Chapter 15 - The Return

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Y/n looked around, the room was full of darkness, she walked around blinded unaware of the danger she truly was in.
As Y/n felt around the wall she noticed the walls had become sticky and wet, screaming internally as she knew the feeling all too well, this was blood and judging from the warmness someone had been hurt recently.
Y/n ignoring the nagging feeling of danger walked towards her destiny, for no matter what she did she would always end up back to him.
“how did you survive?”
Y/n walked towards toms voice, it was more worried and anxious something she had never heard in his voice before, so as the voice drew nearer she was finally able to see once more.
Inside a small room was Tom circling a crouching man, as she drew closer she realised who it was immediately, giving a gasp once the man raised his head towards her, Tom turned and faced her, his scowl turning to one of confusion.
“What made you think I wouldn’t have protocols in place, I am well aware of you’re hatred of me, I just hoped I’d never have to use one, but alas you were far too proud” Dumbledore spoke in a solemn voice as he rose from the ground.
“but we were at you’re grave” Y/n asked puzzled at the fact he could be in two places at once, Dumbledore smiled a true smile.
“You see my dear the thing Tom killed was an astral projection of me, there was never a body inside the casket”
“Then why did you leave this behind?” Y/n said while showing off the elder wand, Dumbledore’s smile grew, “it was a trap, ment for Grindelwald” Tom said after he finally stopped pacing.
“You knew I wanted the wand and would do anything to get it so you set both me and Grindelwald up didn’t you" Tom said while rounding on the professor.
“Indeed I did, and might I say it worked out perfectly well" Tom scoffed.
“why are you here then, just to gloat?” Y/n said while staring at the professor
“His usefulness has come to an end, I know what he becomes and I couldn’t have Tom here trying to kill so many, think of all the defenceless students he’s already killed, so I am here to set things straight” Dumbledore said while aiming his wand at Tom.
Y/n begun to laugh she couldn’t believe her eyes Dumbledore was facing off against Tom perhaps a bit too early but she did enjoy the first duel between the two, she was so star struck at the fact Dumbledore could use water magic to trap a person or when Voldermort turned into sand and went into her brother, so like before she stood and watched the fight, Tom was giving her odd looks through out the fight but she paid him no mind, she was enjoying the show far too much to join in and ruin it.
Dumbledore had thrown firestorm towards Tom it rose from his wand and became a phoenix sweeping down to explode on tom until he threw water that looked like a serpent towards it, at first It was as if the phoenix and the serpent were battling until the phoenix became nothing but steam.
Tom threw all the darkest spells he could think of at the professor but he knew he was no match for the man, he had at least two hundred years ahead of him so without a moment to spare he grabbed Y/n and apparated back to the chamber, where he knew it would be safe.
Tom hated not being able to defeat Dumbledore, he hated being weak and having to be a cowered he couldn’t handle the stress of having to watch his back.
“Why didn’t you help back there?” Tom shouted while raising an eye brow.
“I was enjoying the show, and presides I didn’t think you’d need any help, considering you’ve killed him once before oh wait nope you got others to do it and you didn’t even get it right this time.”
“I should have left you"
“And yet you didn’t, plus Dumbledore wouldn’t stand a chance against me, I’ve killed him three times”
Tom looked at Y/n unsure whether to believe her or not. “if that’s the case why haven’t you killed him yet?” Y/n began to laugh “firstly there was no reason to, secondly it would have gotten attention and thirdly I would have thought you’d want to do the honours”
Tom smiled for only a moment but began to walk towards the serpents head “perhaps we have over stayed are welcome, we must go before he decides to hunt us down” Y/n’s smile grew, he was taking her with him. “I didn’t know you were such a cowered" Y/n said while winking towards him, he scowled at her and waved his wand at the serpent, it began to move and behind the snake the wall began to open. Opening out into the Forbidden forest.
Y/n really hated Dumbledore even more so now, he had driven Tom towards the darkness giving him no hope at light , Y/n was becoming more and more darker as the time drew by, he was affecting her and she couldn’t help falling for it, she was more skilled at the dark arts than him, having learnt most of them from his future self, she tried every day not to use them ever again she swore to her self after she attacked Ron that she would never use them but here she was in the clearing of the woods teaching Tom how to use them.
