Chapter 8 - Who is Y/n Black, Is She Really A Black?

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Y/n stared in horror she hadn’t expected him to use the bed but she wouldn’t shout at him as it was his bed and she was the trespasser but that didn’t make her any less angry.
She had let her brother down, she had let Hermione down and worst of all she let Ron down.
She remembered the last words the trio spoke to her as Hermione placed the time turner onto her “Harry’s going to sacrifice himself to the dark Lord, you must stop this"  Y/n looked around her as the battle had destroyed everything Hogwarts held deer and understood her mission, Ron was still scowling at her no doubt still angry from there last interaction and gave Hermione a worried look “can she really be trust worthy after all she did join him-" before he could rant about Y/n’s past deeds Hermione wacked him other the head “Harry said it had to be her, she’s his horcrux too and she will be the only one who could truly tell if he’s been saved” Ron rolled his eyes “couldn’t she just kill him, its not like she hasn’t killed before “ Hermione stared at Ron in bewilderment clearly the war had changed Ron, he no longer saw the good in people perhaps Y/n torturing him would do that to ones spirit but as she watched the bickering couple the world around her began to fade and become the Hogwarts she once new.
Tom awoke from his slumber causing Y/n to remember where she was and not dig up the past.
“I’d best be off to class" Y/n said while scurrying to the door, Tom just stared at her, it was a Sunday no classes were due to start until Monday, smirking to himself he walked over to his desk and began looking over his books once more.
Y/n walked back to her dorm to get ready for the day ahead hoping the guy poppy had slept with had left, Y/n couldn’t count on her hands how many times she had walked in on poppy mid action but luckily for Y/n it seemed poppy was alone touching up her make-up.
Poppy turned to Y/n and raised an eye brow “you look a lot more glowie than usual” Y/n could hear the way poppy was begging for information, she had made it quite known that she wanted to hook her up with some one just so she wouldn’t be the only one in a relationship but Y/n couldn’t care less for that, she had a mission and she couldn’t get distracted anymore, sure it was fun meeting new people and not having them think of her as a backstabber or an evil bitch as Ron had stated to her in her fifth year but no Y/n had to stick to it, she had to change tom riddle otherwise she’d be done for, she couldn’t imagine the judgemental glares, her once friends would stare down at her or perhaps she would be killed on the spot. a lot had tried that when she came to assist Harry, no Y/n had to stay focused if she knew tom as well as she thought she did, he would be planning his take over at this very moment and now was the right time to sway him towards another route.
Poppy stared at the lost in thought Y/n clearly unimpressed with her lack of an answer and began to speak once more “Well, its Sunday so we’re going to Hogsmeade, get dressed" poppy said while rooting through her wardrobe to find something to wear, she chose a blue dress and placed her hair into two plats, Y/n chose a pair of black shorts causing poppy to raise an eyebrow and her top was green she topped the look of with a grey and white checkered shirt that she left unbuttoned.
“house colours really?” poppy said with a sigh, she didn’t like Y/n’s since of style but Y/n just stuck her tongue out “You’re wearing Ravenclaw colours” Y/n said while pointing to the blue dress causing poppy to huff and walk out the door with Y/n slowly following behind.
“speaking of Ravenclaw, didn’t jenny stay there last night?” poppy asked while Y/n nodded in agreement “we should probably go get her" Y/n said while turning around and walking towards Ravenclaw Tower.
The girls arrived and were shocked when they saw jenny making out with Kira, poppy was more shocked considering she didn’t notice and a bit angered at the fact her so called friend would hide such a thing from her.
Jenny turned around to face a smug looking Y/n and a scowling poppy but before she could even speak she was dragged into an empty class room.
“What... what... what?” poppy said while unable to process the new information she had just been given.
“What poppy means to say is, how long have you been seeing Kira?” Y/n asked while jenny looked anywhere but at her “um... about a year" to this Y/n and poppy’s eyes bulged out “a whole year, I am suppose to be you’re best friend and you would keep this from me for a year?” poppy was saying while circling,  clearly too shocked to understand the true reason “Well you see I didn’t want to lose him or give you a chance of making me dump him" jenny said while looking at the floor, she couldn’t look at poppy she knew she wouldn’t like the way she was most doubtfully looking at her.
