Chapter 9 - Home

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When Y/n opened her eyes once more, she noticed there was a brick coloured in red, something she had never noticed from her frequent visits down to the chamber, she kneeled down and picked up the brick, inside she found a letter.
Dearest, Y/n
As much as this pains me to say this but you have perhaps made me rethink my value on life, you make me want to win, make me want to take everything and give it to you, I am not sure what potion you must have given me to make me think this way but trust me when I say this, I am much better now that you are gone!
Y/n stared at the letter, she hadn’t realised she was beginning to change him, she hadn’t realised that he would hex anyone who would dare mock her, but what surprised her the most was that she could tell he was lying about wanting her gone, she could tell he had wanted her to stay but Y/n knew she couldn’t, she had spent too much time in the past and she didn’t belong there, Dumbledore was right, as much as it pained her to admit, she couldn’t change the past and in doing so could cause the very fabric of the universe to collapse.
Y/n placed the note into her robes and begun to look around the chamber, a decade had past but the chamber had stayed the same, she was relieved to noticed the Basilisk was still dead showing Harry had still stopped Tom like the first time and that she hadn’t changed much, but when Y/n emerged from the chamber she noticed that Hogwarts was surprisingly empty.
Y/n walked down countless hallways hoping to find anyone still around, she never was good with solitude, Y/n ran up to her dorm noticing how her things were no where to be seen as if her entire existence was a lie, Y/n was starting to hyperventilate she hadn’t realised she was gripping onto a tiny house elf until she heard a yelp, causing Y/n to let go and jump up in surprise.
“What are you doing here, all students and staff were ment to be evacuated, its not safe for you here" the small house elf said while scowling up at her.
“I am sorry I was unaware of this, why are they evacuating?” Y/n said while looking around for clues.
The house elf sighed “Voldermort, has returned, he killed Harry potter, Dumbledore is holding him off but only barely, he ordered everyone to leave to safety” the house elf spoke with such sadness but Y/n had gone numb, Voldermort had killed her brother once again, and there was nothing Y/n could do, it seems no matter what Y/n tried to do, Harry was destined to die.
Y/n was on the floor crying out Harry’s name causing the elf to pat her on the back trying his hardest to comfort her but nothing could help Y/n she was falling down a pit and she feared she could never escape.
A few moments passed and Y/n heard an explosion coming from down the hall, rushing towards the smoke and dust she noticed the man who plagues her dreams, his eyes piercing red, much more different from the brown she was oh so familiar with, his curly hair now a memory, his nose gone, leaving behind two slits, his skin no longer the glow of warmth, just a sickly pale as if he would fall at any moment. But what terrified her the most was not the fact she had noticed the difference but the fact she missed the old Tom, she wanted to stop him from becoming what he is now, not for her friends and her love ones but because she loved him.
“You’ve lost old man" Voldermort  hissed as he threw a fire ball at Dumbledore, to which he flicked some water at it making it become nothing more than a bit of steam.
“Tom... You won’t win this" Dumbledore spoke with such determination that Y/n almost misheard the sadness in his voice.
Voldermort rose his wand once more and the two were in a duel, red vs green, one more skilled than the other but with Dumbledore’s cursed finger Voldermort had the upper hand.
Y/n stared at the show before her, the force of the spells making sparks appear causing Y/n to notice the faint scowl on Dumbledore’s face, she noticed his magic beginning to fail and threw a stone from a near by wall at Voldermort.
Voldermort stopped his battle to look around at the object that hit him, he noticed the red brick his eyes burning with rage, he spun around to look at Y/n, his eyes did not soften when he looked at her, he scowled at her.
“What do you want?” Voldermort said while staring at Dumbledore, he had managed to get the upper hand and cage the professor in an invisible box something of his own creation, smiling at his intended victory he returned to stare at Y/n as if looking at a ghost.
“You killed my brother!” Y/n said while throwing more rocks at him, Voldermort simply waved his hand and the rocks turned to dust.
