Chapter 4 - Broken Friendship, New Powers, New Family

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“Do you do this often then?” Tom said as Y/n stole supplies from the cupboard, Y/n just winked and Tom rolled his eyes something he was beginning to do a lot lately “so you add this and then that oh and don’t forget this, but the best part is you can’t speak for a week” Tom stopped stirring and stared at Y/n as if to check if she was lying or not, much to his annoyance she was not and he reluctantly placed the leaf into his mouth, he was too curious to know what he would be and how to use it to his advantage.
“ok don’t say anything if you’re a weirdo" Tom was scowling at Y/n and she began rattling off more outlandish things from being a murderer to a sadistic person which he was but it enraged him to the heavens that he couldn’t retaliate, he had reached his boiling point halfway through a muggle reference and pointed his wand at her, he hexed her without the use of words, this stunned her and she looked at him with awe in her eyes “how do you know how to do that?” Tom had scowled at her “oh yeah, you can’t talk" he just rolled his eyes at her as if to say duh.
A week had passed and Tom had managed to not talk, slug horn was fearsome match though, he had started to cry when Tom had not spoken to him, god it was like he was an attention seeking baby or something.
“so you should be able to turn into your animagus now" Y/n said while staring at Tom eager to know what he would become.
Within a flash Tom was no more and in his place a Basilisk stood, Y/n stared at Tom knowing full well he couldn’t turn her to stone he was only an animagus so kept his human eyes much to her relief.
“hey I wonder if you’re bite will be venomous?” Y/n asked without thinking but of course Tom took that as a challenge and decided to bite Y/n, luckily for her his bite was infact harmless but that didn’t change the fact he tried to bite her.
“Hey rude why did you do that?” Y/n asked Tom once he was back to his human form “I wanted to test it out and you were the only thing around" Tom said nonchalantly, “and what would you have done if you did have venomous teeth?” Tom laughed “watch you die of course, don’t think you’re so special” Tom scowled and walked away from the slack jawed Y/n “Well next time I won’t help" Y/n shouted back as tom had left the Forbidden forest.


It had been weeks since Y/n had talked to Tom, he hadn’t noticed or rather he pretended to not notice infact he was quite annoyed at him self for even caring about her to notice she had exited his life, she had moved in potions, she had moved at lunch and breakfast, she now sat furthest away from him. Tom stared at his porridge and began to wonder what his next plan would be , perhaps he could scare people with his new animagus but that wouldn’t work he was unregistered so if anyone found out it would be a one way ticket to Azkaban.
“so how are we taking over the world tom" Avery asked tom as he sat next to him, to which tom just scowled “this is not the place or the time, I'll inform you at my next meeting" tom stared Avery down and he backed away. “that was a bit harsh don’t you think, just because you’re having a bad day doesn’t mean you can take it out on him" Bellatrix said while smiling at Tom, Tom saw red he hated being undermined by a child no less, what was she a second year? Tom thought as he reached for his wand under the table he cast a slicing charm, the girl felt it within an instance and became hostile “ha, I am a black I’ve been brought up to withstand things like this" Tom stared at her, he wondered how weird the blacks must be to constantly put there children through harm on the daily but that didn’t concern him.
The unhinged girl stud up walking towards Y/n and began to give her a hug “long time no see cousin”,  “hello bella, I love you’re dress" Bellatrix looked down to see she was wearing a black feather dress like a black Swan floating on a cloud, jenny laughed “have you not heard of a hair brush?” Bellatrix scowled down at the girl “my hair is fine the way it is thank you"  jenny just rolled her eyes, the hair in question looked like a bird nest infact jenny could have sworn she saw a couple Robbins in there. “welcome to the group any friend of Y/n’s is a friend of mine" poppy said while holding her hand out to shake, Bellatrix looked at the hand skeptically and shook it after close investigation.
“Well I best be off then bye cousin and her friends” Bellatrix said while running to catch up to her sister Narcissa who infact hated Y/n ever since she had thrown paint all over her new dress causing a long rivalry to begin, each one at fault, prank after prank, at the moment they were on friendly terms while they were at school but the moment they went back the war would commence.
Tom stared at the interaction between Y/n and Narcissa and began to wonder about how such a nice girl could possibly be related to Bellatrix and Y/n .
Y/n was walking to her potions class early as she had been warned the next time she’d be late he’d give her a potion she won’t like, some how she hoped that wasn’t the case as poisoning a student shouldn’t be allowed but she wouldn’t put it past him to play innocent and act as if she’d done it to her self, when she was dragged into an empty class room. She noticed the person straight away, it was Tom smiling ear to ear.
