Chapter 10 - A Party And Forgotten

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if you’re just going to read then why did you drag us along?” poppy said while prying her eyes away from Harris.
“I don’t want to have to help you last minute like last year poppy and Y/n, I am scared to leave alone after the incident" Y/n huffed and  pointed her wand at jenny “it was only one time, its not like I ment to explode the room, I was just trying to practice a new spell I am working on" Y/n said while trying her spell once again causing jenny to jump up in alarm and grab her wand before she could cause more damage, “and that’s why I am keeping an eye on you, I really don’t want you to get expelled after all" jenny said so sweetly it made Y/n give up and grab a book, deciding to just wait her out.
An hour later jenny was so focused on her book Y/n managed to quietly leave the library, she made it all the way to the dark forest venturing so far out she couldn’t even see where she had come from.
The forest gave off an eerie feeling, everything was dying and no light was found, spiders and wasps were constantly running around, Y/n quite enjoyed the solitude and decided this was the best place for her to continue her spell.
Y/n cast her spell hitting a tree and within a second the tree spouted arms and legs, “that wasn’t suppose to happen” Y/n said to herself while the tree ran away.
Once again Y/n tried her spell and hit another tree, this time the tree split in two “nice, I’ll keep that one in mind" Y/n said while looking at her handy work.
But Y/n wasn’t done this was not the intended spell she wanted, so once again she cast the spell, this time she hit a bunny who had wondered into the forest.
The bunny had stopped bouncing and began to squirm, blobs appeared on its white fur and within a second it had grown wings, Y/n smiled as the bunny began to fly around her, she flicked her wand and cast the counter spell and the bunny was once again on the ground.
Y/n stared at her wand and cast the spell on herself, she had always wanted to fly and within a second she was on the ground feeling the worst imaginable pain someone could experience, her bones were rearranging and twisting, but after a couple of minutes she noticed her body was no longer on the ground.
Y/n hovered above the ground and soared into the sky, seeing all the land before her, she saw the castle far into the distance and the great lake, the forest ranging on for miles.
Y/n flew and flew past the lake and getting so close to touch it, flying on top of the castle, stopping on the astronomy tower just to be safe , she didn’t know how long the spell would last and didn’t want to have to find out.
Y/n was happy she had managed to get the spell to work so much so she didn’t realise she had flown infront of tom riddle, he was writing something, perhaps his astronomy homework that they’d gotten the day prior.
“how did you do that?” Tom said while still writing on his parchment.
Y/n turned around to see Tom, her face white with shock, she wasn’t allowed to make spells on Hogwarts grounds and Tom knew that, she could see a smirk starting to form on his face as she approached him once again.
“talent” Y/n said while tom didn’t even tare his eyes away from his work, this enraged Y/n, she hated it when people wouldn’t look at her.
“I see" Tom said while putting his parchment into his bag and began walking away.
Y/n without warning jumped from the astronomy tower, causing tom to run over to the edge of the tower and see Y/n flying below it, laughing to herself while tom just scowled down at her.
“You could have died, how reckless are you?” Y/n just waved her wand and flew higher “do you want to fly?” she said it so menacingly that Tom almost wondered what she had in store for him but not wanting to be lesser he let her teach him the spell.
Tom was on the floor trying not to squirm he knew growing bones would hurt but crucio was less painful than this, after a moment the pain stopped and Tom looked at his black leather like wings , the complete opposite of Y/n’s white feathery wings.
Tom flew around the Castle wanting to take in every detail and wondered why no one had discovered this spell before but with flying broomsticks and the constant pain to get the wings he understood.
After a hour of flying Y/n began to dissent landing effortlessly on the courtyard while tom not so gracefully landing on his back, Y/n offered her hand and he took it reluctantly “that was fun right?” Y/n said while getting rid of both there wings “it was educational  Tom said while calculating his next move, as he wondered about what he could possibly do next he was once again trapped in her hold, she was hugging him once again “let go of me!” Tom said while pushing away from her, Y/n huffed and walked towards the common room shouting “see you round riddle" as she left, Tom looked around and began to fly once again, looking around to see where the weak spots of the barrier were, he could just make out a thin line next to the far pillar on the right of the castle, he smiled and as if heaven was smiling upon him, he saw that Dumbledore’s office was just a window away.
Tom saw his chance and took it.
The next day students were having breakfast when dippet approached the podium, a sorrowful frown upon his face quite opposite to his normal cherry one, and began to cry.
“As you can see professor Dumbledore is not with us, I am sorry to say, he died of what looks to be a heart attack, nurse Pomfrey is looking into it but I can safely say no one is in danger but had to be safe, what with the previous attacks. We will all miss him and as for this I am cancelling classes for a week".