“fine then, if you don’t want me around, me and Y/n will go to Hogsmeade without you! “ tears were slowly coming down poppies face, Y/n had never seen the girl before her so broken but she couldn’t help the smile that was edged onto her face, jenny was left speechless as Y/n and poppy left.
Y/n and poppy made it to Hogsmeade just in time the crowds were dying down and with it being a Sunday most students hadn’t bothered to venture out of there dorms too focused on studies and possible hangovers.
“Wow I love this place more each time I see it" poppy said while dragging Y/n towards Gladrags Wizardwear, Y/n had to hide a groan every time poppy set foot into the shop  it felt like a century had passed by, Y/n sent a longing look over at Borgin and Burkes but reluctantly followed poppy inside.
After what felt like a century or possibly two hours poppy and Y/n left the shop, poppy carrying two full sized bags while Y/n’s hands remained empty, creeping away from poppy, Y/n entered Borgin and Burkes, she walked along the isles stopping briefly to look at dark art books and ancient artifacts when a object caught her eye, without a second moment Y/n grabbed the locket and headed towards the counter.
Y/n was greeted by a charming old man he had a smile that could get him anything he wanted, Y/n placed the locket on the counter and the man began humming to himself.
“quite a story that one" Y/n looked up at the man eager to know more, the man smiled once more and obliged “Well a pregnant woman said it was a family heirloom, the grants she said it was, recon they were descendants of Salazar slytherin they were “ Y/n stared at the man and continued to place her coin bag out of her purse “how much?” Y/n said all serious not wanting this item to leave her sight, she knew tom would use it for a horcrux one day and if she had it, he couldn’t use it.
The man raised an eyebrow at her and began to chuckle to himself once more “1,000 galleons” Y/n wasn’t stupid she knew he was just trying to get the most out of her “500” Y/n said while staring down the man, he laughed once more “I like you, you’ve got spunk, how about I do you a deal 700 and this cup" Y/n eyed the cup the man was holding, without a second thought she placed the money down and placed the locket around her neck and the cup inside her bag, how she managed to get both the cup and the locket she couldn’t understand but today was her lucky day.
Y/n returned back to poppy who didn’t seem to notice she had left and they headed back towards the castle once more.
Tom was so lost in his studying he hadn’t realised most of the day had past by, he began to feel the tiredness kick in but he was not about to give up on his ideals, he had to find a way of bringing a change to the wizarding world but had no idea where to start, there was the ministry but that would take far too much time and effort the more tom was thinking about it, he could always use power to get what he wanted, he’d never known anyone get anything without power, so he began to learn as much dark arts he could muster, trying to be the most powerful wizard that ever lived.
Tom was struck out of his thoughts when he heard a knock at the door, knowing all too well who was on the other side of the door, Tom scoffed and walked towards it, “what is it, I am busy" tom said while staring down at Y/n , who had a sheepish smile, “Tom looked down and noticed Y/n was holding a plate of food, “ I noticed you haven’t eaten, so I thought I’d bring you some" Tom swore he saw a hint of embarrassment in her eye but took the plate and began eating, perhaps the fact he hadn’t eaten for a while was clouding his judgment but the moment he took a bite it was like his taste buds were in heaven, so without a moment of hesitation he finished the plate in a timely manner.
Y/n giggled at the display, she had never seen Tom act quite like a human before and the small interactions such as these made her notice the good in him, and was thankful she hadn’t taken Ron up on his offer.
Tom scowled at Y/n but not the scowl he would use on other people, his normal scowl had an icy glare this was more soft and warm, perhaps Tom didn’t notice the difference but Y/n sure did and proceeded to laugh once again, this time she laughed a bit too much showing her necklace off, toms breathing hitched, he had only heard rumours of its existence but here Y/n was wearing his heirloom.