Perhaps Y/n was never brought back to stop him but in fact help him, they both hated Dumbledore and muggles having grown up with the Dursley's she grew cold to most muggles unlike her brother who would stray her away from those thoughts. She didn’t hate Hermione infact she enjoyed her company the most, Y/n stood at the thought “Tom why do you hate mudbloods?” Tom stopped casting his spells and turned to face her “I thought you knew everything about me" Tom teased with an eyebrow raised walking towards her “mostly yes, but you’d never tell me this" Y/n began to pout remembering how much she had pestered everyone to know why he hated Hermione so much “Well its simple they risk the safety of are world, they do not understand it and there for run the risk of rejecting it and telling others of its existence” Tom said it as if he had said it a million times.
“but I know a mudblood who is far more skilled than me , perhaps not all of them should die?” Y/n had given him puppy dog eyes as if that would sway his decision on killing a mass of people, infact it did but he would never admit it. “how would you go about saving them?”
“um how about we play a game?” toms eyes shined he could never resist a game.
“which is?”  Tom was behind her now “you try to murderer who ever you want, but I’ll protect them, its like a game of who can kill or save “ Tom was intrigued “but what it I hurt you?” Tom was now kissing the back of her neck “you wouldn’t dare" Y/n smirked “try me" Tom said while stealing a kiss from her.
“So why didn’t we just apparate?” Y/n said while groaning, it had been a week since they entered the forest and it was as if the forest never ended, Tom smirked “because I need him to think we died out here, a weeks enough to raise suspension on are whereabouts so soon they will enter the forest and find the body’s I laid out “ Y/n stopped walking turning to face him “firstly when did you have time to kill two people and how did you do it without me noticing you" Y/n felt hurt and a little annoyed that she was unable to stop him from the darkness once again but at lease he was doing something to protect them in his own twisted way.
“I appreciate into the castle on are first night, grabbed a couple and led them to the Forbidden forest killing and burning them for good measure.” Tom was smiling as he relived the memory something she found odd was that she wasn’t terrified at the thought.
“very well if that’s the case why did we need to walk around the forest for days “ Y/n said clearly annoyed at having to walk for so long without food or water.
“Simple I left something here and I need to retrieve it before Dumbledore goes snooping, he placed his wand over the blackest tree she had ever seen, the tree began to morph into a black shack, Tom wasted no time in entering the shack with Y/n slowly following him.
The shack was huge on the inside, walls of books and tables full of viles and body parts from animals and creatures it was like a little lab.
“Avery any progress on what we discussed?” Avery shot from his chair clearly not expecting tom to be there. “not at the moment I’ve managed to make the potion clear but the affects don’t seem to be as deadly as you’d hoped” Tom scowled “what does it do?”  Y/n beamed at Avery, she had always loved making potions “its a clear liquid ment infect the person with there worst fears similar to a bogget but at the moment all it does is turn them into statutes” Avery said while pointing to the many animals and a little boy who sat on the far wall, Y/n walked towards the boy, waving her wand to see the affects of the potion “he’s still alive, I would say you’re potion might be a bit too good, he’s so scared he’s become unable to move.” Tom lit up at the mention, taking the potion form Avery and smiling at Y/n.
“Avery will you be coming with us?” Y/n said while tom began to drag her out “no I am afraid I have far too much potions to make” he said while mixing once again.
“Now then I want you to place this into the ministers cup” Tom said while handing her the vile “why?” Tom scowled “because I said so, now do it" Y/n sighed, waved her wand and Tom could have sworn he saw a flicker of gold but she held nothing in her hand, slightly confused he stared for a moment but then she had vanished “how did you get that?” Y/n laughed “oh sorry didn’t I mention I have all the hollows” Tom smile grew “you mastered death?” Y/n laughed which he found odd considering she was still under the cloak “we both have horxroxes that’s enough mastering” Tom heard a crackle and she was gone leaving him alone once more.
Y/n arrived inside the ministers office knowing it well from the time they snuck into the ministry she had quite accidently stolen confidential documents about Azkaban helping them break in, but this time she notice the office wasn’t as stuffy, she could see the floor and the desk had a pile of paper work unlike the mount she was use to seeing. Stepping forward and right to avoid a creaky floor board she walked towards the minister who just so happened to he sat at his desk having a bagel while reading the daily profit, she could almost smell the coffee radiating off the cup as she approached, two drops vanished into the cup and the minister drank none the wiser, Y/n smiled at her victory and went back to the forest to find tom once more.
“Is it done?” Tom said while slamming his book and getting up, he looked so human, reading a book at the base of a tree while waiting for her but Tom was far from human and she knew what he was planning “how will you take over?” “its simple I have an army he will be far too scared to think clearly and hand it to me” Tom held out his hand for Y/n to take it “let’s go see are army" Tom said when she took his hand.
