Chapter 14 - Be Careful Who You Trust

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Tom ventured out into the forest, blasting at anything and everything, nothing stood a chance against him especially spiders and horse men but stopped when he saw a lone dementor, he could never defeat one as much as he tried, he was unable to produce a patronus. So filled with rage and resentment he held his wand and uttered the spell, expecting nothing but miss to spit out of his wand but the moment the last word left his lips, the wand shined with a bright light, a fox charged at the dementor sending it back into the forest. Tom was shocked he had never thought it possible for him to make one, having no good memories but the moment he looked at the patronus, he knew it was because of her, for she was his fox and he was her snake.
Sighing as the forest became darker and the fog began to set in, Tom knew he could make it out of the forest blind folded but having prefect duties to attend to required him to venture out.
Tom rounded a corner to see Avery crouched on top of a first year holding them down while rosier hexed and sliced at the Ravenclaw, sighing once again he came into view, stopping rosier and momentarily Avery, giving the girl a chance to escape, she fled before either boy could chase her, but from the look Tom was giving them, it didn’t seem she needed to worry.
“are you out of you’re mind?, I’ve been collecting the hollows while you’ve been gallivanting around school intimidating first years.” Tom held the brim of his nose clearly tired from the lack of sleep “you put everything I’ve worked for at risk, for what? A glimpse  of power?” both boys who had an arrogant and triumph look turned to worry and looking at the ground, Tom smiled at the fact he could change there mood from a simple statement but decided to be merciful, leaving the two unscathed.
“what are you’re plans, summer has given me time to corrupt some of the minister men but not anyone of importance" Avery said while still staring at the floor not daring to look at Tom, but if he had he would have seen the flash of red and known to duck from the red flash that was headed towards him, Avery was on the floor crying.
“My plans are my own, and from the way you are acting I don’t see fit to inform you of those" Tom said lying like a sailor, he hadn’t so much of thought about corrupting the ministry since he said it in the meeting, months ago, something that ate up at him, he hadn’t done anything to forward his goals, he had put everything he’d worked for on hold, for what – he knew what but he couldn’t except it. Tom had sped walked towards the room of requirement, inside he was once again breaking everything in site, tugging at his hair throwing books, desks, everything he could find, but once he was finished he looked up at the mess he made, with a flick of the wrist the room was back to how it should be and Tom understood what he had to do. If he couldn’t kill her, he would have to send her away, somewhere he couldn’t find, he knew he couldn’t stay away from her, it was like she was a drug and he was an addict.
Tom ventured out  towards the Slytherin common room, finding Mulciber and rosier they were sat playing cards when he ventured towards them, both stopping short and staring up at him, knowing Tom rarely came to the common room at this hour.
“Mulciber I need for you to do something for me.”
Y/n woke to silence, she couldn’t hear any sound. Usually jenny would be up and shouting for everyone to wake up while, poppy was snoring sounding more like an earth quake, just as Y/n laughed at the memory the bag covering her head was yanked off her head, she looked around seeing masked men around her, she tried to move only to realise she was tied to a chair.
“I didn’t want to do this, she’s are friend” rosier said clearly annoyed at having to partake, earning a red light to hit him in the chest, he was covered in blistered and slashes.
“enough you know what we have to do, don’t be a cowered" Mulciber said while grabbing a cup “we don’t want you here, you’re a distraction, you’re lucky we can’t kill you, but that doesn’t mean we can’t hurt you" Mulciber said with a sadistic smile, he dove into his robe and retrieved a knife, it had a snake shape handle and the blade it self was so shiny she could see her dishevelled appearance, before she could utter a single word the knife was plunged into her chest multiple times, and when it stopped she could feel her body being broken each bone breaking and rearranging, it was agony and everlasting even when it did stop it would just begin again but something more worse. hours felt like months.
“Its ready” Mulciber said while throwing the cup at Y/n, within a second she was transported, she opened her eyes and noticed she was inside a cave.
She grabbed her wand and began to heal herself only to realise her magic didn’t work, scowling she walked around the cave looking for the way out, hours ticked by and she finally saw the light, as she ran towards it she fell backwards, jumping up she began to reach her hand out, her hand couldn’t pass. Y/n screamed so loud she feared the rocks would fall in.
“what the hell riddle!” she said while stomping her feet, the moment she realised she was still bleeding and close to death, she began to cry, then she passed out.
“It is done" Mulciber said as tom read his books once again, he thought he’d be happy, the distraction was gone but now he just missed her more, so ignoring the feeling he nodded to Mulciber.
“its time we show the ministry what were made of"
Tom said as he stood up, placing his silver mask upon his face, his followers all wearing the same but in bronze.
Tom had managed to get about ten followers and they all charged the ministry each one firing off avada kedavra, with each ministry official dying Tom noticed he didn’t feel as happy as he use to when he killed someone, the whole office was on fire, people were burning, and Tom stared on walking past as people cried and cowered in the corner of the office, he just strolled by while his followers butchered each and everyone.
He stopped when he found the room he was after, entering to find the place full of orbs, rows and rows of shiny misty orbs each with a person’s name on, only one person was allowed to be here, the time keeper.
The time keeper rose from his desk, leaving his writing for another day, his eyes had so many bags under them he didn’t think the man could even see, his beard, trailed behind him as he walked, saddles showing off his long toe nails.
It was as if  time stopped around the two, the battle around them fading off into the background, “now what brings you here, power, destiny or perhaps just greed?” the man said in wonder, Tom not caring for the man rolled his eyes “power" the man uttered as he watched Tom raise his wand, he didn’t even block as the killing curse hit him in the chest.
He walked to the desk to see what the man had been writing and much to his shock, it said the man’s future, he knew he was going to die and yet he did nothing to prevent it, scoffing to him self he wondered along the rows, looking around at each shelf, the room seemed endless it took him over half an hour of looking until he finally found it.
