Chapter 8

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An "old man" could be seen ahead, reciting scriptures. "Oh no! Master! Look! It's undoubtedly the father of the daughter and husband of the wife Monkey killed! We best avoid him if we don't want trouble!" Zhu Bajie recommended.

"Nonsense! I'll go talk with him!" Monkey swiftly walked over, talked to the "man", called over some local deities for help and witnesses, then killed the demon again! "Monkey! Why! Why did you kill again!" The monk exclaimed.

The monk was about to recite the spell again, but the simian stopped him and explained that the corpse there had turned to dust and bone! He even showed the writing that was on its spine! The writing read "Lady White Bone". Or in other words, the Lady Bone Demon.

You trembled and fell to your knees as control returned. Zhu Bajie saw you stumbled and thought it was because of shock at what the monkey had done, then cried to his master saying, "Wukong is trying to trick you, Master! He just doesn't want you to recite the spell again!"

The monk, for some strange reason, believed the pig-man, again, and recited the spell once more. Sun Wukong howled in pain as the band around his head tightened, and begged his master to stop! Sanzang did stop, but only to scold his disciple then banish him.

You watched as the monkey paid his respects, then left with unshed tears in his eyes. Seeing this Great Sage so sad, hurt your heart. You slowly stood up then walked over to the monk.

"You idiot! He was only protecting you! All three of those beings were the same demon! There's a trick demons can use that saved their spirit from death, thus why it reappeared multiple times!" You exclaimed angrily.

"He was trying to protect you from becoming its next meal! And me knowing who that demon is, it'll find a way to come back! And without Sun Wukong here, it'll most likely succeed!" You continued. "Within a mile of that demon, I lose control of myself and can only watch and listen! So I won't be able to warn you! And your other two here can't see through such disguises as easily!"

"Enough!" The monk demanded. "You are a woman, so I don't want to disrespect you. But I don't want to hear anyone here mention or defend that evil being!" He stated. "He isn't evil!" You protested. "Out!" The monk commanded. "What?" You whispered.

"I said leave!" The monk stated, his hand pointed away from the group to emphasize what he meant. "I gave you a warning and you didn't heed it! Leave!" The monk stated. You stared at him in shock for a moment, then you spun on your heal and walked away.

As you walked further and further away from the group,you started to mumbled angrily. Sure, you were new to the group, and not an official disciple to the monk, but you wished they could respect you a little more and listen. A twig snapped behind you. You turned towards the noise.

You waited in silence, in until you spotted the monk. "Ugh! Buddha must hate me right now!" You mumbled. When the monk spotted you, he to mumbled grumpily before he spoke up, "What are you doing here?"

You rolled your eyes and continued walking forward. "Away." You stated. The monk started to follow you, making you groan.

"What do you want?!" You snapped at him.

"To enjoy my walk and find Zhu Bajie." He answered.

"What?! Did you banish him too? Are you going to apologize to him as you should to Sun Wukong?" You scoffed.

The monk gave you a hard glare. "No. I sent him for food, but he hadn't returned. So Sha Wujing went in search of him. Then I got bored waiting and decided to help search for him." The monk answered.

"Well, good luck!" You exclaimed sarcastically.

You marched forward until you came across a cave. At the sight of the cave, you froze in fear. 'How do I get roped into these things?' you mentally asked yourself. You turned on your heal to run, only for something to prick your neck. You reached up to grab what ever pricked you.

A  rose thorn sized dart was in your hand. You wobbled as the world began to tilt and spin. Then everything went black.

You woke up to some strange spices filling your nose. You coughed and sneezed from the smells, then the scent disappeared. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around. Everything was bleary and all noise was muffled mumbles.

You lifted your hands to your eyes to rub away the blur of sleep. As you looked again, though it was crystal clear yet, you could faintly make out five moving shapes of various sizes and colors. There were voices too, but they were just a mumble mess.

You rubbed your eyes again and yawned. You flinched as you heard your ears pop. You now clearly saw Sha Wujing preparing the horse, the monk was seemingly avoiding eye contact with you, and Monkey and Pig were hovering over your figure.

"How are you feeling?" Bajie asked you.

You hummed tiredly and answered, "Tired. What did I miss?"

You saw Monkey grin. You had a feeling you were going to regret asking that.

"Oh, you know! The usual! A powerful foe arrived after I left and captured my master again! I fought the fiend and won, as usual." Wukong boasted.

"Hey! I helped beat that yellow robed demon too!" Bajie insisted. 

'Who? Oh! The "yellow robed jerk", as mentioned in Monkie Kid!' you puzzled out in your head. You glanced over at the horse, and flinched.

"Is Bai Long Ma okay?" You asked the two bickering disciples before you.

They stopped bickering and glanced at the horse before answering your question.

"He's fine! It's only a bruise."

You sighed in relief and let the two disciples help you to your feet. They helped support you as you slowly regained your balance, then the journey continued.

(Hello again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! There's still more to come! And it's going to be hectic! I really do recommend reading the book for more details on what happened. It's really cool! I have ZERO regrets! It is seriously that good! It is a bit flowery at parts, but that's when you read it over once then reread it to understand what happened. Then watch the "overly sarcastic productions" to help more. Anyways, I hope you have a great day/night/whatever! And I'll hopefully see ya in the next chapter! Love y'all!❤️❤️)

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