Jenny groaned “now we’ll miss another week of studying, how will we pass the exams now" jenny was pulling at her hair and flicking through her book like a mad man while poppy just shrugged and Y/n was fuming, she really was unlucky, yes she wanted him dead but she wanted to be the one to do it, she had killed him at least three times but that was in the past, she hated not being the one to end him and see the life leave his eyes but now that he was gone, she wondered how much the time line had really changed, yes malfoy dying changed the time line but Dumbledore dying ment that Grindelwald might not be defeated and better yet if she failed, Harry would not be safe, yes she hated Dumbledore for raising her brother for slaughter but he kept him alive just for the right moment.
“Y/n it’s crazy, who do you think could have done it?” Leroy said while he ate some chicken, he had a child like wonder in his yellow eyes and his black hair that just surpassed his cheekbones made her wonder how much of the black family was based off there cheekbones alone. “oh I don’t know but I am thankful and also livid at them" Y/n said while staring daggers at riddle, she knew he had something to do with it, she knew all Voldermort wanted to do was murder the man and somehow her being here made him capable of that sooner.
Tom scowled at her and looked away continuing to talk to Avery.
“oh you’re coming to mine over the summer break aren’t you?” poppy said while staring at Y/n with puppy dog eyes, Y/n rolled her eyes she really didn’t want to spend so much time with her but without thinking she smiled and said “yeah if riddle comes" she was meaning for him to say no so she didn’t have to come, knowing riddle always told people that he had other things to do over the summer. she knew he was mostly in the orphanage and they wouldn’t let him leave. Everyone looked at Y/n shock written on there face and then at Tom, he had stopped talking to Avery and began to turn his head to face Y/n once more “I’d be glad to accompany you” Tom said with a sweet voice while showing his teeth, Y/n knew he was up to no good, knowing poppy’s father was the ministry of magic and mother was the leader of auras, she hadn’t really given it much thought about poppies parents until then and began to curse at her stupidity, she had single handedly given tom riddle an invite to talk to the minister  and give him a leg up to the people he wants to control.
Poppy began squealing and cheering while Y/n hung her head in shame, “I hope you’re not going to be like this the whole summer otherwise I might have to reconsider” jenny said while looking up from her book.  Poppy rolled her eyes “it won’t be the whole summer you’re only staying for two weeks for the ball” jenny rolled her eyes and continued to read her book. “you have got a ball gown, haven’t you Y/n?" poppy said while turning to face Y/n once more, Y/n Rose her head from the table and looked up at poppy with a masked expression, she had completely forgotten about poppies ball for her sweet sixteenth and had forgotten to get one, poppies face dropped “you didn’t forget did you?” poppy had now become angry “I told you about this weeks ago" the veins in poppies head looked about to explode so without anyone noticing Y/n mumbled a forget me spell directed at poppy and her anger turned to one of confusion “oh, what was I saying, oh yes you’re coming to my house for the summer with riddle what fun that will be". Y/n laughed “and I have the best ball gown” poppies smile grew if that was even possible.
Tom smiled, noticing the sudden change in poppies attitude and wondering how long Y/n had been wiping her so called best friends memory, Y/n just sent him a death stare, knowing exactly what he was thinking.
“Well classes are cancelled how about we throw a party to celebrate” Leroy said while sneaking Y/n some Firewhiskey, stopping her from speaking to riddle, she looked around and noticed no one was watching and drank the liquid internally gagging at the taste but loving the buzz it gave her.
“yes let’s have a party, you go invite all the Gryffindors, jenny invite the Ravenclaws, I’ll invite the Hufflepuffs" Y/n said while skipping over to the Hufflepuff table, Y/n noticed everyone of the Hufflepuff’s were staring at her as if they were afraid of her, she didn’t dislike the idea, smiling at the cowering Hufflepuff’s, one of which drew her wand to protect herself but Y/n scoffed and the wand was flung from her hands, she hadn’t wanted to start a fight so as quick as she could, she spoke before the girl could retrieve her wand.
“Slytherins are having a party in the dungeons, you’re all invited” Y/n said while watching the teachers table, it seemed vacant but she wouldn’t put it past Gregorovitch to put a charmed ear around to listen in.
“it isn’t a trap is it?” a first year of the name Fred said from the freckles and beady brown eyes she almost mistook him for the Fred she knew back home.
“no...” the Hufflepuffs didn’t like the glint in Y/n’s eyes as she said that and proceeded to once again aim there wands at her.
“this is childish" Y/n said while hardly touching her wand, as the twenty or so wands were thrown across the table. “do I have to get riddle to ask you or something?” Y/n said sounding annoyed at the task of asking Tom for any sort of help, but the blond haired Hufflepuff jumped up for joy clearly in love with the prefect “oh that would be lovely please do" the blond said eager written on her face, Y/n huffed “fine don’t come, you’re missing out on the alcohol though, Leroy has all the good stuff" Y/n said while walking back to the slytherin table to once again speak with poppy when she heard the Hufflepuff table sigh “fine we’ll come, but only for the drinks".