“What do you want Riddle?” Tom looked hurt at the fact she had used his surname but brushed the thought out of his mind.
“Well I wanted to mend this, um thing we have, its not as fun without you messing my plans up, without you I’ve managed to kill at least three students, maim a teacher and hex all of the mudbloods" Y/n just stared at him, it had only been a couple of weeks and he had managed to kill people, Y/n took a step back and landed into a wall.
“what’s wrong? Don’t you want to play cat and mouse?” Tom said twirling his wand eager to know the answer.
“You think you can scare me, ha, trust me I’ve seen worse, I guess it slipped my mind to keep an eye on you, but if you want to play, why not I’ll play” Y/n said while pushing her wand into his throat, he looked rather pleased at this outcome as if his life was boring and meaningless without her in it.
Y/n stormed out leaving a grinning riddle to him self.
“Y/n this is the tenth time this week you’ve been late to my class!” Slughorn said without even looking up from his chalk board, Y/n rolled her eyes and began to sit down, a moment later riddle appeared through the door and slug horn didn’t even mention it, causing Y/n’s blood to boil of course he’d have special treatment Y/n thought while scowling at him, causing tom to stick his tongue out for a split second catching her off guard.
“ah now that everyone’s arrived, Y/n if you could try this potion, I’ve made it especially for you" slug horn said clearly eager to show the class what happens to late comers, but Y/n couldn’t care less she knew if he tried to kill her, that there was witnesses.
Y/n approached the bubbling potion, its green colour made her want to vomit but took a cup full and swigged it in one go, Y/n opened her eyes and noticed she had become smaller, her hands were that of a child’s and then she realised, she ran to a mirror and noticed she had been turned into a toddler, her hair was in pigtails, her eyes big and green, and she had somehow managed to keep her uniform just magically fit her.
“how long does this last!” Y/n said while trying to appear angry but was extremely difficult in a cute little girls body. Slug horn just shrugged “I am not too sure of the answer my dear, perhaps a day or maybe a month” slug horn was smiling now clearly excited to have the upper hand.
“now then students I’d like you to all try the ageing potion page 340, as you can see from Y/n’s performance it turns you younger, each cup is ten years, don’t try drinking it and if you drink more than you’re current age you will cease to exist” there was no jolliness in his voice, and the room became deadly silent as if to think of the outcome.
Y/n just huffed as she tried to get into her chair, infact she had to levitate herself, when she sat down she couldn’t even see past her desk, huffing once more she turned her hairclip into a pillow and could once again continue the lesson.
“weren’t you cute as a child?” Tom said while stirring his caldron, earning a scowl from Y/n “just you wait, I’ll get my revenge” Tom started to laugh he had never heard such an innocent person say such a thing and coming from a five year old was too much.
“Tom, give me a piggyback ride or I’ll hex you” Y/n said while holding her wand which had also shrunk with her, how strange, Tom rolled his eyes and began walking away until Y/n pulled on his sleeve.
“What is it now, I have places to be" Tom said while staring down at her, causing her to jump on his back “I need transportation to the next class and your in my class so why not, plus you are a fellow prefect, it is your sworn duty to protect one another" Tom sighed and thought how that wouldn’t be classed as protection but gave in as it would be much more quicker just to take her where she wanted to go.
Y/n was having the time of her life , on Tom’s back  infact she had quite liked being up and about, she hadn’t been so carefree in a while and just the thought of being able to get away with things because she was a cute little five year old made her smile in glee, of course everyone thought she was just enjoying the ride.
“my what has happened here?” Professor Dumbledore spoke as tom entered the class room with Y/n on his back, he slowly placed her down and began to walk to his desk “sorry sir, I was late to Slughorn’s class and this was the price “ she said while gesturing to herself, causing Dumbledore to laugh “why indeed, what a cruel trick, perhaps I could help ?” Dumbledore raised his eye brow curious to hear her answer “he said that it would ware off in a day or in a month, I am not sure there is much you can do sir" with that Dumbledore smiled, he could infact turn her back to normal with a blink of an eye but still held a grudge towards her after the comment about him liking riddle of all people.
“So what is it were learning today?” jenny asked as Dumbledore turned to the chalk board “ah miss brown, we will be learning how to turn into an animal of your choosing “ Y/n rolled her eyes and smiled, she turned into her fox animagus and Tom turned into a wolf clearly not wanting to use his animagus and use Dumbledore’s teachings instead.