“he was in the way, and so are you” Voldermort said while raising his wand, Y/n began to laugh, causing Voldermort to stop and stare at the unhinged girl before him, before he could chant the killing curse Y/n spoke once more “that’s not going to work, you’ve got to mean to kill me" Voldermort stared at her as if she was crazy, he had always been able to cast the curse no-one other than Harry had gotten away but here she was saying she was untouchable, he couldn’t take it, he hated when people told him what he could and couldn’t do but as the words left his lips he knew she was right, he wasn’t sure why but the green never showed.
Y/n was bent over laughing while Voldermort looked at his wand as if it had betrayed him.
“Well you two have fun I have places to be” Y/n said while freeing Dumbledore from his cage and running towards the Gryffindor common room.
She stopped at the fat lady and noticed a piece of paper on the floor, Y/n rolled her eyes and picked it up, knowing all too well this was Neville’s, he never did remember the passwords, telling the fat lady the password Y/n walked into the common room, it was just like she had left it, the fire place roaring, bookshelves and tables full of wizard chest with homework sprung across the tables. Y/n walked up the stairs towards Hermione’s dorm she knew the dorm rooms like the back of her hand, all the sleep overs her, Hermione and Luna would have each week made Y/n miss her friends more and more but gave her strength, as she knew she couldn’t escape her fate, as much as she might try, she couldn’t escape Tom riddle.
Y/n turned the door nob to Hermione’s room and a flood of memories came back into Y/n’s mind, she remembered the night she spent up all night after the yule ball with Hermione crying on her shoulder, or when they were having  a pillow fight and Luna managed to scare herself when she looked into a mirror, she had decided to wear a lion head and had forgotten  half way through the night. Y/n laughed at her old memories and began to search the room, the room looked as if a bomb had been set off and just as Y/n was about to give up she noticed a glimmer of light under the bed, hidden inside an old forgotten shoe box she found what she was looking for.
Y/n ran as fast as her feet would allow her, she knew she was being reckless, she knew she should just let it go and forget about it all, but she wanted to save him, she wanted to save the people he would soon murder but most of all she wanted to see him once again.
Y/n stood where she had been the moment she returned and placed the time turner around her neck she said a silent goodbye to her life and headed back to where she knew she belonged.
She opened her eyes and sighed in relief when she noticed Tom was staring at her, his eyes brown unlike the red she had seen within Voldermort, she knew as long as they were brown she had a chance at saving him, but she wondered how much time she truly had.
“didn’t it work?” Tom said sounding more relieved than he had hoped, Y/n looked at Tom and smiled.
“I got you’re note and had to come back" Y/n said while retrieving the note from within her robes and handing it to him.
Tom stared at the letter in disbelief, he couldn’t understand why he would even do such a thing, he hadn’t even cared for her but here he was writing her a note, he read the letter and realised she would become the death of him.
But Tom paid it no mind and flung the letter back at her, Y/n sighed and begun to pick up a rock and place it under it, then painted it red, she didn’t want the universe to split if she forgot to put it back.
Tom was heading back towards his room when Y/n finally caught up with him, he hadn’t realised he was walking so fast until he spun around and saw her sprinting to catch up with him, Tom huffed in annoyance it seemed where ever he went she was close by, he had things to do and she was only getting in the way of that, so before Y/n could catch her breath Tom begun to walk again this time making it to his destination, where she couldn’t reach him, Tom knew she wouldn’t enter his room but put a couple hexes on the door just to be safe.
He sat at his desk where piles of books were sprung across it, tom noticed a book he hadn’t realised he possessed, the unknown world of dark arts, this intrigued him as he could have sworn he read every dark arts books at Hogwarts at least twice, but here he was staring at a book he had never seen let alone heard of, Tom began to read, it held a lot of information from how to make horxroxes to how to bring someone back from the dead, Tom was floored he had never known of such magic to exist but filed the information away to look into further.