Tom was leading her deeper into the forest, she hated having to spend any longer in this god forsaken place, having so many horrible memories from the time a Centaur tried to stomp on her, to her brother dying in her arms just a clearing away, so she closed her eyes letting Tom guide her, knowing all too well where she would end up, she always ended up back here even if she so desperately tried not to, constantly waking up in the clearing where it all happened.
“the boy who lived, has come to die?” Voldermort spoke above a whisper pointing his wand at Harry as he stood before him.
“No you can’t please don’t, he’s all I have left" Y/n screamed as Bellatrix held her down.
“my dear you knew this would happen, after all it was you who told me of the passage to get to him, was it not?” Voldermort turned his red eyes away from Harry and stared at Y/n as if she was a disobedient child, while Harry’s eyes turned to hatred, and just as Harry was about to question Y/n he was struck with the killing curse, Y/n began to scream, her scream awoke a hidden magic causing the area around her to blast everyone away, once free of Bellatrix’s grasp she sprinted over towards Harry, she cried as he lay limp in her arms.
“why did you stop?” Tom said as he turned to face Y/n, he was right she had stopped right where it happened, she felt her cheeks beginning to get wet, she hated crying but she couldn’t stop it, she threw herself to the ground and cried letting out the pain of losing her brother. Tom just stared at her clearly confused and checking if she was sane or not.
“what bothers you?” he had kneeled beside her but didn’t approach as if she was a wild animal, she scoffed and wrapped her arms around him, not wanting to be alone in such a horrible place, Tom tried to resist the hug but gave in knowing it would be quicker.
“Have you finished having you’re moment, we need to go" tom said after he finally broke free of her vice like grip. She nodded and began to get up, following him as he swiftly walked away, this time not taking her hand.
“Well where is you’re so called army?” Y/n said as tom stopped at an empty field, Tom rolled his eyes and waved his wand over her eyes “do you really think I’d let just anyone see them?” Y/n blinked a couple times and the once empty field was now full of creatures from house elves to trolls.
“How did you get so many?” she asked unable to believe her eyes, Tom smiled “surely you’re aware of my talents” Y/n couldn’t help shivering at the way he said that, knowing all too well what he would have done to anyone who wouldn’t join him.
“my army you are required to infiltrate the ministry, do not kill the minister, I need him alive but anyone else is fair game"  tom Spoke with such conviction Y/n couldn’t help wanting to go along even though she knew the out come, sometimes knowing wasn’t always the best after all she knew she could stop this from happening but who’s to say stopping him was for the best, she couldn’t help think this as she contemplated killing him once and for all but her mind was fighting against her heart and losing.
Tom turned to face Y/n once more “no one is to harm her, a single hair and trust me you’ll wish you’d never been born" Y/n couldn’t help blushing but she knew he only kept her alive for her information so shrugged earning a smug look back from him.
It had hardly been two hours since she entered the ministry but unlike before the place looked like a bomb had gone off, paper all over, blood all over the walls, bodies piling up on both sides but as tom approached the ministers door he heard shuffling, he opened it ever so slightly and saw Mr Parkinson throwing paperwork into a suit case trying to escape from something,.
“Johnathan are you ok?” Y/n said noticing the blood on his hand, Tom looked around the room noticing a broken mirror and a woman with a glass shard stuck in her neck, Tom lent toward Y/n “ its not his blood" Y/n stared at Johnathan in horror, she had known the man for a year now and she had never even seen him hit anyone let alone kill someone. “perhaps I gave him a bit too much?” Y/n said as she approached Johnathan.
“do you want this to go away?”  the minister looked around the room somehow unaware of there presence, as if blinded by the only thing he feared, he stared out in horror as he saw his beloved poppy being cut to pieces and when she was no more than chunks the golem like creature would force feed him the chunks, sadly for the last person who tried ended up with a shard in there neck.
Tom sighed waving his wand and the darkness around him faded into grey “hand me the minister role and you will live, you’re nightmares gone,  what do you say?” Tom had his hand out for Jonathan to shake but he was too scared it might be a trick so backed away from him.
“Yes take it, just give me my mind back” he said as he closed his eyes, Tom sighed he would have just killed the man tie up any loose ends but Y/n was watching him and she had created a bond with this man, something he could never understand so reluctantly he gave him the antidote as he gave over his title, making a formal statement that evening as the whole wizarding community stared as tom became the youngest wizard minister, he smiled knowing somewhere out there Dumbledore would no doubt ably be watching.