Tom rounded on Y/n and she knew she’d made a mistake on wearing it, but thought it safer on her than under her bed like the cup.
“Where did you get that?” Tom said anger evident in his voice.
Y/n shrugged “bought it at Borgin and Burkes, he said it belonged to Salazar slytherin, that’s so cool right?” Y/n knew all too well that Tom was a descendent of said man and would do anything to finish his work.
“It is indeed, may I look at it?” Tom said while eyeing the necklace, Y/n reluctantly took the necklace off and handed it to Tom who eagerly lacked onto it.
“be careful it was very expensive” Y/n said while tom was opening the locket, Y/n hissed in parseltongue and the locket opened causing tom to look at Y/n once more, he had forgotten she spoke parseltongue as well and had to find out how a black family member had the ability “you have to say open in parseltongue” Y/n said while tom eyed the object “and how would you know that?” Y/n sighed “its obvious, only Salazar could speak it so only he could open it” Y/n said while sitting on Tom’s bed, Tom was now on his desk examining every detail “what was inside" Tom said while looking at Y/n “a vile of blood" Tom stared at her in disbelief “why would he have a vile of blood inside?” Y/n stud up and grabbed an empty vile next to Tom, cutting his palm and squeezed some blood into the vile and placed it inside the locket closing it shaking it and then opening it once more, the blood had now shone a brown colour “it shows if you’re pure or not, that’s everything he stud by so of course he had a locket that could tell the difference, but mine was green and so was poppies why wasn’t yours?” Y/n said, knowing he was a half blood she wondered what excuse he would come up with.
“perhaps it is just faulty" Y/n began to laugh “wait does that mean your a mudblood” Y/n said while smiling, knowing Tom would be livid at the accusation of such a thing, Tom hated being reminded of his blood status he had always managed to fool people into believing he was a pure blood  but he couldn’t lie about facts.
“I am not a mudblood, my mother was a gaunt and my father a useless muggle” Tom said with distaste causing Y/n to look into toms eyes she saw anger but behind it she saw sadness perhaps Tom wasn’t so evil, maybe it was just his upbringing that caused him to hate muggles, with that new found information Y/n hugged Tom trying to show him that he mattered and that blood wouldn’t make him any less of a powerful wizard, Tom relaxed a bit after that.
“my necklace” Y/n said while trying to grab the necklace back from tom who despite his need for the item he let go of it, it surprised him how he didn’t just obliviate her and steal the locket but he couldn’t bring himself to steal from her perhaps he was changing, perhaps Avery was right.
Tom thought back to the night before “you don’t think you’ve been acting differently around Y/n?” Avery asked as he drank, Rosier was nodding next to Avery and malfoy had wondered off leaving him no one to curse, “like I was saying she is nothing more than an insect in my plan and one step and crunch” Avery laughed and stared at Y/n who was staggering over and proceeded to kiss Tom.
Tom was struck out of his memories as Y/n kissed him on the cheek, he was so off guard he hadn’t noticed her walk up to him, he had to find a way to get her away from him , perhaps murder, no Dumbledore would know for sure, crucio, no she enjoys or rather has a good tolerance, ah ha the switch a-roo spell, causing the victim to become the opposite gender, if she wasn’t a girl he wouldn’t be interested or so he hoped, so as Y/n approached the door he cast the spell and saw she had grown a couple feet now the same height as him, her face had a circular shape but less narrow, her eyes had changed to that of brown instead of green, her hair short brown instead of the long blond and her body shape had been changed to a skinny plank, a couple muscles here and there but none worth noticing.
Tom started to laugh “what’s so funny?” Y/n asked but upon hearing her own voice noticed why he was laughing “what did you do?” Tom couldn’t breathe he was laughing too much after a moment of hateful glares Tom stopped and pointed to the mirror, he heard a scream and then she began to cry, Tom thought it was of anger but it was sadness like she had lost someone “change me back, I can’t see him” Y/n sobbed as she tried not to look at the mirror image of Harry, every detail matched except the iconic glasses.