Y/n walked away from toms room and noticed for once she was alone, no poppy or jenny lurking around the corner, Y/n looked around and began to write , she had begun listing off toms future and how she could prevent it, he had locked himself in his room, doing something unholy no doubt Y/n had thought as she was unable to breach his defences, so she sat infront of his door eager to hear any information, most Slytherins who passed by found it odd she was sitting infront of toms room but paid her no mind, Y/n was too busy with her plans to notice regardless.
Night had entered the castle, Tom had finally finished his book eager to learn more he headed straight for the library to see if he had infact missed something, until he noticed Y/n.
“how long have you been here?” Y/n stopped writing and looked up at Tom.
“Not sure lost count” Y/n answered honestly while standing up and closing her book.
Tom looked at the book and wondered why she had spent so long writing in it.
“what’s in the book?” Tom couldn’t help himself he had to know,  he hated not knowing something. Y/n looked down at her book and shrugged her shoulders causing a huff to escape toms lips, he seemed more annoyed at her lack of answer than she thought but brushed it off and continued to follow him towards the library.
“why are you following me?” Tom said with venom in his voice.
“because I can” Tom hated Y/n nonchalant attitude but decided to just hex her instead.
Y/n’s eyes became foggy and she was unable to see, tom was relieved he could finally look for the books he needed but just as he weaved his way around the bookshelves to make sure she couldn’t find him, he came face to face with her once again, Tom stared at her in disbelief, he was known for shaking off people from his trail,  but she was finding him instantly and without sight, Tom had to give it to her, he was impressed.
tom looked  around the nearly empty library making sure not to be seen as he cast vines around her, Tom stared at Y/n, she was struggling in the vines around her but to his relief she seemed incapable of freeing herself.
Tom grabbed a couple books as he watched her squirm in the restraints and then began reading, Y/n looked at the vines restricting her movement and within a second the vines burst into flames, she muttered a counter curse and her eyes became clear once more. Y/n looked around and spotted Tom reading a few columns away, she grabbed a book and sat beside him, he groaned, he had underestimated her once again, perhaps he might need to rethink killing her but the thought pained him, he found himself not disliking the challenge.
“what is you’re problem Riddle?”  Y/n said after the library had no living souls but the pair of them.
Tom didn’t even glance her way too preoccupied with his book , he had stumbled across a lost artifact detailing of the deathly hollows, he had just got to the part about the location of where the resurrection stone may be hidden when the book was yanked out of his hands.
Y/n waved toms book out of reach while he gave her death glares unable to understand why she was following him or even bothering him in the first place.
Tom looked around once more and under his breath he threw the Cruciatus Curse at Y/n, she didn’t even try to move out of the way and shrugged the pain off, that annoyed Tom to no end, he knew she was a black who had it happen on the daily so he chose to water board her instead, soaking her until she began to shake, Tom had forgotten about the book she was holding and scowled once he saw the contents were unreadable.
“Well you did it" Y/n said while handing the book back to an enraged riddle, he raised his eye brow at her and spoke “you follow me, you steal my book and you have the nerve to say this is my fault, you should be lucky you’re not a mudblood"  Tom said with so much venom in his voice she was scared he’d bite, Tom smirked at her shocked demeanour and begun to charm the book but his efforts seemed futile.
“That’s the brothers grim isn’t it?” Y/n said while looking over toms shoulder.
Tom gave her a weird look and glanced towards the book, “its the deathly hallows” Y/n sighed “you realise its a myth right" she said while trying to act nonchalant, she did infact know where the items were but she was not stupid enough to give them to mini Voldermort any time soon.
“you’ll see” Tom said while walking out of the library with the book under his arm. Y/n sighed and began to work on her forgotten homework, perhaps if she got a good mark on Slughorn’s homework he wouldn’t make her drink another of his strange potions.