Y/n watched on as she saw Tom shaking all the most powerful wizards of there time, she saw as he whispered plans and coercing them into doing his bidding she knew the path he was taking and every step he took she knew it would end in Harry’s down fall, but this time she would persuade him perhaps influence him into not killing Harry, she had infact persuaded him into not making any more horcruxes so stopping his rampage might not be too far out of her reach, she smiled after coming to that conclusion.
Tom smiled at his new recruitment knowing his plan was working, he stopped smiling once he entered his new office, stroking his desk to check for bugs then quickly waving his wand creating a barrier. “spying on me?” Tom said as he turned to face Y/n. She smiled as she turned from a fox back into a human “you remembered, I just wanted to make sure you’re not rusty" Tom smiled grabbing Y/n by the throat and pushing her towards the door “do you still think I’m rusty?”  she smiled and leaned in ever so slowly her lips inches from his and backed away “very" as she spoke the last syllable there lips met, each hungry for power, Tom loosened his grip on her and she took the opportunity to push him against the desk. “indeed you do have a way of distracting me, what is it you want?” Tom said slowly each word spoken once free of her kiss, she smiled knowing she had tamed the untameable. “I want you to succeed, but the right way, killing my family won’t give you any more power than you already possess”  Tom smile grew he knew now that she would never leave him, for she was the only thing keeping him from falling to the madness he was destined to go down.
Years had passed, Y/n still stayed by toms side, he had reformed the wizarding world, using Salazar’s necklace he made a detection of none magical energy, mudbloods were eradicated proving far too dangerous for there own good. Poppy lived in her new house with two boys Arthur and Harris, as for jenny as much as it pained Y/n to do she had wiped her friends memories of the wizarding world and binded her powers, she now lives in Oxford as a shop Assistant, Orion and Lucretia had joined toms teams to wipe and bind any mudbloods memories and powers, Y/n hated the idea of not seeing Hermione but it was a safer place for both worlds if each new not of the other, and she liked the fact Tom used her idea of wiping the mind and binding the powers, it was much more better than killing and being seen as the bad guys.
Y/n stared out at the city around her she knew she had made the right decision, Tom wrapped around her , the death and destruction a fading memory. She did often think of how Harry was doing and her past self, she would be two growing up in a happy family environment her big brother helping her around, she would sometimes visit her old home getting so close to ring the bell but knowing she would break something she would always return back to toms embrace.
“you went back again didn’t you?” Tom said as Y/n looked out at the city they both built, her silent tears dropping onto her hand as tom stood next to her “you can’t go back, its too different now, you’d be erased” Tom said slowly and carefully knowing Y/n was prone to attack him when her family was involved, she stared at him and then ever so slowly she let go of the railing, Tom stared as she jumped “must you be so dramatic ” he said while covering his face and then inciting the spell, within a moment he had his black leather wings and he jumped as well.
“I guess I just wanted to see if you’d save me” Y/n said with a toothy grin, they both knew she could fly and she had a horcrux so no matter what she would be fine but it was the fact he jumped to get her that made her heart flutter once more. “perhaps I’ve been feeling a bit home sick, after all I’ve not had many people around me lately” Tom sighed “I know I’ve been busy but that’s no excuse for throwing you’re self off a seven story building” Tom had grabbed her and placed her back inside, Y/n sighed she had wanted him in a better mood, she had thought if he’d saved her he’d be so relieved that she was alive that he wouldn’t be as mad about what she had to tell him, but from the deadly glare he was sending her, she knew now wasn’t the best time so smiling and leering him in, stealing kisses and undressing him she made his anger disappear.
The next morning she awoke to an empty bed once again, Tom had always been a workaholic but since Dumbledore sighting in Amsterdam, it was like Tom couldn’t take a break, he would be up at all hours trying to figure out what it was the old man was planning. Y/n knew all too well what Dumbledore had in plan, it was always a trap with that man, he wouldn’t get caught unless he wanted to and no doubtable he wanted to leer Tom into a false sense of security and then strike like the snake he is.
“you know its a trap right?” Y/n said as she approached toms table, Orion was the first to raise his head, Tom was too fixated on his paper work to notice while Avery smiled and waved, it had been a while since they had seen one another. “Y/n its been too long" Avery said as he hugged Y/n, winking at her as he exited the embrace “Tom, let me come with you, I want to be the one who kills him" Tom looked up from his work and smiled “but to kill him, we must find his horcrux” Y/n smiled “that shouldn’t be too hard, I’ve heard he’s quite fond of a bird named Fawkes” .
