Chapter 13 - Grindelwald

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he wasn’t expecting to come face to face with a goat but here she was on the floor in an abandoned house, the roof missing and a goat in her face, Tom was already up and waiting at the hole that was once a door.
Y/n got up and ventured out, looking around for the grave, she sighed it was across the river, of cause Dumbledore wanted to be different and have a grave on top of the lake.
Y/n smiled and began to fly towards the grave noticing they had made it before Grindelwald, but just as she had opened the casket, reaching for the stone she was blasted across the lake, stone in her hand and a hole in her side , she looked on at the man who attacked her to see Grindelwald, his eyes cruel and Haunting, he went to cast yet another spell when she noticed he had been thrown across the lake as well, Tom came to her side, helping her stand and healed her while stealing glances towards Grindelwald.
“Tom, look out" Y/n said while pushing Tom out of the way and getting hit square in the chest by the killing curse, toms eyes flashed from worry to sorrow he hadn’t realised how much he cared for her until he lost her, he cradled her in his arms while she lay still.
Grindelwald approach slowly as if Tom was a wild animal, as soon as he was in range, Tom cast the killing curse at him, not expecting the attack Grindelwald fell.
Tom laughed, it had been so easy if only he had done that five minutes ago, then she wouldn’t be dead, the thought struck him like ice, she was wearing a time turner he could just rewind time, but stopped once he noticed she wasn’t wearing it.
Tom placed Y/n down and was walking away when he heard her laughing, perhaps it was in his head, this day had been a strange one, so he continued to walk back towards the house when he felt a hug behind him, at first he thought it was Grindelwald coming back to attack him but when he whipped around he came face to face with Y/n, grinning like a child eyes shinning and jumping up and down, Tom spun her around too happy to ask questions but her smile faded and she began to cry, wiping away a tear Tom spoke.
“How did you come back?” she laughed once more
“I’ve died seven times since I’ve come here, I made a horcrux after the fifth one" she said while showing him the locket, smiling at the fact she had stolen one of his intended horcruxes, Tom smiled he couldn’t help but kiss her once more he was so happy she wasn’t dead that he didn’t care how weak she made him.
Y/n smiled into the kiss, breaking apart to look at the now deceased Grindelwald, her smile growing wider as she knelt down to take the elder wand from his cold vice like fingers, she had to break a couple to get to it, holding the wand up triumphantly.
“I can’t believe you actually killed him" Y/n said while pocketing the wand, Tom looked at her sceptically as she did so.
“He was in the way, the stone can bring anyone back to life” Tom said while taking the stone from the ground where Y/n had fallen, dusting it off and placing it in his robe pocket.
Tom placed his hand out, Y/n misinterpreting it, puts her hand in his, earning a scowl. “no, give me the elder wand, I saw you steal it", Y/n laughed knowing all too well what danger he could inflict without the wand and giving him extra power couldn’t be the best choice. So still laughing while he frowns and tries to gain access to her robes, she winks at him before Apparating leaving tom staring out into the dark forest.
Y/n arrived at her sanctuary, the walls full of over gown vines and the plants surrounding her had become huge it was like a peaceful meadow with every flower imaginable surrounding her, a swinging bench sat in the middle of the room, Y/n sat upon it and began to swing, hours past by and not a soul entered, just as Y/n left the swing she heard a sound and moments later the sanctuary full of butterfly’s and wildlife was gone, burnt to a crisp, the flowers withered and dead, bunnies no longer hopping, the swing she was moments ago swinging had fallen and lay broken and unrepairable, the walls falling around her.
Y/n scowled the moment she saw him, she knew it was him, who else could be so heartless, but what she didn’t understand was how he knew of this place, it wasn’t ment to be found for another twenty years or so.
“How did you find me?” Y/n said while tears flooded her eyes.
Tom smiled, he loved inflicting pain onto others, walking in circles around her he spoke “you really thought you’d be able to escape me?” the low grumble was enough to make a grown man cry but when Y/n looked into his eyes she couldn’t see  a hint of anger only sadness.
It was true this place wouldn’t be found for another twenty years publicly but Tom had found it in his first year, it was a hidden bunker off the side of the forbidden forest, he used it when he needed to brew potions.
Tom would never admit he spent most of the day looking for her and had decided to go to the bunker to cool off and perhaps make a calming drought but instead found the person he was looking for.
“give me the wand!” Tom had his wand at her throat, forcing her backwards into a wall, seeing her without an escape plan made him smile once more.
“Never"  Tom grabbed for the wand, a tug of war started.
“the wand belongs to me"  he said while tugging the wand towards himself, Y/n scowling tugged once again.
“I won’t let you" Y/n said while tugging it out of toms grasp.
Y/n Wriggled out of his grasp, running towards the ladders, only to be dragged back down again.
“must you act like a child, just give me what is mine" Tom said dynamically as if the world was at stake.
“I’ll only give you it, if you promise not to kill the wizarding world, trust me its not worth it, you see how you look... weak, powerless and deranged"
Toms eyes had turned a shade of blood red, shining with murderous intent, Y/n noticing the shift in atmosphere, shrugged and decided to kiss him, startling him so much, his eyes change back to brown and was unsure of what he wanted.
“if only I could do that every time you disagree with me” Y/n blew a kiss towards him as she left the bunker.
Everything around Tom began to float, spinning around him so fast until he screamed, sending the objects crashing against the wall, breaking it into pieces. Tom hated how weak he was becoming, he hated that every thought he had was of her and he couldn’t stop it, he had almost Obliviated him self but couldn’t stand not knowing something.

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