Chapter 9

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As the journey continued, you couldn't help but be curious about the other two disciples, Sha Wujing and Bai Long Ma.

As according to Zhu Bajie, Bai Long Ma can talk while in his horse form, but doesn't. And Sha Wujing is still a mystery to you, really.

You would go up to them and talk with them, to get to know them better, but they were around the monk a lot.

You and Tang Sanzang still weren't on good terms with each other. You and Sanzang would occasionally stare each other down, and still wouldn't talk to each other. The tension between the two of you was a bit obvious in the air. Or, you assumed it was obvious because none of the disciples would mention anything of the other human to the other.

You appreciated it, a lot.

"Go back! Return from where you came! There are powerful and dangerous monsters ahead! Turn back, if you value your lives!" A voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

You looked ahead and spotted a woodcutter. 'Now, where did he come from?' you thought.

"Perhaps we should go back." Bajie suggested.

"I don't want to abandon this mission. But, if there really are terrible beasts ahead... Monkey, could you ask him and learn more?" Sanzang asked the monkey.

"I'm sure it's fine! Nothing more than timid locals! But, yes. I will ask." Monkey responded.

He swiftly ran over to the woodcutter and started to ask questions. You, curious about how it would go, listened carefully to their conversation.

"Hello, elder brother! I am a monk!" Monkey politely introduced himself.

"A monk! Then you better return to your home! There are demons on this mountain who love to eat monks. And they've recently been searching for one from the land of Tang." The woodcutter warned.

"Great! We're from Tang!" Monkey smiled.

For some reason, it looked like Monkey was excited about this news. But you trembled a little, upon hearing that. You never really faced a demon. The closest you ever got, that you know of, was LBD.

The woodcutter looked at Monkey with dread, and warned, "Then you and your group will definitely be killed."

"Great! How are we going to die?" Monkey exclaimed with a smile.

You and the woodcutter stared at the simian in shock.

"They eat you." Answered the woodcutter. "That's great! How are they going to eat us?" Monkey continued to smile cheerfully.

'Is something wrong with him?' you mentally asked yourself about the monkey disciple.

"Does it matter?" Asked the woodcutter.

Monkey nodded. "You see, if they bit off my head first, I'll die instantly and it won't matter what they do to the rest of me! But, if they were to eat my feet first, and work their way up, I would be feeling a lot of pain and would be suffering a lot." Monkey explained.

You and the woodcutter stared at the monkey disciple. You in shock and disgust. The woodcutter in just pure shock.

"They'll roast you alive then eat you whole!" Answered the woodcutter.

"Great! That means it'll just be a little small and warm!" Monkey grinned.

You stopped listening. That conversation was the weirdest one you have ever listened in on, and it was one about everyone's death! Could conversations about death get any weirder?

Actually, you don't want to find out. You'd rather have that be at the top of the list for weirdest conversations, than hear anymore stuff about whatever apparently runs through Wukongs head.

You decided to focus more on trying to figure out when you were in the book. You started at the "manfruit" time, then there was LBD, then the yellow robed demon, now these demons who you have yet to know. You hoped it wasn't as dangerous as the woodcutter said.

Monkey returned, tears in his eyes. 'TEARS IN HIS EYES!?!' you mentally screamed in panic at the sight. The only time you ever saw the monkey with tears was when Tang Sanzang kicked him out. What was going on that freaking made the Great Sage Equal to Heaven cry?! He wasn't kicked out again, that much was certain. But.

Your panic and worried thoughts disappeared when it was revealed that he was just trying to convince Sanzang to have Bajie scout ahead. You mentally face-palmed yourself.

You waited with Tang Sanzang, Sha Wujing, and Bai Long Ma as Zhu Bajie walked ahead. Monkey had hidden himself and followed Bajie to ensure he actually does what was requested of him.

You waited until the golden simian returned and explained that everything Bajie is going to say is going to be a lie. When Bajie returned, sure enough, he spun a lie. However, Monkey quickly caught the pig-man in the string of his lie, then sent him off again.

You rolled your eyes at the sight. They really did seem like brothers.

The five of you, after a moment of waiting for Bajie, decided to continue forward. The only reason you all continued forward, though, was because of Wukongs reasoning.

"If he found any danger, he would have felt back to us immediately! If there wasn't danger, he would have continued forward." was Monkeys reasoning. And it made sense.

So, the five of you continued forward, unaware of what had truly happened to Bajie.

As you continued forward, you couldn't help but notice the monk shudder at least three times. It was an odd thing to notice, but, for some reason, it brought a feeling of fear. You glanced around, feeling as if at least fifty sets of eyes were watching you and the group.

You heard the monk ask a question, and his disciples answer with their thoughts, but you didn't listen and focused on trying to find the "eyes" you felt.

Eventually the feeling left, and you felt at ease again. The a cry broke the surrounding silence.

"Help! Help, please!" A man in strange robes crawled forward and bowed before the monk. A small trail of blood followed the man and his foot was horribly  bent and bloody.

You grimaced at the sight, and watched as Sanzang and the, apparent, "Taoist priest" spoke. Something about him felt off to you. Monkey could sense something was off too. But after a surprising conversation, Monkey carried the injured man and you walked closer to Wujing.

Not until a good distance of travel later, had three large mountains appeared and crushed Monkey. You jumped and screamed in shock and fear. Swiftly, a silver horned demon appeared, ready to snatch the monk.

(1098 words. Hello! I'm back! Sorry this took so long. Life has picked up a lot, so I've been a little busy. But I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great day/night! Love you! ❤️❤️)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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