Chapter 1

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*Beep beep beep beep click*

You yawned and stretched, slowly waking yourself up. It was a new day. "A new day, a new adventure!" your dad would tell you when you were little. You'd giggle and laugh back then, hoping it to be true. But you're older now. All hopes of going on such a thing were diminished as the responsibilities of adulthood had taken control of your life.

You hopped out of bed, and started getting ready for the day. You had work after all. Ugh. Once you were ready, you walked out to your car, and started driving to work for the day.

~time skip because I don't want to describe a boring job, sorry ~

You unlocked the door, entering your home, and flopped on your couch, exhausted from work. You were about to reach for the remote to your television to put something on when you felt your phone buzz. You groaned, hoping it wasn't from work, and, luckily, it wasn't.

A friend of yours texted, just wanting to chat. You grinned and started texting away with your friend until they had to go. A smile now resting on your face, you looked at the time and decided to prepare for dinner.

After dinner, you watched a few shows until you felt tired. You smiled sleepily, another day done, and readied for bed. This was kind of your normal daily cycle. Occasionally you'd throw in a random activity, wether it be a form of exercise, a good book, or hanging out with friends in person, just to shake things up.

You sighed as you pulled yourself under the covers. You then reached over to brush any dust off the book on your bedside table. The book was your father's favorite. He would summarize many of the stories in it for you when he was around.

While you would get tired of hearing some of them over and over again, you never had the heart to tell your father to stop. He always had this excited sparkle to his eyes as he told the tales, but that was just how your dad was. He always had a shine in his eyes whenever adventure was near. Even if the adventure was really in a book.

You smiled fondly on the memories. You missed him. In fact, tomorrow would be ten years since his passing. He died surprisingly young, if you were to go by age. But, when you considered his job as a construction worker, and his love for adventure and danger, it wasn't too surprising. It still was sad, but it wasn't surprising.

"Goodnight dad!" You whispered while dusting the book once more. One day, you'd love to read it, in his memory. But with how long the book is and how flowery the writing was, you'd be lucky to find enough time to truly appreciate and understand just the first chapter! 

Your eyes drifted closed as sleep snuck your consciousness away. Perhaps... Perhaps you could do something else in his memory tomorrow. Maybe you could find some kind of adventure for him.

~In the dream world~

"Y/n!" A  familiar voice spoke.

"Dad?!" You gasped at the sight before you.

You were in a white void, and a familiar man stood before you.

The man grinned brightly, his eyes sparkled warmly.

"My sweet child! How are you?" He reached out towards you, arms open for an embrace.

"Dad!" You ran forward and tackled him. Tears threatened to fall. You then pulled away frowning.

You knew this was a dream.

"Dad, I- I miss you!" You whispered.

Your father smiled. Then whispered, "I'll always be with you. No matter what may happen! A new day brings a new adventure! And tomorrow, will be your biggest adventure yet!" He smiled.

You smiled too, then paused. " 'biggest adventure yet'? What do you mean?"

Your father smiled a mysterious and yet wise smile.

You did a double take. Your father never could master such a smile. His smiles were always goofy or "brave" or loving. Never mysterious, or wise.

"Who are you?" You asked.

Your fathers grin grew, only... It slowly looked more... feminine? Soon, your father wasn't your father, but a beautiful goddess.

You gasped in both awe and shock!

"I am the one who is sending you on your new journey." She spoke.

You didn't know how to respond to that. The only thing you did respond to, was the brightness of the area as it grew to a blinding bright white!

Then it was dark.

(757 words. What do you think? Still a bit of mystery, and a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy! Let me know your thoughts! And I really want to see if anyone can guess who this "beautiful goddess" is! Anyways, have a great day/night/evening/whatever! Chapter 2 will come out soon! Hopefully! Sorry in advance if it doesn't!😅)

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