Chapter 11 - Summer Break, Time For An Adventure

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/n woke up to the sound of crying, turning around to see poppy with her eyes puffy and makeup running down her face, Y/n almost laughed at the scene, poppy was crying into jenny’s lap while jenny was stroking the girls hair and whispering something to cheer her up with.
Y/n being ever so curious walked over towards the two girls “what’s wrong now poppy?” Y/n said with her hand on her hip, having dealt with poppies constant crying fits Y/n was not bothered for her friends wellbeing what so ever.
“Its the last day of Hogwarts, how will I survive without Hector for a whole summer” Y/n rolled her eyes at poppy who had once again buried her head into jenny’s lap.
“how about inviting him to you’re house, that’s a start" Y/n said sarcastically earning a glare from jenny and a concerned look from poppy.
“They can’t know I have boyfriends my parents will disown me, not to mention its unlike a lady to have male friends” poppy said while reapplying makeup once again.
“so when will I need to be at you’re house for?” Y/n said while tapping her wand at her suit case and watching as her clothes and items danced there way neatly into it.
Poppy finally looking more like herself got up and picked up her suitcase “I’ll send a carriage to you’re house” Y/n rolled her eyes once more, it would be much easier to evaporate instead Y/n thought to herself as she left the room and headed towards the train.
“riddle wait up" Avery said while running after tom, who had managed to get to the train before anyone else .
“its not a race” Avery said while heaving from all the extra running he had to do, Tom stared at Avery as if he would like to be anywhere else “what is it ?” Tom said ice in his tone, he was not looking forward to going back to the orphanage.
“Its just would you like to come to mine for the summer?” Avery had a goofy grin as if pleased with himself.
Tom didn’t dislike the idea of being away from the orphanage, but he knew Mrs Cole wouldn’t allow it. So Tom just ignored the pleading looks Avery was giving him and walked into the train.
Y/n got the last compartment as she was late, just making it as the train was moving away, having to run and jump on the train before it left the station.
“Y/n where have you been?” poppy said as Y/n took a seat next to her.
“I had to feed Hagrid’s spider, as well as retrieving my cup” Y/n said while showing off the Hufflepuff cup, she knew keeping it in Hogwarts was a safe place but if she kept it in the black manner, Tom wouldn’t be able to get there or rather she hoped he wouldn’t.
Y/n wondered how much she had changed him, he hadn’t even tried to make another horcrux or take his family necklace from her, Y/n thought about those things up until the city appeared and the train had stopped.
Y/n rushed to grab her things and run out of the train not waiting to say good bye to her friends who seemed startled at Y/n’s sudden urgency.
Both girls gave each other a look and followed Y/n, Y/n rushed to a dark haired boy who looked to have blue eyes, a sharp jaw and was dressed in a tailored suit, a girl next to him much the same, blue eyes, blond wavy hair and dressed in a small yellow dress making her stand out against the boy.
As soon as Y/n was close enough to the boy she jumped and hugged him “oh how I’ve missed you, adoptive brother” Y/n giggled at him, she hadn’t realised how much she missed her new family.
When Y/n had first arrived she had come to the blacks and being a relative of Sirius from the future she was accepted into the family at once, being a broken girl with all her family taken from her she loved the warmth and openness the blacks gave her.
“how many times must I tell you, my names Orion and this is Lucretia” Orion said as he hugged Y/n back, the girl who was called Lucretia huffed as if bored of the display “mother will be waiting come now Orion" Lucretia said while dragging Y/n along with her.
Tom had emerged from the train and entered the London station, finding Mrs Cole waiting outside, he smiled knowing she was a muggle and couldn’t enter the passage.
“what took you so long? Levie has come down with a cold” Tom scoffed at the child, he didn’t look any older than five, he had a coat that looked to cover his whole body and a sailor’s hat covering his ginger hair.
“the train was running late" Tom said  while walking past the group of children and heading back towards his worst nightmare.
Tom looked upon the concrete building that looked somewhat like a prison, bars on each windows and a peeling paintwork, the building was surrounded by a black iron gate that stood at 15 feet, indeed from the outside looking in it was very much a prison.