“so how’d it go?” poppy said eager to know, Y/n gave poppy a grown and sat beside her “horrible, I had to disarm them twice, its not like I intended to put half of the Hufflepuff students into the hospital” poppy laughed remembering how much Y/n intended on that outcome “fine, maybe just a little, they were being quite annoying” jenny once again popped her head from her book “that’s no good reason to cast the Cruciatus Curse on them, they could have died” jenny said slamming her book to stare at Y/n, Y/n could tell jenny had still not let it go “I am still surprised you didn’t get caught" poppy said while glancing at the Hufflepuff table, Y/n begun to laugh “I have a way with words, anyway enough about me, are the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors coming?” jenny nodded and Leroy grinned clearly the alcohol had won over most hearts.
The party had begun and the dungeons were packed with each house, Y/n could see over into the distance that even Tom had attended the party, smiling to herself she grabbed some Firewhiskey and chugged it down, then walked towards Leroy who had two Gryffindors around his arms “hey Lee, you got any pixie dust?” Leroy smiled at Y/n and handed her a vile of what looked to be a black liquid with pink sequins floating inside “one drop you’ll have fun, two drops and you’ll forget the whole day, the whole thing, well let’s just say you’ll  be spending a lot of time with madam Pomfrey” Leroy said to Y/n as she cautiously took two drops and headed towards riddle.
“hey what you got there?” rosier said trying to snatch the vile out of her hands “hey riddle fancy some of this?” Y/n said while showing him the black vile, Tom knew more than most what strange viles could do, what being the direct cause of one, so gave her a scowl and shuck his head “if riddle doesn’t want any does that mean I can?” rosier said clearly eager to try it, so Y/n gave him two drops and he began to laugh hysterically “what’s so funny?” Tom said while drinking his bourbon, Rosier’s eyes had enlarged and he was seeing things that weren’t there “I see... um... everyone’s slaughtering everyone" Y/n rolled her eyes “that was a waste on you" rosier laughed once again “ok what do you see?” Y/n laughed a sad laugh “I see something that won’t ever be real again" rosier laughed “well mine can be real, fancy helping me?” rosier said while staring at the blond Hufflepuff from earlier “no go ahead” Y/n said while staring at the girl “why didn’t you stop him?” Tom said eyebrow raised “because he doesn’t stand a chance against her" Y/n laughed knowing she could only just beat the girl and with him being high as a kite she would most definitely win that fight, so moments later he came back with a battered and bruised face she just began to laugh at him “can make it a reality my ass" Y/n said while wheezing.
“So riddle, got anymore amazing plans that I need to derail?” Y/n said with a sweet smile, she had given up on trying to find out through other means, she had even tried to ask the snakes but no one would budge so thought asking him wouldn’t be too bad.
Tom smiled and rose an eye brow “are you already out of ideas on how to find out?” he said while putting his drink down “I quite liked the game where I sent you on a while goose chase” Y/n scowled and looked away “fine, be that way just so you know, you’re not as hard to read as you think" Y/n said while getting up and walking towards her friends, one of which was making out with Leroy “poppy I said he was off-limits” Y/n said while pushing her friends apart “but that only makes me want him more" poppy said while sulking, jenny emerged next to Y/n with Kira beside her “why do you care so much, got a crush on Leroy?” Kira said while kissing jenny “there both my friends and the way poppy drops boys I don’t want to have to choose when they break up” jenny faced her boyfriend and said “its best this way" and smiled.
“Well let’s get this party started then shall we?” Y/n said while summoning a drink towards her outstretched hand, pouring shots for everyone and downing them like water.
“wow that had a kick" poppy said, unable to stand straight “what was in that?” Kira said while laughing, Y/n shrugged and poured another shot, and another and then another until she was on the dance floor with her friends, each one could hardly stand but that wasn’t stopping them from dancing, Kira was on the floor throwing up with jenny helping him to his dorm, so Y/n and poppy were the only ones left dancing. Leroy had left them for a Brown-haired Gryffindor, they were dancing the tango and Y/n was laughing at his horrible dancing, feeling sorry for the poor girls feet.
“Y/n Harris wants me to go dance with him" Y/n rolled her eyes and pushed poppy towards Harris who began to slow dance with her, Y/n rolled her eyes now being the only person left in the group alone when she noticed rosier beside her.
“care for a dance?” Y/n laughed and took his outstretched hand, they were dancing, her far worse than him but didn’t mind the careless that the dance brought her, she could almost close her eyes and think she was dancing with Fred back home, he was the one to teach her how to dance and had taken her to the yule ball. But the moment she opened her eyes she was struck back to reality, Fred was dead and the only way to bring him back was for her to change toms mind.