Tom huffed “why does this bother you?”  Y/n looked at Tom, tears streaming down her face “I see my brother, I can’t see him, not after what I’ve done, he died for me and now I mock him with his face" Y/n tried to reverse the spell but ended up crashing into the wall, Tom stared at her in disbelief, he knew she had siblings but there were alive, Y/n was becoming an even more mysterious person and he didn’t like it, so he gave her the counter curse, Y/n reverted back to her usual self and stormed out of the room.
He knows about my brother, but its fine my adoptive parents have two children surely he wouldn’t know if they were still alive, Y/n thought to herself but knew tom was not the type of person to let a mystery go.
Tom stared at the place Y/n once stood and began to wonder how much he really knew of her, of cause he never gave her a second glance before but now all the mystery surrounding her made him want to get to know her better, Tom hated not knowing something and this was eating him alive.
A month had past by, Y/n had begun to avoid Tom at every opportunity, she needed to get her story straight and couldn’t focus around him while tom stayed in the library most nights looking for hints of her past, Tom knew this was taking precious time away from his plots but his followers were keeping them selves busy with torturing mudbloods while he was a way.
Tom turned the page of the book he was reading when he noticed the black family tree, his eyes grew wider she wasn’t just keeping one thing from him it, seemed as though her whole identity was fake, Tom put his book down and began to head towards the room of requirement.
Tom scanned the room for any movement but his face fell when he noticed she wasn’t in the room, sure Tom knew she was avoiding him who wouldn’t after he caused her such trauma but seeing how easily she left his life made him ache to have her back, so after a last quick glance he walked back towards the Slytherin dorms only to collide into Y/n.
“ouch, watch were you’re-" Y/n stopped midsentence after realising who she had bumped into, quickly averting her eyes away from the piercing glare he was giving her.
“care to explain this?” Tom said while holding her family tree towards her, Y/n grabbed the book and stared slack jawed at it.
“Ah must be an old copy, surely I am in the newer ones” Y/n wasn’t lying she would eventually be on the family tree but not for another fifty years or so, but it convinced Tom just enough for him to momentarily drop the subject.
Y/n stared at Tom, he looked as though he hadn’t slept in days, his eyes blood shot, a shade of purple beginning to form under his eyes but what worried her the most was he had begun to go ghostly pale.
“Are you ok?” Y/n said while placing a hand over his head, Tom swatted her hand away and gave her a ice cold glare but the moment Y/n touched his head she felt her hand go numb, without a second thought she was dragging him towards the hospital wing much to toms complaints, he seemed to not resist.
The warden came by with a tray of potions but was so shocked of the state of Tom that she dropped the viles. “oh my, come, put him on the bed" the warden looked at Tom and then strode back into her office finally coming back out with a black vile, Y/n stared at the vile and then stared at Tom, he looked as though he wanted to get this over and done with so snatched the vile and drank it all, a moment later tom was looking more human, his glow was back and his eyes looked less hazy.
“I didn’t know tom riddle got sick” Y/n said half joking, from the six month she’d known him, he hadn’t so much as caught a common cold. Tom sighed and began to go towards the door only stopping to turn his head and look at Y/n “perhaps it is you who makes me sick, you are my weakness" Tom stopped short, he hadn’t intended to say that but the words just flowed out of his mouth, Tom looked wide eyed at Y/n and then noticed the vile in his hand “what was in that potion?” Y/n asked the warden who just shrugged “nothing much just a healing potion but it can have a side affect similar to Veritaserum” she said while popping her head out of her office only to immediately pop back in after speaking.
“So Tom how many horcruxes  have you made?” Y/n said in parseltongue, she couldn’t have the warden finding out about that, Tom was about to talk when he placed a hand over his own mouth and stormed out causing Y/n to pout.
Tom was enraged but had the most brilliant idea, he would go to the library with Y/n and give her some Veritaserum, then he could get all the information he wanted, with that Tom ventured back into the common room and went to work making Veritaserum.
