Chapter 7 - A Party To remember

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The night turned to day and Y/n awoke, barely having a wink of sleep as she was up all night doing her homework, she had left it until the very last minute making her already pile of work bigger than her.
Jenny groaned when the light shone in the room waking poppy as well, the two girls gave each other a glare clearly not wanting to have been woken up but they got up, dressed and ready for the day only stopping to notice Y/n, she looked as if she was a zombie, her once golden glow now a dusty white, her eyes had a hint of purple under them and her hair was a mess from all the tugging, jenny was the first to approach as if Y/n was a scared animal.
“Y/n, how long did you sleep for?” Y/n could hear the concern in her friends voice but she didn’t have the energy to even look up from her notes, this earned a sigh from poppy and then she felt a pillow smack into her face this caused her to look up, albeit after a moment of stirring awake.
“ah, you are alive wasn’t sure” poppy said with a toothy grin while Y/n tossed the pillow back at her, she seemed to be waking up a bit but she grabbed her potions she kept on tap and chugged the elixir of energy this made her somewhat bearable, but her appearance didn’t change much to her annoyance.
“so as me and jenny were saying, there’s a party in the Gryffindors common room, you’re coming right?” Y/n knew this wasn’t a question more of a demand, after only knowing poppy for a year she was still surprised of the way she acted as if she had control over most of the girls, Y/n didn’t mind poppy too much as she had ways of distracting her if she got too forceful, like the time she doused her with a love potion, causing her to be somewhat preoccupied, hence why she had so many boyfriends but the best trick Y/n had was when she would enter poppy’s head and change her way of thinking this always made Y/n smile, thinking of all the times she’d messed with poppy and she had no idea but as she stared at the girl who was painting her nails and looking uninterested, Y/n nodded earning a gasp from jenny, causing poppy to stop coating her nails and look up towards jenny who stood slack jawed staring at Y/n.
“You’ve never agreed to come to any parties before, are you ok?” jenny was holding in her excitement and ran over to Y/n who stared at the girl, Y/n knew she didn’t come to many but to act so overjoyed made her reconsider, but the look in jenny eyes made her heart melt she really was lucky to have a friend like jenny in some ways she saw Ron in her, perhaps it was the fact she was bubbly and so bad at magic she tend to be a class clown but every time Y/n looked at the girl she felt an ache as she knew she couldn’t go back, she couldn’t see Ron, even if she could he was still mad at her, she stared at jenny and began to cry, the tears just kept coming Y/n was unable to stop them, she hadn’t really cried since Harry was killed but she knew all the sadness was pouring out of her and she couldn’t help but feel relieved to finally let it go.
Jenny noticed the silent tears that escaped Y/n’s eyes and began to give her a hug, telling her sweet nothing and making sure her friend was OK.
Y/n sighed and began to get ready for classes, she had finished her homework just in time before her class began, Dumbledore was watching her as if he knew she was always dishonest with him but she payed him no mind, Y/n was currently staring at an empty seat infront of her, Tom was no where to be seen, Y/n noticed he hadn’t shown up to any of the classes for the day but this class was the most surprising considering he would never give Dumbledore the chance to treat him any worse, so without thinking Y/n bolted out of the class room not giving Dumbledore the chance to speak and went to where she knew tom would be.
She didn’t know why she cared, she didn’t know why she was bothering, she knew he was evil, she had seen it first hand, been the target of his anger, but she knew she had to find him so she continued to run towards the room not bothering to stop when passing by people, she only stopped once the room opened before her.
She walked inside and saw Tom was hunched over his desk once again and without hesitation she went towards him, she decided to shield herself before walking up as he had a tenancy to hex or curse anyone who woke him, and then began to shake him awake, moments later Tom arose from his slumber looking a lot worse than she had that morning, his whole face looked ghostly pale, his eyes blood shot, his hair looked like it was in rags from all the pulling and tugging.
“what is it Y/n?” Tom said with venom in his voice causing Y/n to huff.
“Well you weren’t in any of you’re classes and I thought perhaps you were in danger or something” Y/n said with her arms crossed.
“Well as you can see I am fine, so leave" Tom said while gritting his teeth, he was touched she cared enough to notice he wasn’t in his classes but Tom was tired and feeling strange, so decided to keep away from her perhaps he was just under a spell that would ware off but Tom knew that was unlikely.