Y/n stopped dancing with rosier earning a whine from him as he appeared to be having quite the time but she couldn’t stand it, the walls were becoming enclosed, everything around her was beginning to spin and she felt like she couldn’t breathe, before she knew it she was crying, Y/n bolted for the hallway before anyone could stop her, she made it a safe distance away from prying eyes and sat on the window ledge, she began to cry, everything she had held in she let go, every death, every little disappointment she felt towards herself and others she cried, so much so her voice was raspy and her eyes puffy, she hadn’t really cried like this since her first year of Hogwarts when she had been placed in slytherin and Harry in Gryffindor, that felt like a waste of her tears as now she was crying over deaths and that was just a separation from her brother temporarily but now it was forever.
Y/n was crying so much she didn’t hear the footsteps, she hadn’t realised anyone would find her, being so far away from the party but when she looked up and saw those brown eyes staring back at her she began to cry once again “what are you doing here, leave me alone!” Y/n said while waving her hand at him, Tom only sat there “didn’t you hear me, I told you to leave me alone" Tom began to laugh “you followed me first" Y/n looked up at him once again and stopped crying, remembering she had infact done that. “see you’re not crying anymore" Y/n was beyond scared somehow she would have liked anyone else cheering her up, coming from tom it was like a viper ready to bite, it was so unlike him to even bat an eye to help let alone cheer someone up.
“Who are you? The Tom riddle I know would never try to cheer someone up” Tom stared blankly at Y/n trying to figure out why he was helping her, why he cared she was crying and infact why he noticed she was having a panic attack before her friends even noticed she was gone. “I don’t know, perhaps you could tell me since you know me so well" Tom said while getting closer to Y/n wiping a single tear from her cheek and within a second Y/n had stupidly kissed him, he seemed shocked at first but proceeded to kiss her back, his arm pulling her closer, he had no idea why he needed to be close to her but something inside him needed more of her, so like it was life or death he began to pull her closer so close she was now on his lap, the kiss deepened and became fast and animalistic each trying to take control but as quickly as the kiss started it stopped, each having to breathe.
Y/n stared at Tom slack jawed while tom mirrored her expression, he knew she was his enemy, she had told him countless times she wanted to change him and make him better while Y/n was thinking of all the people she let down and there disappointed stares, but something inside her didn’t care, she knew she was only making things worse but when had Y/n made it easy for herself.
Y/n stared at Tom and Tom stared at Y/n it was like they were waiting for the other to react, Y/n grabbed toms tie and just like she did the first time kissed him but this time she was more forceful, raking her hands through his hair, while he did the same, he had never thought let alone touched a woman so like a child set free he explored.
The next day Y/n woke up alarmed, she couldn’t hear poppies snores or Jenny’s constant shakes to get her up for the day, but  what she saw shocked her, Tom was asleep next to her, she didn’t hesitate to fly out of the room making sure not to make a sound as to not wake him.
Returning to her room she noticed poppy was awake and had a huge grin on her face, Y/n was as poppy would call it a nun “out all night were we?” poppy said quite sarcastically earning an eye brow raised from jenny, who was once again head in a book “it’s not like you can judge” Y/n said while sitting in her bed and rummaging through her nightstand.
“who was it then?” poppy said eagerly coming closer to Y/n, Y/n huffed and grabbed the potion she was looking for “not that its any of you’re business, who I sleep with, I don’t really remember his name" she said while drinking the sober up potion, by the looks of her draw she was running low.
Poppy began to pout “must have been a weirdo then, or were you that drunk last night" jenny said while trying not to get involved “yeah I guess its for the best” Y/n said while summoning her wand “if you excuse me I need to practice my Quidditch ” before either girl could press anymore information out of Y/n she ran out of the door.
Y/n loved Quidditch, it quite reminded her of Harry, they would play together when ever Y/n had a chance and every time she had a bad day or wanted to remember her brother she would play and fly around that was why she had chosen to make the flying spell, infact she quite liked flying more so than walking she could do a lot more up in the air, the freedom to do anything she wanted, so when a bludger came sawing towards her she didn’t notice it, too far into the memories of her  brother to notice.
“What happened to her?” jenny said while crying next to poppy, madam Pomfrey was running for more potions, “she looks to have been hit with something quite hard” the nurse said as she healed Y/n’s face not a single detail out of place, “but why isn’t she waking up?” poppy said while trying to shake Y/n up, madam Pomfrey sighed and muttered “brackium emendo” Y/n began to twist and turn and jenny looked on in shock “what’s wrong with her?” madam Pomfrey put a hand on jenny’s shoulder “she’s in a lot of pain, her mind refuses to wake up, all we can do is hope".


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