Y/n emerged from the room of requirement, the room itself made Y/n forget all about her worries down to the last detail but being in the room also felt like time didn’t exist, two hours felt like five minutes. So Y/n began to march towards her next class, she had the worst of luck of cause she would be late for potions once more.
Slug horn was beginning to wonder if Y/n was capable of showing up on time and once said girl stormed into the class room he was slightly surprised she was only five minutes late braking her record of thirty minutes but he still scowled at her, “miss black is it impossible for you to make it to my class on time?” slug horn said while walking towards her, potion in hand “perhaps this would be more to you’re liking" slug horn handed Y/n the vile, she looked at the clear liquid and began to chug it “is that all you got?” Y/n said smugly she was beginning to think of this as a game see how far she could push the professor but the smug look mirrored on his face told her otherwise.
“If I believe correctly what you just drank was Veritaserum” Tom looked up from his potion to stare at the professor, he had done his work for him and began to form a devilish smile “how long does it last?” Y/n said panic evident in her voice “ah, hum, I gave it a bit of a kick so about 3 hours” Y/n sighed and cast a silent spell so she couldn’t talk, after all she was sat next to the nosiest person in the planet, no doubt he had something to do with it, Y/n looked at riddle with a murderous intent but Tom’s smile only grew, she had no way out of his questioning now and she knew it.
As soon as the class had ended Y/n tried to bolt out the door much to her displeasure Tom had managed to get to the door before her causing her escape to become futile, he was much faster than her and without the head start she had no chance, she began to cast none verbal magic making his words jumbled, Tom scowled upon realising he couldn’t ask the question he so desperately wanted to ask, casting the counter curse and finally being able to speak he grabbed Y/n and placed her into an unused classroom.
Y/n was looking anywhere but at Tom, she saw the bogget cabinet remembering how she had seen Voldermort and how he had looked so real in that moment she almost thought Harry might have been there along side him fighting like the good old days but she was wrong and that had been her biggest regret.
Y/n walked towards the cabinet once more, somewhat entranced while tom looked somewhat amused clearly interested in Y/n bogget once more.
Y/n got to the door and it sprung to life two figures emerged from the cabinet, one ghostly white, bold with red eyes, slits for a nose and seemed to radiate hate while the boy next to him looked the same age that Tom was, he had raven hair, glasses with green eyes along with a scar on his forehead, he wore Gryffindor robes and looked as though he was ready for a fight.
Y/n sprung to action first forgetting this was a Baggott and instantly blasting the killing curse at the bogget, the boy looked amused and began to laugh.
“You let me die, he may have killed me but you let it happen" Harry was saying, each word struck at Y/n’s heart she couldn’t take the way he was looking at her, with pity and distaste in his eyes, Harry began to walk towards Y/n, touching her hair and beginning to pull her closer to him “look at me!” Harry said while yanking Y/n’s hair so she would face him.
Tom looked at the display and could only wonder how two bogget had emerged he had only ever hear of one within the cabinet but here she was needing two, within a second tom noticed the bold white figure raise his wand and preformed the killing curse, Tom without thinking flung a chair at the curse before it hit Y/n.
The chair exploded next to Y/n waking her from her trance, this was not Harry, he would never be so cruel even in death he wouldn’t blame her.
Y/n turned around and blasted the killing curse back at Voldermort sending him flying back into the cabinet, Y/n turned around once more to meet Harry’s emerald eyes, they once glistened and held so much hope but now all she saw was darkness and misery.
“You’re not my brother" and with that she began to laugh causing Harry to dissipate.
Tom began to clap clearly amused with her performance, Y/n jumped at the sudden sound she had completely forgotten he was in the room.
“Well now, I have a lot of questions, firstly who were they?” Y/n growled and tried to hold her tongue but the Veritaserum was making her senses on fire the more she resisted.
“the bold one was Voldermort and the black haired one was Harry” Y/n said trying to be vague while tom raised an eyebrow “Harry is you’re brother, why do you fear him?” Tom asked clearly interested to know the answer he was like a kid at a sweet shop “um, well I kinda got him killed” Y/n said while staring at the floor wishing she didn’t have to tell him anything, Tom just nodded clearly thinking about what to ask next.