Tom walked inside to be greeted to a cold and expressionless building, the floor boards creaking with every step and from the looks of it some had already been broken, he sighed and took a hold of his suitcase walking past the tall blond, Billy who was scowling at him, while the boy next to billy moved aside for tom to pass.
“I didn’t know the asylum let’s you’re sort out” billy said while turning to face tom as he started climbing the stairs.
Tom stopped and stared at the blond, he wanted to crucio him so badly but knew the consequences of using magic, all his life he’d been targeted by bullies and been singled out for that fact but Tom didn’t mind that, what he hated was that billy thought he was better than him and Tom couldn’t handle that.
“I would have much preferred it in there, that way I wouldn’t have to see you’re face, Billy” Tom said while staring into Billy’s eyes making the much taller boy quiver with fear, after growing up with riddle, Billy knew what tom was capable of, he may be stupid to bully him but knew when to stop if he valued his life. So without a word he grab the boy next to him and began walking away.
Tom headed towards his room and finally back into his room he placed his case down, he only brought a single item, his diary, keeping it under the floor boards under his bed.
“Y/n stop complaining, were almost there" Lucretia said while gesturing to the black mansion far off into the distance.
As soon as Y/n set foot inside the carriage she couldn’t wait to get back to the family, she had missed them dearly and had been asking too many questions for Lucretia to handle.
The carriage made its way to a long cobble drive way stopped by a golden gate that went on for miles, a house elf appeared and opened the gate bowing as the carriage continued towards the mansion.
The carriage continued on, the house was surrounded by an acre of pine trees that were as tall as the gate some passing twenty feet, Y/n always found it breath-taking each time she saw it she thought of her adventures with her brother in the Forbidden forest when they battled the spider or when they were rescued by the centaurs, the smell reminding her of her god father Sirius how he always smelt of the outdoors, if Y/n had to choose one place she felt at home she would say a forest.
“Earth to Y/n” Orion said while waving his hand infront of Y/n’s face, Y/n shuck out of her memories and looked at Orion “I said, mother will be there to welcome you back" he said while staring at the approaching mansion, Y/n could see every detail now, from the black bricks to the forty windows, two balconies and two mazes around the house including the pond around the side of the house. Y/n had almost forgotten how she had gotten lost the first time she came to the blacks, she had been walking in the maze for hours when Sirius found her, he had laughed when explaining she could have just levitated out.
The carriage had stopped and Orion stepped out, holding the door for both Y/n and Lucretia.
“Y/n, how I’ve missed you darling" Y/n looked up to see a slim dark haired woman approaching her with her arms outstretched, the woman hugged her but only for a second, her sharp eyes narrowing on Y/n’s face.
“did you do something different with you’re hair?” nothing could get past her Y/n thought as she reverted her hair from brown back to black, the woman once again smiled and led the three of them into the house.
“so tell me, how is school?” Melania asked as they walked past the main entrance, the fire roaring as they passed and headed towards the sitting room.
“Its been ok, I’ve scored top in my class" Y/n said while sitting down next to a short black haired man, his bushy beard hiding his toothy grin but his brown eyes giving it away “ah my two favourite girls" Arcturus said while hugging both Y/n and Lucretia, Y/n began laughing at the show of affection while Lucretia hating the idea of anyone touching her, the hug was short lived and the talks began to shift towards marriages, Orion had just had a wedding, being forced to marry Walburga his cousin no less, it was safe to say both of them disliked the idea of marrying one another but did so to please there parents, while Lucretia was being  courted by Ignatius Prewett, melania was planning for a summer wedding while Lucretia was happy she wasn’t marrying any of her close relatives. Y/n on the other hand hated the talks of marriage she wasn’t even sixteen yet and they already wanted to map out her life, she understood this was how things were in the time she was in now, but back in her time people wouldn’t get married until at least twenty five, but when she had mentioned that to Melania she almost fainted as if the very idea pained her.