But Y/n was sadly mistaken, she had somehow managed to get a higher mark than Tom riddle of all people and he still gave her a purple bubble potion that had her turn into an elf she didn’t dislike the elf appearance, she did however hate the fact Tom wouldn’t stop laughing at her, she'd never heard him laugh so much in the whole year of knowing him and the class mates around him seemed surprised he could even laugh, like it was a foreign thing for him.
Y/n was thankful the potion only lasted until after his class and noticed that her next class with Gregorovitch had been cancelled, the note on the door saying.
Sorry kiddos,
The great beyond has summoned me and I must leave at once, I hope to be back next week or so who knows these days
From the great beyond
Y/n sighed she really needed to see if her future in this world was helping at lease as much as she was making it worse, Y/n looked through her notes once more deciding on her best case of action, she had already tried to watch and follow him but that didn’t lead to any results and perhaps it went the opposite direction entirely. Y/n groaned while flipping through her book each entry worse than the last but stopped dead on her last page.
Would it be too reckless, isn’t there any other way she thought to her self as she read her plan.
Y/n ran to the one place she knew it would be, she spoke the password to the fat lady and ran straight to Charles room, she opened his trunk and lifted out the invisibly cloak, she knew it was reckless, if Tom ever caught her she would be dead and he would have one of the hollows not to mention he’d have a hell of a better way around Dumbledore with a cloak of invisibility.
Y/n placed the cloak on and made her way into the Slytherin common rooms and then to toms room.
Tom was sat on his bed, a book in one hand and twirling his wand in the other, malfoy was kneeling on the floor by toms bed, he seemed to be crying, this caught Y/n off guard she had never known malfoy to cry he was too hard and too much of a bully to ever be seen as weak like he was right now.
But Y/n realised soon enough that Malfoys fears were right, the power radiating off of riddle almost knocked Y/n over, he had simply walked towards malfoy but the malice and murderous intent was felt with each step he took.
Tom had reached malfoy, he grabbed the blonds hair by the scalp and tugged his face to meet his eyes, the fear she saw as blue met brown was something Y/n hoped she’d never see again, malfoy was now visibly shaking and stringing incoherent sentences, Y/n wondered how much she had missed for him to be in this state.
“why do you keep disappointing me" Tom said while circling malfoy
Malfoy stared at the ground once more and stayed silent.
“you’re nothing if not useful, so be useful and do as I ask, I want to know what she’s hiding" Tom was shouting now angered at malfoy for failing his only goal.
“But my Lord, she doesn’t exist” Tom scoffed “she said she arrived here, there must be someone or something that knows her weakness”
Malfoy stared at his wand and then held it up as if a student asking a question to the professor.
“Why not just kill her, wouldn’t it be so much easier?” malfoy said with a glint in his eye, clearly he had wanted to end her for a while.
“no, one more death and Hogwarts will be shut down forever, plus she might have details about the future we can succeed from, her death would be a waste. Yours how ever would not" Tom said while staring at malfoy, malfoy ran for the door knowing that the conversation had ended and not wanting to stay around in a lions den any longer to be devoured.
Y/n left behind malfoy as to not open the door and tip Tom off about the cloak, but she had to admit she found some information out, mostly about malfoy wanting to kill her and tom finding her valuable enough to keep alive but she paid that no mind she would kill malfoy in a blink of an eye if she needed to, she did like Draco and perhaps she would royally screw up the time line if she killed him but, she didn’t care too much about the time line anymore, she wasn’t like Dumbledore thinking of the greater good and keeping the timeline correct and noble, she had nothing to go back to in that timeline, she only had death and silence but if she successfully completed her mission she would change the timeline, her parents would be alive, her god father, her friends and better yet her brother, they all relied on her changing the timeline and making things better, she just hoped she could do it.
With a heavy heart Y/n looked around the empty common room making sure no one was around she took the cloak off and began to head for her dorms when she noticed malfoy had disappeared quite quickly making her wonder why he served riddle if he feared him.