“You speak parseltongue, how is that?” Tom asked while speaking parseltongue
Y/n laughed and began to speak parseltongue as well “I’ve spoken it all my life, its a gift I suppose” Y/n said while not lying she didn’t tell him the whole truth, Veritaserum does have its loop holes.
Tom stared at her, he wasn’t getting much out of her and he didn’t like to waste his opportunity “how do you know of my horxroxes?” Tom said his eyes flashing red while staring at Y/n she began to head for the door, holding her tongue as she ran towards it but Tom was faster, he blocked her from her escape, Y/n began to head towards the window hoping she could escape that way but much to her annoyance Tom had saw fit to make them shatterproof causing her to begin to cry and stich her mouth shut, Tom watched in amusement, to see her go to so much lengths to hide this from him making him want to know more, so with a flick of the wrist he made her stitches disappear and asked his question whispering it in her ear for good measure.
“’t...I can’t “ Y/n mumbled clearly fighting an internal battle, every moment she spent fighting it the more unbearable it became, she was on fire her whole body shaking from the heat but still she resisted, Tom was growing agitated he really wanted to know what could possibly be so important, he had only thought one of his Knights had been a traitor but it seems she knows something he does not and that In rages him.
After five minutes Y/n is on the floor screaming in pain, she couldn’t handle the burning any longer, she began to speak once more.
“I am you’re horcrux” Y/n said barely audible but Tom heard it, he was beyond interested now.
“How can that be possible I’ve only made one” Tom said with a knowing smirk.
Y/n rolled her eyes “I guess I need to do this over again fifth times the charm" Y/n said while grabbing her necklace, Tom stared at the time turner, everything finally clicking to place and just as Y/n was about to turn the turner he grabbed her.
“where are you from?” Y/n laughed knowing she was going to go back anyway she saw no point trying to lie.
 “London” Tom scowled at her and clarified “what year?”
“Why did you come back?”
“to stop you, you’re Voldermort"
Tom stared at Y/n in disbelief he had lost his good lucks his charming ability but Tom felt power radiating off of the man, his future self.
“Why would you want to stop me?”
“You won the war, you killed so many, Harry included,  I watched as you killed him, he placed the time turner on me and sent me back, his last wish was for me to stop the war”
“You said you’ve done this four times “
Y/n nodded “yeah, one time I asked Dumbledore for help, but that didn’t go so well, I will never trust that man again, second time you managed to catch me stealing you’re horcrux, third time I saw you killing moaning Myrtle, couldn’t really think of a good way around that so had to redo it again and then this is the final one"
Tom raised an eye brow “so you’ve known about my horcruxes even tried to get it, but yet you’ve not tried to destroy it, why?” Y/n wondered herself for a moment but her lips were moving without her consent.
“because you Intrigue me, as much as I should hate you, I don’t, I couldn’t kill you even if I tried and trust me I’ve tried” Y/n said defeated, Tom just gave her a knowing look as if to say the same.
“how is it there isn’t four of you?” Tom asked while checking if there was four or not.
“Well the simple answer is I killed them"
Tom looked at Y/n to see if she was lying or not, much to his horror she was not, she had willingly killed herself three times already and was about to do it a fourth time.
“Tom pointed his wand at the time turner and broke it into pieces causing Y/n to try and catch the pieces while trying to put it back together.
Tom stared at her “now don’t be a morder, that’s the last time you’ll be going back and messing with my plans” Tom said while beginning to walk towards the door, just before he left he asked one final question “do you think you can stop me?” it was more of an empty threat but Y/n answered without a second thought “yes" and with that Tom left Y/n on the floor trying desperately to fix the time turner knowing there was no way home without it.