“so as I was saying, I’ve set up some fine gentleman for you" Melania said while staring at Y/n from across the table, Y/n had been zooming off and had completely missed the conversation, she started at Orion and then at Lucretia but not getting any help form them she admitted defeat “pardon?” Melania gave Y/n a pitiful glare and spoke once more “I am holding a ball to find you a husband, I’ve got quite the candidates for you" Y/n stared at her in horror, yes she had the time turner and could easily run but knowing there was nothing to go back to without changing Tom, there was no point denying her after all she could say yes and then just be gone in an instant.
“Can I bring my friends?” she said with a forced smile, knowing how much Melania loves to have guests, melania gave a small nod and began planning for the event.
Y/n left the sitting room and ventured upstairs passing the portraits of past blacks and then making it to her room, inside was a desk full of books and a wall full of dark arts, in the centre lay a black princess bed facing the floor to ceiling French window that led onto the balcony, facing the pond where she would find herself smiling at the tranquillity, watching the swans swim by and the peacocks frolicking around.
Y/n began rummaging through her draws and found some parchment and ink, she began to write.
Dearest friend, I invite you to my engagement ball, please come.
Y/n looked at the three letters, identical in every way, signalling for her bird, a brown barn owl of the name lord, Y/n placed the letters in his beak and commanded the owl to go to the three locations as quickly as possible.
Y/n stared as the owl faded off into the night hoping that Melania had chosen someone decent to spend some time with, but as Y/n thought, she kept thinking of tom, wondering how he was doing in the orphanage and hoping he wasn’t killing many people.
An hour had passed Y/n couldn’t stop worrying about tom, she knew he could handle himself but the idea of someone hurting him got to her, he couldn’t use magic she thought to herself as she ran towards her wand, Y/n loved doing magic and being in a house hold with adult magic users the ministry couldn’t tell who’s magic was being used, so she never had to worry about not using it, so without any regret Y/n evaporated into wools orphanage.
Y/n arrived inside, she had to admit she wasn’t expecting the place to look like it could  fall down at any second but as she was staring at the cracking walls and broken floor boards.
Y/n slowly walked towards the group of children playing in the room she would describe as a cupboard “does anyone know where tom riddle might be?” the children stopped playing and all began to stare at her, the look on the little children’s faces made Y/n want to back away, each one having a panicked expression as if about to be punished.
“He’s...” a brown haired boy began but the girl next to him covered his mouth putting a finger across her lips “I am a friend, don’t worry I won’t tell him, you told me where he is" Y/n said while kneeling to look at the two, the girl slowly lowers her hand and let’s the boy talk.
“Upstairs, third door on the right, be careful" the children looked worried for a split second and then went back to playing there game as if the conversation had never happened.
Y/n walked towards the stairs when she heard a strange sound. “hey watch it" Billy said while shoving past a girl who looked no older than twelve “don’t you think putting worms in riddles bed is going a bit far" Peter was saying to bill as they passed by Y/n headed towards riddles room, before Billy knew what was happening, Y/n had pushed him breaking the jar he was holding and then grabbing a fist full of worms she forced them down his throat “what the hell, who are you?” Peter said while Billy lay crying completely unaware of how things turned around on him, Y/n shrugged and walked towards toms door.
Before she could knock, the door flung open, Tom stood in the door frame clearly hearing the commotion outside his door. He stared at Billy on the ground, worms surrounding him while he tried to throw up, Peter White in the face with fear staring at Y/n who he now was just seeing, even in the orphanage he couldn’t escape her he thought as he pulled her inside his room.
“what are you doing here?” Tom said after slamming the door shut.
Y/n ignored his question and looked around his room, she was shocked to see it was tiny like a cupboard, her house elves had better rooms than this, noticing his desk full of books she levitated towards it.
“I asked you a question!” Tom said while taking the book that Y/n had picked up from his pile, Y/n frowned trying to steal the book back.
