Chapter 6 - Poison

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Tom rounded the corner to see Y/n darting out of the common room, he was intrigued and decide to once again stalk her, he followed her into the Forbidden forest and noticed a huge spider, Y/n was stroking the thing and feeding it mice like it was a pet but Tom couldn’t stop looking at how calm she looked.
“What are you doing?” Tom said within running distance not wanting to take on such a spider as that would be a waste of his time and he could use the monster once again to frame for his crimes if needed, Tom was struck out of his thoughts as Y/n spoke.
“Well Hagrid’s not here to feed and pet him, so he asked me to do it and I’m kinda fond of spiders “ Y/n said as if it was no big deal but Tom had looked on in disbelief.
“Class is starting soon, you don’t want to be late for slug horns class do you?” Tom said while turning around towards the castle, Y/n started jogging to keep up and laughed “no it took a week for the potion to ware off last time, I don’t even what to know what he’s got in store for me” Y/n said while they entered the class room.
The class went quite well until Y/n left her potion to grab another unicorn hair and when she had returned she thought nothing of it, but once instructed to taste there potions Y/n knew her mistake, she was on the floor finding it hard to Breathe, she almost thought the professor had done it but with so many witnesses she couldn’t understand why he’d do such a thing.
Tom jumped from his seat, he was the first to notice Y/n had fallen and went to catch her, he was screaming for her to wake up, trying every spell he could think of to make her come back.
“Tom what seems to be the matter?” slug horn said not noticing the almost lifeless body Tom was holding
“she’s dying sir" you could tell Tom was half way through a breakdown, and slug horn upon noticing Y/n, started to reach for her to check her vitals and then check the potion.
“Ah, poison quite a deadly venom, I am not sure we have it in the cupboard, who would do such a thing" no one answered the professor and Tom had been too preoccupied with carrying Y/n to the hospital wing to notice the sly smile Malfoy was giving his partner.
Y/n had awoken days later to find tom at the side of her bed, he was so happy she was awake he hugged her, Y/n was so shocked she almost didn’t hug him back.
“I thought you were dead" Tom said while looking down “I tried everything to get you healthy again, lucky I have Basilisk venom on tap and he knows the cure for it so I had to call in a favour” Tom said while scowling.
Y/n jumped up in alarm “what did you do?” Tom looked to his right and Y/n noticed fawlks Dumbledore’s phoenix “you made a deal with him?” Y/n was shocked, Dumbledore would have had to cure her as he was a professor but she knew him all too well, he would use his little power to bargain for something, she would call him a devil but that was putting it nicely when describing such a scummy person.
“I had to agree to be you’re friend" Y/n looked up at Tom as if to say what the fuck but he bet her to the punch “I guess he doesn’t know were already friends but if needs must will you be my friend?” Tom had said it so sweetly she almost hesitated “sure riddle why not, but it makes you wonder why he went to so much trouble for him to force us being friends “ Y/n thought while Tom remembered his encounter with Dumbledore.
Tom barged into Dumbledore’s office “Professor Y/n’s been poisoned, you’re bird is the only thing that can save her" Dumbledore raised an eye brow at Tom and then looked at fawlks “perhaps you’re right phoenix tears have been known to raise people from the brink of death, but what would be in it for me?” Dumbledore said while crossing his arms, Tom was floored he knew Dumbledore hated him and would gladly let him die but a fellow student that was in his care, that was just cold even for him.
“Well you’re a professor, its you’re  job to help students, but if you’re ego needs more I guess I’ll give you anything" Tom was desperate, he was unsure why he was even caring for her, no one else seemed bothered of her outcome but something inside Tom told him he had to save her.
“Very well I ask for one thing, admit you’re crimes" Tom was struck, he hated Dumbledore he always knew how to use people, he had to admit he was good at it but being on the other side of such a ploy was something Tom despised.
“very well, I hate you, I hexed malfoy on the daily, great practice and that’s about it"  Dumbledore squinted his eyes but Tom appeared to be speaking the truth or at least he would have if he mentioned the deaths of his family members but he was a good liar and as far as Dumbledore knew tom was in the castle and his uncle had admitted it all, as for the current deaths last year he was just the person who ordered it he did not kill them himself so he passed Dumbledore’s test, much to Dumbledore’s annoyance, he knew that Tom was hiding something but what he spoke was truthful and for that he handed over the bird.
Tom was struck out of his thoughts when he heard Dumbledore’s voice near the entrance to the hospital wing, Tom scowled at the man as he approached Y/n’s bedside.
“Ah, it seems miss black has been cured,” Dumbledore spoke to dippet who appeared beside him.
“Yes indeed, how thankful we are, but that doesn’t stop the fact that someone was intending to poison her" dippet had said while holding a vile of the potion, “it seems quite a lethal dose, had it not been for professor Dumbledore’s phoenix you would have most likely died, we will look into this matter at once" dippet looked at Y/n and Tom and then left with Dumbledore in toe.
“Well that was entertaining” Y/n said while getting out of the bed, while tom rose an eye brow at her.
“You call almost dying entertainment?” Tom asked clearly annoyed at her lack of mortality.