“But if its a bird then we’d never be able to catch it” Lucretia said while sitting down.
“That would be true but if Dumbledore is in danger the bird will come, and me and Tom know how to fly so it shouldn’t be too hard to catch, that is if you’ve still got what it takes?” Tom stared at Y/n with an eyebrow raised “is that a challenge?” Y/n nodded and opened the window “first one to get that flag wins" Y/n said while pointing to the top of the building where a British flag flew high in the air.
Tom laughed and within seconds was shooting off towards the flag, but just as he was about to touch the flag Y/n bet him to it, smiling in her victory she kissed him once more “for good luck" she said as he gave her a quizzical look.
“now that we know toms still in shape its just finding where Dumbledore is" Lucretia said while looking at the map that lay on the table, “perhaps the mountains?” Orion said as he looked at the map, Y/n shuck her head “no he’d want a populated area, he loves using humans as meat shields.” Tom almost laughed at the thought until he saw her face.
“Perhaps here than?” Tom pointed to the centre of the map Y/n smiled, she remembered Dumbledore mentioning this place to her once, “yes he has a cottage around there" Tom smiled and rose from his chair “then perhaps we should pay him a visit, it has been much overdue” he said while linking his arm with Y/n, they laughed as they thought of all the ways to be rid of Dumbledore.
In the forgotten lands of Amsterdam, Dumbledore walked, he passed by many fields finally landing on a similarly abandoned pub but once Dumbledore got closer venturing past the border he saw a flourishing pup, full of laughter and light. Dumbledore waved as he greeted the bar tender, “what will it be this time?” the scruffy man said as he cleaned a glass with his rag  “perhaps Pensieve Cocktail” the bar tender smiled and began making the drink, within moments he was handing the drink towards him, Dumbledore payed and started to drink, constantly staring at the door as if waiting for someone.
“waiting for someone?” the bar tender said as Dumbledore continued to stare “ I am waiting for an old friend" Dumbledore smiled and the man once again busied  himself with work. A moment later the door once again opened, with so much force the door almost flew off its hinges “quite the theatrics, mad eye" Dumbledore said as he walked towards the man, mad eye looking Dumbledore up and down as if he was the enemy, the room tense each step they looked to be becoming more venomous until they were so close mad eye could smell the cocktail, Dumbledore laughed and hugged mad eye making him do the same.
“Oh how I’ve missed you old friend, you must forgive me, I’ve neglected to see you, how is the family?” mad eye grumbled “the same as yours I’d say" he ventured towards the bar, gulping down a drink “what is it you want?” Dumbledore smiled “straight to business I see, very well. As you know Tom riddle is now in power” moody nodded in solemn “turned all my good auroras into mindless puppets “ moody said while drinking yet another drink, Dumbledore sighed “yes, he has become quite dangerous in the absence of my watch over him, I must eradicate the problem” mad eye looked at Dumbledore “are you mad, he took on Grindelwald and not to mention he has an army now. I hate to say it but the boys too strong, even for the likes of us" Dumbledore looked around as if to check for spies and once he knew it was safe, he held out the philosopher stone “with this we will be invincible “ moody had known the professor for at least ten years and in all that time he had never seen him quite as mad as he was now, it worried him to think how much Dumbledore would be willing to do just to catch the boy but as he was about to speak his concern, Dumbledore rose from his seat.
“there here, we must take him down at any cost, think of all the wasted potential of all the magical children who were not born as fortunate as us. Moody smiled he finally understood the reason Dumbledore was doing this, it wasn’t for him to fix his mistake of taking Tom but was for the mudbloods who would once again be free.
Y/n smiled as tom kept his hands entwined with hers, she always hated traveling by evaporation but holding toms hand made her know she was safe and that he would protect her. “where does he live?” Tom said as Y/n regained her composure “he never told me its exact location. Let’s go in here and ask” Y/n said while dragging Tom towards the pub, the door flung open once again each resident turning to see the new incomers, Y/n smiled and waved as she ventured towards the bar tender.
“haven’t seen you two around here, you travelling?” Tom stood infront of Y/n and smiled “perhaps, were looking for a guy named albus Dumbledore, got any leads?” Tom noticed the ever so slight movement of the bar tenders eyes shifting towards the back door , before he could speak Tom was out the door, Y/n smiled as the bar tender rolled his eyes “very well, he’s a regular infact he keeps to himself most days, lives just above that field and funny thing, his friend came to pay him a visit about an hour ago” Y/n smiled and eased her magic from his neck “thanks” Y/n said as she skipped after Tom.