Y/n huffed once more and left mumbling something to her self as she left.
Y/n arrived at her dorm sorting out her make up while jenny and poppy were painting there nails, Y/n turned to poppy “I am not too sure on what to wear" at those words poppy stopped what she was doing and ran to her wardrobe.
“Y/n don’t worry, I am sure we will find a cute dress for you to wear" poppy said while raiding her wardrobe, furiously moving clothing to the side while looking for the right fit, after most of the content of the wardrobe was thrown across the floor she found a perfect match.
“This one would look great on you" poppy said while handing Y/n a red cocktail dress, the dress it self wrapped around Y/n’s body showing off each curve, she was an hourglass shape, Y/n looked at her self in the mirror and noticed the dress had one sleeve, along with it just above covering her butt, and the back of the dress had a long curving,
“This is really my styl-"
“Y/n what’s that on you’re back?” jenny interrupted Y/n while staring at her back, poppy got up from her seat and noticed it too squealing, while Y/n was trying to figure out what they were talking about. She turned around while looking at the mirror and noticed the dreaded word “that son of a bitch" Y/n said while staring at it, carved in her back was the word ‘Tom Marvolo Riddle ‘ Y/n was fuming, she knew he’d made threats that he’d own her but she never knew he’d carved into her.
“Y/n how did you get that?” Y/n noticed the look of concern across jenny’s face while poppy was jumping up for joy earning a scowl and a jinx towards her.
“Well, I am not really sure, perhaps it was a side affect to the Polyjuice potion I drank in potions" both girls looked at each other and sighed jenny from happiness and poppy through frustration causing Y/n to laugh the two girls couldn’t be anymore opposite if they tried, causing Y/n to wonder how the two even became friends in the first place. Y/n muttered a glimmer spell making the words fade into nothingness, poppy not wanting to wait another second dragged her towards the exit and up to the Gryffindor common room.
Once the girls entered the common room they were hit with the sound of loud music something she found strange as she couldn’t hear it from outside, one sniff and she felt as if the fumes alone made her tipsy, the room had a ton of people dancing, chugging alcohol through a tube, games and a corner of people making out, poppy drifted off towards the corner and jenny began to walk towards the games while Y/n just wondered around the room chugging her drink as she walked, she had lost count of how much she had drunk perhaps eight if she remembered correctly but her memory was becoming hazy, her movements slow and staggered but she made it to the dance floor and began to let her hair down, she was dancing her heart out and a couple of guys even joined her in the embarrassing dancing she was doing but after her tenth drink she was beginning to get tired of dancing the lights had now plagued her vision and before she knew it she was falling, but before she could hit the ground she felt someone catch her, she looked up to see Hazel eyes, she thought she was imagining it , he couldn’t possibly be here, he hated the idea of parties but as he lifted her upright once more she noticed it was indeed Tom riddle.
“What are you doing here" Y/n had asked but from all the drinks she had drunken her speech was slurred causing tom to smirk and roll his eyes.
“You realise I don’t speak drunk" Tom said far too proudly and matter of factly for Y/n’s liking
“what are you doing here?" Y/n said again much more slower causing tom to laugh, she was taken aback by how he was laughing.
“malfoy dragged me out, says its research, but I think he’s more interested in the women more than anything else” Tom winked and gave a devilish smile as he waved and once again faded into the shadows from once he came.
Tom stared at Y/n watching as she began to head towards her friends and began to scold himself, he knew being near her would make him weak, he knew she had indeed corrupted him but he was the dark Lord he would not let a feeble weak girl stop him from being great, she was just a distraction and he needed to stop falling for it.
Y/n looked up to see jenny was playing truth or dare, one of the members of there group had been turned purple and another had been glued to the wall beside them causing Y/n to laugh and join in on the antics.
“ah, Y/n there you are” jenny said while Y/n sat beside her, jenny looked a lot more sober than Y/n but she noticed the rosy cheeks.
The game continued on, one had dean kissing Oliver and Alex had to drink a full cup of spiked butter beer finally the wand landed on Y/n and jenny began to laugh “I have a great one for you” Y/n raised an eye brow know all too well that this would not end well but as she heard the words leave jenny’s lips she was cursing herself for joining “kiss Tom riddle” the group snicker to them selves knowing everyone who had been given that dare ended up failing and having to be turned purple for a week, as much as Y/n hated the idea of kissing him, she really didn’t want to explain why she was purple.