“Dumbledore walked around the room seeing half human half animals until he got to jenny who had somehow made herself into a chair much to Dumbledore’s amusement, he reverted her back to normal and made all the students revert back, “very well then class dismissed” Dumbledore gave a wave and the door opened.
Tom stared at the wall and suddenly a door became, this was the room of requirements, but Tom stopped in his tracks when he noticed a sleeping Y/n on his arm chair she had being reading a hex charm, no doubt to get back at Slughorn.  Tom smiled at the sight clearly unsure of what to do as he’d never had people in his room, no less a girl and she was asleep. So he did what any guy would do he placed a blanket over her and placed her on the bed so he could use the chair and began to read one of his dark arts, he was lacking in his plan for wold domination.
Tom had woken up in his chair he had somehow fallen asleep, he turned to see Y/n was still sleeping, perhaps she was dead? Tom was hopeful but then a pain in his heart hoped she was not, so past his better judgement, he checked if she was alive.
Within a second of tom getting up from his chair, Y/n arose from her slumber, perhaps she could hear him but he doubted that, as she hadn’t woken up when he first arrived.
“Where am I?” Y/n asked while frantically looking around the room and stopping to see Tom standing infront of her.
“you’re in the room of requirements” Tom said while sitting back down to read once again, now that he knew she was indeed alive.
“Oh yeah, I forgot I came here to escape a pig faced Weasley” Y/n said while giggling she was reliving her memory of hexing Arthur into looking like a pig, after publicly dumping poppy.
Tom raised an eye brow and continued to read trying not to seem interested in the reason she had turned him into a pig.
Y/n huffed and began to exit the room, Tom looked up from his book just long enough to see her leave and with that he was lost in the book only realising the day had ended when he heard the bells chime.
The school day had started and Y/n was once again sat next to riddle, Dumbledore had instructed the class to try a memory charm, Tom seemed to be the best so far, as he could remember what they had told him, of course he was cheating he could just go into there memories and dig the information out, but Y/n was doing the same thing so she couldn’t judge him too harshly.
“ah miss black I do believe your as skilled as Mr riddle here, if not more so" the rage tom had sent Dumbledore as he said that made a sparkle appear in his eye, clearly Dumbledore wasn’t as nice as he appeared to be. “I’d like for you to try on one another next”.
So here Y/n was sat next to Tom, thinking of what she could ask him and make him forget, within an instant she had the idea, Tom had began to stare at Y/n clearly trying to get a reed on what she was thinking, but she had her walls up much to his annoyance, you could just make out a scowl forming.
“now then Tom, I’d like you to remember this ‘I am Lord Voldemort’” Y/n spoke the last part just  above a whisper, this clearly wasn’t the right thing to do as he had reached for his wand and was about to hex her until he wasn’t, the memory spell had worked and try as tom might have liked, he couldn’t find out what Y/n had told him and what confused him the most was why his wand was pointed at her.
“What did you do?” Tom spoke just above a whisper clearly about to explode at any minute.
Tom  hated not knowing something and Y/n kept on being a puzzle to him, first there was all the skulking about something Tom him self does but of course he was planning murder, he could never find the reason she was awake at the dead of night though and she some how got more mysterious, like the fact she always seems to be walking around the Forbidden forest or disappearing sometimes months at a time, Tom had also noticed Y/n seemed to hate Dumbledore for no apparent reason making him more suspicious of her, if Dumbledore disliked her there was probably a good reason for it.
“ah very nice class” Dumbledore spoke bringing Tom from his thoughts, Y/n just looked at Tom as if trying to figure out if he would kill her or not and that made him rage, he knew now that she was hiding something as she must have said something he wouldn’t approve of to act like a skittish person.
Y/n was the first to leave, leaving Tom to his thoughts he walked back to the common room still in thought.
She speaks parseltongue, she knows about my horcrux, what else could she be hiding. I need to find out.
Tom thought to himself as he passed Y/n, he was shocked out of his ranting.
“Y/n a moment please" the word please felt like acid upon his tongue but said it to get her to agree with him.
Y/n looked up from her book of spells, probably looking up ways to get back at Slughorn without it tracing back to her.
Y/n walked to the room of requirements with Tom in silence she was on edge she almost forgot to breathe, when she opened the door she noticed there were a desk and chairs now, no longer a room with a bed and study, this got her attention, she didn’t know the room could change.