“fine, I was worried you might get hurt without magic ok,” Tom was shocked he wasn’t used to people caring about his welfare, Y/n took the opportunity and stole his book from his grasp, sitting on his bed to begin to read “the three brothers again, do you just like children’s stories?” Y/n said with a sweet tone, Tom rolled his eyes “I am perfectly capable of beating them up if needs must, I don’t need saving" Tom said while scowling at Y/n, she ignored him and continued to read “oh also I came here to invite you to my ball, its an engagement thing and if you’re there it won’t be so bad, plus it gets you away from this place, I bet I could even get you’re warden to loosen your chains a little” Tom was now burning a hole into her skull with the murderous glare he was giving her.
“Fine be that way” Y/n said putting the book down and heading for the door.
“Wait, I’ll come with you but only if you help me find the hollows" Tom stared at Y/n, he knew she knew something, it was clear, she tried to get him to stop looking and she would always pick that book almost checking to see if he’d figured it out, so when he saw the flick of worry flash through her eyes he knew he was right.
“What do you mean? Its a children’s tale nothing real about it" Y/n said trying to dart for the door but Tom was too fast.
“you don’t think I’d believe that do you?”
“fine” Y/n knew tom would stop at nothing to find them and with her help she could perhaps persuade him to not use them for evil, who was she kidding this was mini Voldermort she was talking about, she didn’t even know why she was here in the first place, but shaking his hand to form the deal she didn’t regret it.
Y/n walked out of the orphanage, walking about ten minutes away and then evaporating with Tom back to the gravel pavement she knew so well, being greeted by creature.
“Hello Mistress, who is it you’ve brought with you?” creature looked Tom up and down as if displeased with Tom. Y/n smirked and then waved her wand, Tom had now been transformed from a boy wearing brown crop trousers and a top that was two sizes too big, into a tailored suit and tie, making creature smile and open the gate, Tom rolled his eyes and walked inside.
Y/n noticed a female elf, smiling and walking over to the elf, “Lizzy could you make a bed for my friend here” Y/n said almost scaring the house elf.
“as you wish, will you be needing anything else?” Lizzy said while clicking her fingers and a group of elves appeared, Y/n shuck her head and the elves were off to work, no longer than a minute later Lizzy was back “it is done, the room opposite yours is prepared, should I let mistress know of his arrival?” Y/n nodded as she took Tom towards his room, opening the door and shoving him in, she could hear a faint whine but headed towards her room, the moment she entered the room she noticed lord sitting in her desk with three letters in his beak.
Y/n walked over to lord and retrieved the letters opening them all, both Leroy and poppy were more than pleased to attend but jenny couldn’t make it due to being in Africa for the week. Y/n sighed and hopped into bed, hoping the ball wouldn’t be too boring.
Tom stared at the room he was shoved into, its was ten times the size he was use to in wools orphanage, the walk in closet was even bigger. Sighing at the fact he would have to return back to the cramped cupboard he called a bedroom. Tom walked towards a black oak desk that faced the window, and began to read not noticing the sun had begun to rise.
“Mistress, you’re guest will be arriving soon, should I wake you’re other guest?” Lizzy said while stealing Y/n’s sheets to get her to wake up, Y/n nodded sleepily, rubbing her eyes as she stood up to start the day, she faced a floor to ceiling mirror, looking at the birds nest hair, and dishevelled appearance. Laughing to herself she whipped out her wand and applied makeup and placing on a blue pair of jeans rips down the leg and a black crop top, she was the polar opposite of what a girl from the forties would look like, earning a screech from Lucretia and could hear some glass shatter, once she arrived downstairs, “Y/n darling please put on something more lady like" Melania said while gesturing for a house elf to clean the broken glass beside her, Y/n scoffed and began to sit down to eat the breakfast feast that awaited her, it was much like Hogwarts but had everything she loved from a stack of pancakes, to an English breakfast all ready and waiting, but just as she was about to start eating she remembered one thing, just as tom cleared his throat.
“This is tom Marvolo riddle, he’ll be stopping here for a while, he’s helping me with a project for school" Y/n said while not even looking his way knowing he was glaring at her.
