Y/n was about to head out for some much deserved feast only for Dumbledore to summon her into his office.
“why did you summon me sir?” Y/n said eager to leave and get to the food as she had skipped breakfast.
“ah Y/n, I am just wondering what it was you were saying to your bogart, as you see you were speaking a snake language of the name parseltongue.” to this Y/n took a step back she couldn’t let Dumbledore know of her plan otherwise he would stop her, he’s tried before he'll do it again Y/n repeated in her head, Dumbledore frowned clearly unable to get into her head and get the answers himself and began to question her again “so how is it that you know parseltongue, it is quite rare.” Dumbledore said while crossing his arms and looking through his crescent moon glasses.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, we were talking in English sir" Y/n said as innocently as she possibly could, this did not fool the professor though as he had the ability to tell the liars out something Tom was also good at.
“Very well, then perhaps you could do me a favour” Y/n turned around to face him clearly interested in the question “what is it?” Dumbledore sighed and rose from his desk “as you know, Tom doesn’t have very many friends and it is my belief that you and Tom would be great friends perhaps something more" with that Y/n huffed “I would rather date a Dementor“ Dumbledore smiled “ah, very well then, how about just friends for now then?” Dumbledore smiled at her as if to make her agree to what ever he wished, Y/n noticed the twinkle in Dumbledore’s eyes something he tended to do when he was using somebody so she stood up “sir, I will not befriend riddle for you’re benefit” and just like that she was out of the door running to get to lunch on time. Y/n rushed to the feast, she was running so fast she didn’t even notice when Tom emerged infront of her, it was too late and they both fell to the floor.
“Must you always make my life worse?” Tom said but must have not noticed as he quickly got up and offered her his hand, Y/n took it “sorry, I was just really hungry as I skipped breakfast and Dumbledore kept me for ages” at the mention of Dumbledore tom froze over as if the very name caused him pain.
“So why are you skulking about here anyway?” Y/n asked with an eye brow raised clearly interested in his excuse.
“I was waiting for you actually” at the honesty of his words Y/n almost misheard him “um... thanks?” Y/n didn’t have much to say to that as she thought tom had hated her, which he had done up until she mentioned she wasn’t a mudblood.
“so, what did Dumbledore want?” Tom had said halfway through there journey towards the great Hall.
As they passed countless ghost Y/n wondered how no student had died yet but was struck out of her thinking when Tom had asked her a question, clearly off guard she stared at Tom and thought of what to say “nothing much, he just wanted you to make more friends” the flash of rage was enough to show that Tom was plotting his revenge, “he might be right you know, you don’t really hang around with anyone and when people try to approach you, you either hex them or stare at them until they leave. This caused tom to roll his eyes something he hadn’t done since he was six but Y/n had a way of making him enraged.
“friends are meaningless, they only waste time and weaken you” hatred dripping from each word, Y/n understood toms resentment he had never had a friend so didn’t understand the value of one “ I wouldn’t be apposed to becoming your friend if only for the fact you’ll scare all the boys away from me". At this Tom raised an eye brow “are you implying that I scare people?” at that Y/n began laughing so much so that she began to cry, after a couple minutes of composing herself they were once again walking, Tom was huffing about being nice and approachable but shut up once Y/n had shown him a mirror.
They arrive at the hall and Y/n spares no goodbyes before she darts to the food and her friends, Tom just sighs and sits next to Malfoy.
“where have you been?” malfoy asked clearly annoyed at having to wait, but his tone soon changed once he saw the glare that Tom was giving him.
“Not that it concerns you, I was doing my prefect duties” Tom said without looking up causing malfoy to sulk.
“Well Avery wanted to know when you’d be causing chaos again" to this tom looked up from his meal and began to stare so intently that it made malfoy quiver in fear he could have sworn he saw a flash of red flicker in his eyes.
“Well as you can see I’ve been a bit occupied, but alas I have found the chamber, I’d say about a month and you’d start to see less mudbloods around" Tom spoke with a sadistic smile while his group cheered and encouraged him.

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