“yeah its not like I haven’t died before" Y/n said nonchalantly like it was falling asleep
 Tom was shocked into silence he wasn’t aware of being able to come back from death but the silence was short lived as his interest had been peaked.
“How have you died before?” Tom said slowly not completely believing the words that were coming out of his mouth, but the way Y/n looked like a deer in headlights he knew she wasn’t lying.
“Um... well...” just as Y/n was about to make an excuse poppy came barging in and jumped up towards her, causing her to let out a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding, jenny came in a moment later and Tom realised he had over stayed his welcome, he turned both girls heads a bit bigger, they looked like bobble heads, laughing to himself he walked back into the common room to see his followers all waiting for him causing him to sigh, he still hadn’t thought of any new ideas and malfoy was starting to get on his nerves, so without giving him a chance to speak Tom cast a nonverbal spell at him, malfoy was on the floor hopping with his mouth and hands bound by vines.
Y/n was back in her room and wondering how she could explain to Tom that she’d survived the killing curse for an act of love, he’d never by that or perhaps she could say she was struck by it but death couldn’t handle a moment with her so he sent her back.
Y/n rolled around clearly not able to sleep with all the new information she needed to know, ancient ruins were the worst, she still had a bunch of homework from Dumbledore who she suspected gave her and tom at least double the amount anyone else had to do, and then there was her divination, he had wanted them to see into the future and predict something, but of course Y/n was from the future so she couldn’t really tell him too much without it causing him to think she was a seer or something like that, she hated being labelled and she wouldn’t put it past him to drag her around his class room and try and use her as a seer for most things. so Y/n laid in her bed worrying for the next day to come, knowing full well she had not done most of her work.
Tom stared at his followers before him, he was annoyed at them, he did not wish to speak to them until he was ready with a plan of action but here they were demanding him to give them answers.
Tom walked to the fire place he always found the flames a calming sensation and then turned to his followers once more.
“As I have told you many times, I am working on taking the ministry from the inside, my plan requires us to have a position of power and strike while they are unprepared”
The group was nodding and smiling clearly buying the quick plan Tom had made up on the spot but he seemed to like the idea of corrupting the ministry, he found himself smiling at the idea.
Avery was the first to raise his hand while the others just stared in awe.
“So how do you propose we infiltrate the ministry?” Avery was watching Tom for any indication of the plan but he was wearing a mask as always leaving Avery to wonder how much if this was a spear of the moment thing.
Tom scowled for a brief moment but was soon back to a blank face after looking down at Avery, the black glasses falling down his long nose and his brown eager eyes looking into toms hazel burning with fury.
“Ah, Avery the plan is simple, possibly torture them for information or perhaps turn as many of them into knights” Tom knew Avery would have something to say he was always the smarter of the group but he was tired of having to explain his plans when they were just servants not even worth toms time, so without another word he walked back out the common room towards the room of requirements.
Y/n was so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t realised she had begun to walk down the halls only coming out of it when Dumbledore emerged from the shadows.
“Miss Black, why may I ask are you out at this late hour?" Y/n stared at the old man he looked a lot younger than the version she was use to, his beard was shorter and had a bit of colour still in it and his eyes seemed less glossy but she was struck out of her past when Dumbledore spoke once more.
“it seems you have a lot to explain” Y/n began to panic she wondered how much he knew, he was skilled at Legilimency after all but the worry soon faded once she noticed he was not instantly blasting a killing curse at her.
She was remembering the last time she had  seen the professor, she had been the one to kill him, she knew of his plans and she knew with all her heart she hated the man and just like she had done countless times before she blasted him with the killing curse, she watched as his eyes slowly faded and lost all hope and that Memory made her smile she even used it to make her patronus charm.
“Miss Black are you quite alright?” Dumbledore was saying while looking at the grinning girl she looked as if she was heavily medicated.
“Ah quite, I was remembering something quite pleasant sir” Dumbledore Rose an eyebrow at her clearly seeing the murderous intent and avoided the question he so desperately wanted to know but didn’t want the answer to so instead he opted to escorting her back to her dorm.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why is it you were out and about?” Y/n stared at him and sighed “I’ve got a lot on my mind and thought a walk would do me good, Professor” he hummed and nodded in agreement while stroking his beard “perhaps all we need is a new prospective”
Y/n strode into her dorm room glad to be rid of the professor, she really did despise the man ever since learning of his involvement of her parents death along with him raising her brother to die at the right moment, she knew only hate and nothing could convince her of his innocence, so she laid in her bed once more and began to think of ways to get rid of the professor once and for all.
Tom was in his usual space, he was reading yet another book from the restricted section this of the book of corruption something about it made tom want to know every detail it possessed, the book only grew as the hours ticked bye, Tom had successfully created a teleporting spell albeit he could only make a pen vanish and appear on the other side of the room but it was progress.
Tom looked around the empty room feeling a little bit empty he had never felt such a strong emotion, he wondered what had made him feel such things and then realised quite reluctantly that Y/n would normally cheer him on and hug him once he succeeded but this time he had done what he wanted to do and then nothing, Tom always did things him self he was a lone wolf, never liked anyone to get in his way but as time was passing by he realised how lonely he was without her, not that he’d ever let her know that.

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