“Y/n this is the third time this week you’ve woken us up, why were you out so late?” poppy said while yawning, for the looks the other girls were giving her it was past midnight, she looked at the clock and noticed that it was five AM, groaning Y/n hopped into her bed and tried to get some sleep, she knew dam well she wasn’t waking up for potions on time, smiling to her self as she drifted off into slumber, slug horn really was going to murder her one day.
Y/n was awoken by a large banging coming from outside her door, groaning she placed the covers over her head but the banging continued, she really wasn’t getting much luck with ignoring the problem, so she threw the covers off and looked around the room, she was surprised to see no-one was in the room, normally jenny would drag her out of bed but here she was sat alone in the room with a banging out side, so still in her shorts and lacy top she yawned and headed towards the shaking door.
“OK, I am up...” Y/n opened the door to see Tom about to knock again, clearly out of breath and looked as though he’d run all the way to her dorm, it shocked Y/n so much she stopped talking and gave him a quizzical look.
“you weren’t in any of you’re classes" Y/n began to laugh, he was concerned for her, it shocked her so much so she began to laugh, perhaps out of nerves but she couldn’t understand how a self Centred person like Tom riddle would ever care about her wellbeing but here he was coming all the way to her dorms to check up on her, it almost made her rethink killing him.
“well I overslept” Y/n said while rummaging through her wardrobe to find something to wear, Tom just stared at her unable to understand why he even came to see her.
“Um, Slughorn gave me this” Tom said while handing Y/n a howler, her eyes went wide and she really wanted her covers more than ever.
Before she could hide away the howler came to life ready for a fight.
“Y/n Lily Black how dare you miss my lessons, its bad enough you are always late for them but now you don’t even show up... if it was up to me I’d give you a year of detention and a potion full of the most dreadful things imaginable but sadly headmaster dippet has informed me that you’ll only have to do two weeks detention, but be warned you’re next class wouldn’t be pleasant” with that the letter was torn to shreds.
“wow, really making me want to go back" Y/n said while rolling her eyes at the tiny pieces of paper.
“Perhaps it was unwise missing his class, he does get a bit emotional about the whole thing” Tom said while making his way back to the door.
“oh thanks Tom” Y/n said while shoving him out of her room.
Y/n stared at the clock, shining back at her was seven thirty PM, she scowled at the clock she had managed to miss an entire day of classes.
Y/n quickly threw on some regular clothes, a green hoodie with a snake rapped around the arms and some black shorts.
Emerging from her dorm she found Tom was waiting outside looking at the black lake around them.
Y/n slowly walked next to Tom and noticed what he was staring at, he had seen a merperson, Y/n was so intrigued in the wild beast she hadn’t noticed that Tom was talking.
“I am sorry what did you say?” Y/n said once she prided her eyes away from the creature.
Tom rolled his eyes and spoke again “I said, there quite interesting little creatures they can lure you to you’re death and you’ll still have a smile on you’re face.”
Y/n became less than interested after toms detailed report on the creatures.
“So why are you outside my dorm?” Y/n said while walking towards the great Hall.
Tom began walking beside her and noticed she had become ghostly pale “Slug horn wanted me to deliver his letter, are you ok, you don’t look good" Tom said while Y/n began to fall into his arms, blacking out from the pain or perhaps the embarrassment, she wasn’t sure, but she knew one thing for sure and that was she wasn’t going to be in the Great Hall for dinner tonight.
Tom sighed and levitated Y/n towards the hospital wing, if it had been anyone else Tom would have just left them or perhaps tried some new spells on but he felt like he needed to help her not just because if anyone saw he’d be seen as a good guy but more for the ache he felt in his chest, he couldn’t quite place the feeling and it enraged him.