Y/n approached the group of boys where Tom was in the centre talking , Y/n didn’t even give him a chance to finish as she grabbed his tie and kissed him, causing the group to go silent, no one had ever dared do anything like that and the way he smirked into her kiss showed she was not going to get away with it, a few seconds later she let go of him and walked back to the group triumphantly causing the group to cheer.
“I didn’t think you had it in you" Dean said while most of the group was shocked
“Poppy’s going to flip out once she finds out" jenny said while trying to hide a grin.
Y/n smiled “I don’t know why you’re all being weird it was just a kiss, its not like I slept with him or anything” she shrugged while the group glanced at each other, moments like this really showed that she didn’t really know the time she was in at all, but she just smiled and rolled the wand, after countless goes and many people turning purple the wand once again landed on Y/n, Dean spoke up this time “have you ever killed someone” Dean was joking of course he didn’t believe anyone had the ability to do such a thing but the awkward silence left him wondering, “yeah, I’d say about three I think” the group were laughing not believing her but Tom had been listening and he could tell from her tone she was not lying.
Tom continued to catch quick glances at Y/n he seemed to be completely unaware of doing so though until malfoy slug up next to him with a women around his arms .
“Tom will you quit staring at Y/n and ask her already" malfoy was giggling from all the alcohol he had consumed but from toms icy glare he soon sobered up, it was like all the joy he once had faded into nothingness.
“she is not worth the ground I walk on let alone my time, speak of this again and trust me when I say you won’t be able to talk for a while after" tom spoke with such distaste malfoy almost flinched envisioning all the things Tom was capable of.
Y/n was laughing with jenny as poppy finally appeared a boy wrapped around her eagerly following her “the rooms going to be occupied for a while “ both jenny and Y/n was use to poppies countless one night stands and always had a spare bed else where but each time they always hated having to sleep else where. “ok I’ll sleep with Kira I think he has a spare bed in Ravenclaw” jenny turned to Y/n “where will you be sleeping?” Y/n stared and began to wonder then it hit her, she had a devilish smile as she said “a place no-one will ever find" jenny looked at Y/n and then shrugged being far too drunk to hold an argument, she proceeded to walk to Ravenclaw Tower and Y/n walked the opposite direction towards the room of requirement.
Upon opening the door she noticed the room was empty, she yawned and looked at the wardrobe that sat beside the bed, rummaging through it she found a cute pair of pajamas, she wore a lacy top and short shorts, once changed she got into the bed, noticing how warm and cozy the bed was before drifting off to sleep.
A couple hours later tom appeared, he looked as if his night had been spent cursing students, his face had a scowl and his eyes showed murderous intent but as soon as he saw Y/n his demeanour changed, a small smile edged its way onto his face as he stared down at the sleeping Y/n.
Tom huffed thinking to himself ‘first my heart, now my bed, what more are you going to take from me’ but as tom stared he wondered just how much he was beginning to fall, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her, he couldn’t think properly when she was around and this caused him to avoid her at any moment but his thoughts still thought of her, such a waste of his precious time he could be thinking of ways to kill the mudbloods but instead he’s thinking of how someone so beautiful as Y/n could walk this earth and not be an angel, tom was struck out of his thoughts once he heard the chime of midnight.
Rolling his eyes tom climbed into the bed beside Y/n, he knew he shouldn’t, he knew this would complicate things further in his mind but he was exhausted, considering he hadn’t slept for the past three days trying to find a suitable plan and how to act on it, for the first time in his life tom was unaware of which path to follow.
Tom got into the bed and instantly Y/n wrapped her arms around him, snuggling into him, Tom was as stiff as a board he had never shared a bed with anyone and here he was letting Y/n hug him once more but he didn’t seem to mind, anyone else he would have crucioed them even if they were asleep but as he closed his eyes he began to think of nothing else but Y/n.
Y/n awoke noticing she was holding onto something, she stared at the figure infront of her and wondered but then began to scrabble out of the bed once she knew only two people knew of this location causing tom to stir in his sleep, it seemed as though he missed the warmth and without waking up he hugged the pillow that was next to him, his face fading back into a small smile.

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