Days turned into months, winter into spring, and the more tom grew into his plans the less he noticed of Y/n’s absence, she had been so determined to stop him at any cost that she had forgotten the people she had left behind, now that she had no way of returning she had become a shell of her previous self, no longer caring of the mess Tom was making and perhaps going down the same path she so desperately needed him to avoid,
Y/n began to walk down the hallways of Hogwart reliving her past with her brother and his friends, Harry had a goofy grin his emerald eyes watering from all the laughing he had been doing, while Hermione tried to look annoyed but also hiding a grin, Ron was covered in slime, that had been Y/n’s revenge from Ron trying to blow up her potion in potions class while she wasn’t looking, Snape wasn’t amused, Ron was wiping away the slime but every time he’d look normal again the slime would reappear. Y/n laughed for the first time in a while but soon after began to cry, she knew they’d all hate her but she still loved them all and she couldn’t bare to not be able to see them again, so without any common sense she barged into the Slytherin common room and yanked Tom riddle by the throat, Tom was sat on his favourite chair reading up on the darkest magic known to man when he felt his body being yanked, he tensed and then began to stare at the person who dared touch him. When he noticed her, his breathing hitched for a moment, he didn’t know why, he felt as though his anger subsided, as if not seeing Y/n for so long had made him want her more, he let her drag him without resistance.
Y/n was walking so fast she hadn’t realised she was leading him down into the chamber, after her second year she would always go down to the Chamber when she needed to think or just to escape the world, Tom had begun to realise there destination and raised an eyebrow, he hadn’t realised Y/n knew of the chamber as well but her being from the future, she would know a lot about him.
Y/n let go of tom once she entered the chamber, she had commanded the Basilisk to not disturb them, Tom looked at Y/n as if unsure of what to say, he knew she could speak to snakes but being able to control the Basilisk was something only he knew how to do as he was a true Salazar descendent.
Y/n began to laugh at toms puzzled look “have you forgotten I am you’re horcrux I can do what you can do" Y/n said with a sweet smile knowing all to well that Tom hated it.
“Why did you bring me down here?” Tom said while looking around the chamber, he had only been down once before and had not paid much attention to the details around him, there was a snake on each side of the platform with a giant head of Salazar himself.
Y/n watched as toms eyes lit up with excitement as if he’s only just seeing the room for the first time “well I come here when I need to think its kind of my calm place” Y/n said while summoning a sofa in the middle of the chamber.
“And why did you need to drag me? My time is very important, and wasting it on the likes of you is draining to say the least" Y/n laughed at Tom while sitting down on the couch
“Well, since you broke my time turner, I need to know how to go back and you’re the only person smart enough to figure it out" Y/n said while acting nonchalant as if her very being wasn’t at stake.
“and why should I do that?” Tom was scowling he didn’t want to help her, he knew she could stop him along with the fact he felt as if his life would be meaningless without her in it, he had been trying to focus on his plans to plague her from his mind, he couldn’t understand how she had managed to invade his dreams as well, he had only known her seven months and here she was making him weak, perhaps it was for his best interests that he make her disappear from his life so he could focus on bigger things but his pride wouldn’t allow it.
“because if you don’t I’ll make you’re life hell" Y/n said while standing up and charging at Tom her wand at his throat within a blink of an eye, Tom pushed her wand to the side and spoke once more.
“Very well, I do need some peace and quiet" with that Tom looked into his pocket and placed a small time turner into Y/n’s outstretched hands, Y/n’s eyes widened and then she stared at him.
“How did you get this?”
“malfoy has a couple lying around, I don’t think he'll miss it" Tom said while taking the time turner and placing it around Y/n’s neck
“How long have you had this?” Y/n looked up at Tom and his expression changed into a smile, something that looked odd on Tom perhaps he didn’t truly know how to smile, Y/n thought.
“the moment I broke yours” Tom said while standing back “now at least you can’t interfere, this time turner can’t go back only forwards” Y/n noticed the sadness in his tone as If he didn’t want her to leave but she had failed, he would never truly be saved and she couldn’t repeat the past, all she could do was see her family one last time.
So before she could back out of it she spun the time turner, the world around her began to spin, everything becoming a blur of colour and nothingness.

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