Dumbledore smiled as he reached the clearing “what are we doing here albus?” moody asked clearly not happy with being dragged away from his drink “its a trap of my own making" Dumbledore said in awe looking at the ever so faint wisps of his spell, “it is to hold Tom while we take everything from him" Dumbledore held a grudge against Tom ever since he had tried to kill him, infact he quite hated the fact he had to lay low due to the fact he was pronounced dead but he smiled knowing all too well, Tom would fall for his trap and that he could once again live with the wizarding world.
“perhaps you underestimated the boy?” moody said after a few moments of waiting but just as he spoke Tom appeared, wands raised and a devilish smile on his face. Y/n arriving moments later dragging Tom while he scowled “Tom, you’re forgetting the bird you can’t kill him yet otherwise we’ll never find it” Tom sighed he had wanted this over with.
Tom walked closer just a slither away from Dumbledore’s trap “crucio” Tom smiled but just as the spell was about to hit the man Dumbledore blocked it with ease “its over tom" toms smile only grew he wouldn’t let Dumbledore get to him, so threw every dark spell he could muster giving Dumbledore a fare share of slices.
Y/n smiled as she looked at mad eye she had so many memories of him, he saved her and Harry once, he had given her, her first dark arts book and here he was now raising his wand at her, he had no idea who she was. Smiling once again to vanish the past she wondered how much she would alter the time line, if she would even exist after this moment.
“expelliarmus” Y/n said as mad eye began to cast a red spell towards her, “you’ll have to do better than that” mad eye said while still gripping his wand, moments later he was struck by a jinx sending him flying while shaking, she had remembered that he had a weakness and that being he couldn’t see in the corner of his  left eye. Smiling down at him Y/n thought of all the nice things he had done for her and her brother, she knew she couldn’t kill him but perhaps what she was about to do would be worse than death. Y/n wiped his mind, leaving only a husk of the man, infact had she not being as skilled by his teachings she would have never been able to breach his mind, sorrow hit her but she knew this was the safer option.
Tom gritted his teeth he knew Dumbledore would be a mighty opponent, feeling himself loose sight of the professor he scowled once again the battle had been like no other Tom would normally win by now but as the battle waged on he felt his magic wane, so walking forwards into the fog that surrounded him, he noticed Dumbledore’s laughter, oh how he hated the sound of someone laughing and he couldn’t help blasting the killing curse knowing it would do no harm.
“you’ve lost, how does it feel?” Dumbledore spoke once he vanished the fog showing tom was tied to the spot by invisible vines, he tried to break free but Dumbledore was more powerful than he gave him credit for.
“You went to all this trouble, why?”  Dumbledore laughed “I knew you’d never stop hunting me, so I thought I’d make it easy for you" Dumbledore twirled his wand “but I sense you are not whole, so killing you would not do" Dumbledore scowled knowing he would have to keep him for a while “you’re a professor you’re supposed to help students not murder then" Y/n said while running towards Dumbledore “indeed but as I am pronounced dead I am no longer a professor” Y/n didn’t like the darkness in which he spoke.
Y/n looked around the clearing trying to find Fawkes but it seems the bird didn’t sense Dumbledore’s life at risk so against her better judgement she began to throw spells at him, knowing he would block them but as his magic waned she began to blow hits on him. A moment after  the tenth hit, hitting him in the side, turning his white shirt red within a matter of minutes, she heard the cry of Fawkes, smiling as Dumbledore realised what she was doing, the look of smugness replaced by shock and confusion.
The bird swooped down and before it could cry to heal its master, it dropped dead in Dumbledore’s lap, green radiating off of it, Dumbledore cried he had lost and all because of Y/n, he knew now that she was the dangerous one not Tom.
Dumbledore closed his eyes and stroked his bird as he heard the familiar killing curse, Tom laughed and walked out of the cage, now that Dumbledore was dead everything he had ever done was undone, Tom noticed his power had increased “that fool binded some of my magic" Tom said as he tried out his new powers “perhaps he felt threatened”, Tom stopped and faced Y/n “yes but know we will rule, nothing can stop us".
Y/n stared on knowing this would have never happened if she had stayed in her time. Tom smiled he had everything he wanted, an army, Dumbledore dead, endless power and now Y/n.
Tom went back to concurring endless wizarding countries, the war had stared she just hopped she was on the right side...

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