As soon as he made it to the hospital wing, madam Pomfrey arrived and rushed to Y/n, she placed her on the bed and began to use all sorts of magical remedies, “how long has she  been like this?” Madame Pomfrey asked Tom while looking at the now transparent Y/n, Tom couldn’t tare his eyes away from her, it was like she was fading out of existence  but slowly as if unsure if she would disappear without his constant supervision he looked at madam Pomfrey and spoke “about twenty minutes, is she going to be ok? What’s wrong with her?” Tom said while walking in a circle, she sighed and began casting a healing spell on Y/n ignoring toms question as she had no idea of the course herself, but as the thought struck her she wondered if it was truly possible. “has she used a time turner?” she asked Tom, she could see in  his eyes the conflict behind them, but he decided to be honest, and nodded, she squinted her eyes at him and proceeded to enhance her magic and Y/n started to become less transparent before she could be fully hole again she gave Y/n a potion and with a groan Y/n was once again conscious much to everyone’s relief.
“time is very dangerous, I would advise not to meddle with it" Tom and Y/n began to laugh much to madam Pomfrey’s annoyance.
“take this twice a week for a month” she said while handing Y/n a black vile. Y/n stared at the black tar like liquid, putting it in her bag for safe keeping.
“What you just went through is called time restore, its where something that doesn’t belong is being dragged back to the rightful place, but the potion I have given you will make you immune to this spell” Y/n stared at the healer and wondered why it happened now and not when she had first come here.
“The ministry do checks every now and then and only really check if its something that could destroy the time line" Y/n stared at the healer and wondered what she had managed to do while she was asleep.
Tom stared at Y/n and without thinking he hugged her, he felt as though he was going to lose her, he had seen her whole arm disappear just moments ago but now he felt how solid she was, perhaps he fooled himself into believing it was for that reason and that reason alone but he was starting to think being near Y/n was doing more harm than good, so as quickly as he had came he had rushed out the door and towards the Forbidden forest to teach his followers once more.
Y/n stared at the now empty room, she finally noticed how much she had screwed the time line up, she had single handedly managed to get a psychopath to feel love or any sort of emotion and that made her proud she definitely would hold that over Dumbledore’s head.
Tom entered the dark forest to see his followers where he left them just hours earlier, Avery seemed to be winning the battle with malfoy on the floor, blood spewing out of him and rosier hanging on to his wand for dear life.
Tom enjoyed watching his followers, he would relish in seeing them suffer but as he watched his followers he only felt annoyed, they were disappointing him, malfoy he understood, he was a disappointment on the daily but the others he expected more from them, so as he watched Avery win the battle he approached the group once again.
“very good Avery, rosier perhaps use some dark arts like I’ve shown you, and malfoy were to even start, its like you enjoy pain" Avery smiled, it was rare that Tom gave compliments so he enjoyed the moment, while rosier cowered away behind a tree branch, Tom was about to start another rant about learning more magic and perhaps demonstrate some but malfoy arose from the ground and stared at Tom, brown meeting blue, each held anger and rage behind them, it was so intense the magic around them electrified.
“what’s you’re problem riddle? Its not like you’ve done much to help us, you’ve been off with Y/n” Toms eyes flashed red, a green light emerged from toms wand and before malfoy could react he was hit square in the chest with the Unforgivable curse, each one of toms followers were stunned into silence , they knew not to question why riddle did things “if anyone else has a problem, do speak up!” Tom said while turning away from Malfoys lifeless body to face his followers each one trying not to look Tom in the eyes, Tom began to twirl his wand and cast various spells to show his followers, he went on till the brake of dawn not stopping until they all could produce a spell correctly.
“Y/n you’ve got to study, exams are only in a few days” jenny said while dropping a pile of books onto the library table, Y/n had her head on the desk while poppy was blowing kisses to a Quidditch captain of the name Harris.
Jenny huffed and dove into her mountain of books “you know you should have been put in ravenclaw" Y/n said while gesturing to the Ravenclaw table who quite like jenny were hunched over a pile of books, jenny scowled at Y/n but just continued to read.

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