Levitating off the ground to reach it, he dusted it off and began to read it.
“There is two path ways, one marked with death and destruction ending in you’re own but another happiness” Tom shuck at the orb he had never thought someone could have two destiny’s but perhaps it had something to do with Y/n, for she had changed his destiny four times already.
Pocketing the globe he ventured out to find his followers drinking perhaps in celebration of there first mission but Tom declined the drinks and headed back to Hogwarts Apparating to various places encase anyone was following him.
He hurried back to his dorm, placing his orb into his draw and warded it knowing Y/n would snoop if given the chance, looking around he noticed she wasn’t following him like she normally would, Tom wondered what he could have done until he remembered he had left her in the cave, it had been a week since he had gotten Mulciber to kidnap her, thinking how much progress he had made, showed how much better it was without her, but it didn’t make him feel any better infact it gave him quite the opposite affect, slamming his journal he ignored his worries of her safety and decided to visit the Basilisk.
Y/n stared at the wall, she had found some rats living in the walls and that had kept her fed and slightly sane, her leg was still painful to walk on but she had managed to use some dry mud to cover the bleeding, she knew it was mostly infected but once she escaped she could cast a quick healing spell.
Y/n wondered round the cave looking for another exit, she had been walking for days, she had found a water fall, she almost ran towards it but stopped short once she noticed the black lake surrounding it, the lake looked as though it was moving.
Y/n threw a rock into the lake and within moments the rock was attacked by hundreds of hands emerging from the lake, Y/n would have screamed if she had any voice left.
Noticing the distance from the waterfall and the lake she wondered what could get her towards it when she noticed a wooden plank, hoping she wouldn’t get grabbed down under she placed the wooden plank onto the water and slowly sat on it, using her wand to steer, a few hands tried to grab her and the wand but Y/n was faster and managed to get to the waterfall mostly intact.
She started to climb the waterfall, something she found extremely difficult considering her leg was like dead weight, causing her to fall quite a lot of times, infact after the tenth time she started to cry, grabbing at the dirt and sobbing, hoping this was just a bad day, but as she looked around again she was still in the same place, she dried her eyes and determined to escape and kill Tom for leaving her here she climbed, but this time she made it out, filled with determination and blood thirst she escaped the cave.
A couple walked by as Y/n arose from the ground, scaring them so badly they screamed and ran for there lives. Y/n laughed at the couple as they fell over there feet trying to escape, grabbing her wand she headed her self and made her appearance less zombie and more alive.
She looked around and noticed she was at a sea side resort, her brother had taken her once when Dumbledore had shown him of Voldemort’s horcrux location, Y/n almost laughed, how fitting for her to be there then she had thought.
Looking around for any prying eyes she apparate, smiling as the world around her blurred around her and she was once again greeted to the glowing castle, she wasted no time in marching towards toms dorms, not caring it was late in the night, she swung open his door, and grabbed him by the collar, waking him up in the process.
“Crucio" she whispered in his ear as he slowly realised what was happing.
Tom was quite skilled at the spell so didn’t so much as utter a word only threw daggers towards her.
Y/n laughed “god I hate you right now, but boy how I’ve missed you" Tom stared at her still feeling the affects.
Tom looked away he knew she wouldn’t stay locked up for long but he thought he had more time, perhaps get more done but she was far more skilled than he gave her credit.
“Why?” she was almost cry now, as she increased the pain, Tom could feel his bones crushing under the pain but he stayed silent, he wasn’t sure what she wanted to hear but anything he would say would make her worse, so against better judgement he opened his mouth to speak only for Y/n to kiss him, he hadn’t been expecting that and from the mirrored expression she gave him, she probably wasn’t either, she had been so worked up that she didn’t want him to lie his way out and instead chose to shut him up.
Tom wasn’t sure who deemed the kiss or who started what but he was against this, his chest was hurting and he couldn’t tell if it was just from the pain or something else entirely.
Tom knew this would only end badly he’d even gone so far as to lock her away but here he was caressing her neck as he left small kisses.
Y/n was thinking the same but she couldn’t help but drag him towards her, the kiss was full of passion and domination, both wanted to be in control, Y/n smiled as she felt his erection, knowing she was the course of his misery.
So not giving him a moment to spare she had grab hold of it and began to slowly stroke it, hearing each small wiper out of him, try as he might to stop the wipers he couldn’t, she was now sulking on him hard bobbing her head and swerving her tongue. Tom couldn’t take it any more, he ragged her off him and began to aggressively kiss her.
“who taught you how to do that?” Tom tried to sound shocked but when he spoke it came out breathless and husky causing Y/n to smirk once more.
Tom was smirking too he had her pinned to the bed and began to kiss every inch of her, stopping at her waist, grinning like a Cheshire Cat he ducked under her dress and devoured her, licking her slowly until he heard a small moan, he cherished the sound, so picking up his pace he placed a finger inside as well earning a gasp, she began to move her hips towards him, smiling once more he pumped until she came.
Tom smiled and began to place his dick inside her, going extremely hard, making her feel the pain, enjoying all the sounds she was making, it made him feel alive like he hadn’t in weeks, he knew at that very moment he couldn’t live without her and that scared him, he hated people and he knew she was out to kill him so him loving her only made things worse in the long run, but as tom though he didn’t care, she was in his arms and there was nothing that could stop him.
Smiling as they both came, Tom laid beside her and cuddled her, he normally hated human contact but couldn’t help wanting to be near Y/n.
“So why did you do it, I almost died you know?” Y/n said while drifting off to sleep, Tom kissed her head as she slept, turning to face the ceiling as he thought.
“because I care for you too much” he whisper finally admitting it to himself.

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