Lucretia despite having a fiancé smiled and started to pat the seat beside her, secretly trying to blow kisses towards him, while Orion was giving Tom the most disgusted look he could muster, Orion had been one of toms followers, Y/n didn’t know if he still was but seeing how happy and bubby he usually was made her think he cut ties and from the glares each one was giving from across the table Y/n could understand why.
Tom sighed and sat next to Y/n, taking the lesser of two evils, a plate appearing instantly and he began placing porridge into it, trying his best to ignore both Lucretia and Orion glares each both daring and deadly.
“so Orion darling, where was it you will be working now?” Melania said while buttering her toast.
“Well father has gotten me this job in Norway, its gathering more intel on the yetis, I still have yet to find one but if I do you’ll be the first to know" Orion said with such happiness that Y/n began smiling, Orion had the energy to make even the saddest person happy.
Melania turned her gaze onto Y/n who at that time had a face full of pancake, Melania sighed “you should go shopping, you need something to wear for the ball tonight" Y/n sighed she hated the idea of shopping but knowing poppy was soon to be here she grinned and nodded, seeing her opportunity to escape further questioning she grabbed tom and head towards the library, Tom didn’t mind living the room, he found it quite suffocating, each member giving him the most powerful glare as if he wasn’t worthy of sitting with them to eat breakfast, he was twirling his wand as he thought of ways to make them see how worthy he truly was when Y/n stopped dragging him.
Pushing the big oak doors leading into walls upon walls of books leading for what seemed like miles, toms eyes shined with glee as if being a child in a sweet shop he ran over to each bookshelf and began grabbing everything he could find.
Y/n knew that the blacks had some quite dangerous dark arts books and in toms hands it might turn out deadly but needed to distract him for a while, while she goes shopping with her friends.
“Why does Orion hate you?” Tom stopped reading his book and stared at Y/n contemplating on telling her while she stared at him awaiting an answer.
“he was one of my most trusted, he betrayed me...” Y/n saw the hurt in toms eyes something she thought impossible for him, but he must have really trusted him to feel so broken up over it.
“As you know, I opened the chamber, I killed countless muggles. Orion was with me for all of that but after a mudblood of the name daisy he acted differently, as I found out later he was secretly dating the girl, and from her death he sort to destroy me, he went to Dumbledore of all people” Y/n put a hand on his shoulder realising that for toms twisted mind, he had done the right thing. “I am sorry he betrayed you, but people do strange things for love, not that you’d know, you find it a weakness" Tom glared at her knowing all too well what love can do to someone and rolled his eyes while Y/n walked towards the door “don’t leave, this elf will help you if you need anything" Y/n said while pushing a small elf wearing a blue shirt, the elf smiled at riddle and then vanished.
Y/n left as tom began to read once more, she knew he wouldn’t leave he was far too hungry for knowledge to leave if she had to guess it would be difficult to get him to leave later.
Y/n walked towards the doors that led outside, opening them to come face to face with poppy, startled, poppy grabbed Y/n into a bear hug, Leroy joining moments later.
“You came" Y/n said sounding shocked her friends would come on short notice.
Poppy squealed and jumped up and down, “its a ball, there’s not a chance I’d miss it" she said while looking around the entrance, noticing right away a unique hour glass, when held it would show the holder there time left, Y/n really didn’t want to know so chose not to mess with it while poppies eyes widened and grabbed it at once.
“where did you get this, its so hard to find" poppy said while looking at the rose that was engraved on the side of the hourglass, turning it over to find her death date.
“What does it say?” Leroy said while trying to peer over poppies shoulder.
Poppy sighed “well you’re stuck with me for another twenty years” Y/n was shocked that would only make her thirty five very young for a wizard most live up to be hundreds of years old and the ones smart live up till there thousands of years old.
Y/n smiled “I was just headed out to get a new outfit for tonight, want to join?” Y/n knew inviting poppy was a bad idea, taking her only added about two hours to her day but knew it would be best to keep her out of the house encase she happened to stumble across something like the black hole in the basement or the elf that carves peoples faces off if you look at him funny.
Poppy once again jumped up and down and dragged both Y/n and Leroy into the carriage to head towards Diagon Alley .


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