Chapter 3

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"Hello!" You turned your head to face the speaker. The monkey from the odd group was standing before you. The top of his head was nearly bald, as his hair/fur was slowly growing back, his fiery eyes were scrutinizing you, and a mischievous grin was spread across his lips until he spoke.

"You're not a demon, or a deity. " He stated. You continued to sit where you were, puzzling over what was happening, as he spoke. The monkey circled around you. "Nor do you weild any means of defense." He scanned the area around you. "Nor do you have any means of travel with you."

He looked back at you, slight confusion hinting on his face, and asked "Why are you so far from any town? Where are your belongings?" His face held suspicion as he waited for your answer. It took you a minute to realize that he was talking to you, and when you did realize, you nearly choked on your saliva in embarrassment.

"I- I uh- It's uhm... I don't- know?" You tried to answer. The monkey cocked an eyebrow, unconvinced by your answer. You looked away from him, nervously. You remembered what you heard the beings say about this monkey, and it made you extremely nervous.

"Then, how did you get here?" The monkey asked, still suspicious. 'How did I get here?' You thought. You squinted your eyes as you tried to recall the answer, but nothing logical came. I mean, would he believe you if you told him that the last thing you remember was going to bed and having a crazy dream?

Probably not. Most likely not? Definitely not! So, you decided to stick with what you knew. "I don't know." You whispered. Admitting that out loud, though, hit hard. Your eyes widened as you realized how true it was. Yes, you knew your perspective on the situation, but that doesn't explain how you fell asleep in bed and woke up in a different world.

The monkey tilted his head at your reaction to your whispered answer. He was confused. Your reaction meant to him you were sincere, but that was what confused him. "Well..." The monkey spoke up. His face was scrunched up in thought. Then an idea popped in his head.

Before you could react, the monkey disappeared from your view. You blinked at where he once stood, then decided to watch the odd group again. You did a double take. The monkey was  over by the group! 'How fast is that monkey?!' You mentally questioned.

You jumped a bit when you saw the human suddenly look towards you. But that is when you realized, you couldn't hear what they were talking about. Meaning they were whispering. And it was undoubtedly about you. You watched as the humanoid pig, and the blue being approached the whispered conversation.

They too, were now joined in it. The four beings continued to converse  while occasionally glancing at you. Their glances put you a bit on the edge, until the human of the group decided to walk off to the side for something. The other three just glanced at the human and at you from time to time, but not much else.

After a while, you got bored of watching them and decided to stand up to stretch your legs. You, then, walked over to the edge of the river. You gazed at the water as it flowed by. As the river flowed, so too did questions and thoughts flow into your head. Not only were you pondering how you could have been brought here, but also questioning wether you could return home. And if proven so, how?

You sighed and frowned as no answers came to mind.

You suddenly sensed a presence behind you and spun around, only to be greeted by the monkey from earlier standing next to the human in their group. You released a breath you didn't know you were holding and asked, "Could you please not sneak up on me like that?" The monkey just chuckled and grinned mischievously.

The human, which you could now confirm was a male, gave a small bow and apologized."We're sorry for startling you! But, Sun Wukong, here, explained to me about your situation and, I wanted to invite you to join us on our journey." He explained. "We will most likely pass many towns and you could leave whenever you'd like!" He offered.

"You're going on a journey? To where?" You asked, while your thoughts were asking 'Why does the name "Sun Wukong" ring a bell?' "We are on a journey to receive the scriptures! My master has been sent to retrieve them by the goddess, Guan Yin!" The monkey answered. The man had an expression of shock on his face for a moment, before recomposing himself.

"Monkey, why were you so bold as to explain so clearly? You hardly ever speak that way!" The man asked the monkey. "Master, this maiden is nothing more than that! She is a mortal human being with no abilities to be feared!" The monkey answered. You spoke up, "Okay. One, ouch! I get I'm not special, but you don't need to say that in front of me as if I'm not here! And two, who is who-what-now?"

Then the man spoke up again, "I apologize for my disciples boldness! And I apologize for not introducing myself as well as my disciples! I am Tang Sanzang! And this monkey disciple of mine is Sun Wukong! The pig-man disciple is Zhu Bajie! And the Water Spirit is Sha Wujing! The horse is Bai Long Ma!"

Your eyes widened. You glanced at each being in shock. "How- what?!" You mumbled. You glanced at each character again. 'HOW AM I IN THE JOURNEY TO THE WEST?!?!' Your mind screamed.

(Hello! Sorry this took so long to update! I'm experiencing a bit of writers block right now. So, if it takes a while for me to update again, I'm sorry. Enjoy for now, and I'll try to update again soon! Just gotta get through my writers block first. Thank you for your patience! Love you all!♥️)

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