“Very well, how long have  you known about my horcruxes?” Y/n stopped browsing the new room and stared slack jawed at Tom “you made more than one? Didn’t I warn you?” she rushed towards him, she was afraid he might become more dangerous after all she really didn’t want him to have even made one, but Tom just huffed quite a bit of guard at her closeness and spoke once more “not yet, I just wanted to know what you knew." to that Y/n huffed and took a step back in relief, she hadn’t realised how close she head been until she looked up once more, causing a slight blush to appear on her cheeks, quickly hiding it by answering his question. “that’s good, you’d go a bit insane if you did more than a couple" Tom tilted his head clearly interested in her facts “what makes you so sure?” Tom was now sitting at the desk high and mighty “Well, my uncle went a bit insane, he’s still in mongos, I believe he has about three that I am a ware of” to that Tom stared at Y/n he was shocked she gave up information so willingly.
“and what of the ability to speak parseltongue?” Tom was eager to know so much so he asked the question in parseltongue.
Y/n laughed and answered back in parseltongue as well “well, I am not sure perhaps I am just gifted?” Tom knew that was a lie and perhaps Y/n knew she couldn’t fool him, but what could she say, that she was his horcrux? No of course not, he’d think she was crazy, after all at the moment he only had one. Tom stared at Y/n he had been trying to access her mind but it appeared he was unable to break in, “very well, keep you’re secrets, I’ll find out eventually” Y/n sighed she knew tom would stop at nothing to find out how she possessed such a unique skill.
Tom scowled at Y/n clearly unimpressed with her answer but it was clear for him to see that he would have to use other tactics to get information out of her, he would be somewhat nice if that was even possible for him, he could fool most people but Y/n had the uncanny ability to see right through him and with that, Tom had to try extra hard to make her believe he was being nice, he needed her to believe he was trustworthy so she would lower her guard and he could sneak into her mind.
“very well, I’ll believe you for now" Tom said after a brief moment of pause, Y/n looked at Tom with suspicion, she knew he didn’t just drop things and the fact he did made her on edge but took the win, not wanting to cause an argument considering she was not about to tell him the truth.
Y/n walked passed Tom and sat on the now bed that had appeared before she realised she needed it, tom sighed and looked on in disbelief.
“That’s my bed get you’re own” Tom had said but Y/n was already snuggled up and fast asleep, unable to hear him.
Tom looked at Y/n she was fast asleep in his bed, that was the second time this week, he really couldn’t believe his luck he might just have to put a lock on the door at this rate, but Tom just sighed and tried to once again enter her mind once more, she was asleep clearly she must have lowered her walls now, but no, he was shot back into the wall beside him in shock of the power radiating off her sleeping body, it was if she was a different person when asleep, the power felt almost familiar to him but he couldn’t quite place it, not wanting to risk another attack Tom instead focused on his studies forgetting once more that Y/n was in the room entirely.
Y/n awoke once more in the room of requirement she was shocked to see Tom was asleep on the couch, she could see from his unpleasant face he was having a nightmare, to this Y/n stared she wouldn’t have thought tom of all people would get such dreams but after a moment of hesitation she crept up towards him and shuck him awake, causing tom to have his wand at her throat before she could react.
“um good morning to you too?” Y/n said trying to shove the wand away from her neck, he had jabbed her so hard it left a mark, scoffing to her self she began to walk away when Tom spoke.
“Why did you wake me?" Tom said anger evident in his voice, Y/n even saw a hint of red flash through his eyes until Y/n did the unthinkable she hugged him, Tom went rigid, he hated people touching him even less so hugging him, he managed to shove her off him and once again repeated his question much to his annoyance.
Y/n frowned “you were having a nightmare, I didn’t want you to suffer” Y/n said it so sweetly Tom almost felt sorry for jinxing her but not enough to give her the counter curse, she was unable to get up as he had stuck her to the floor.
“hey why did you do that?”
Tom just rolled his eyes again and pointed his wand at her feet and muttered the counter curse he had forgotten he had to act nice to enter her head.
“simple you woke me up and then invaded my space, you’re lucky I didn’t give you a taste of the Cruciatus Curse but I am being nice" Tom said clearly hating every moment of this and watched Y/n’s eyes to see if she trusted him or not, she did not.
“Well, next time I’ll leave you to you’re screaming “ Y/n said while leaving the room and coming face to face with poppy, she had been making out with a blond a moment earlier, and hadn’t noticed Y/n until it was too late, they both fell to the ground rubbing there heads.
Tom came out to see both girls groaning, Tom decided this was not the best time to figure out what Y/n meant and continued down towards the common room leaving both girls to there own devices.

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