Chapter 4

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"It's a pleasure to meet you! My name is Y/n!" You spoke calmly, though, internally, you were trying to figure out a lot of things. 'How am I in the Journey to the West?! Is this a dream? Nightmare? Did I actually stay up late and start reading that book?'

"I you need time, we will be setting up camp over there and will continue our journey tomorrow." The monk spoke. "Thank you. I definitely need some time to think, but I should have an answer for you by morning." You thanked him calmly.

The monk smiled and gave a small bow. You bowed in return. The monk the took his monkey disciple back to the others. As soon as their focus and thoughts about you seemed to disappear, you broke down. You sat back down and hugged your legs while muttering random thoughts and theories and stuff about how you got here and what happened.

You were freaking out. Tears slid down your face as you tried and failed to calm yourself. Not until it had grown dark had you finally calmed. But that was most likely because you wore yourself out from silently panicking. You laid yourself down on the ground and fell asleep.

You swore, though, you had just shut your eyes when a figure nudged you awake. "Hello!" The blue being from earlier woke you. "Sorry for waking you ma'am, but we are packing up now and master wants to talk to you before we leave." Sha Wujing explained.

At first you shrugged him off at tried to sleep again, then you remembered what happened and realized what he meant. You swiftly sat up, then stood up, then you let the blue ogre giant lead you to his master.

The monk was sitting on a log while Sun Wukong prepared the saddle on the dragon in the form of a horse. "Hi!" You greeted shyly. "Good morning!" The monk greeted back cheerily. "Did you sleep well?" He asked curtly. "I suppose." You answered. "Did you sleep well?" You returned the question politely.

The monk nodded to your question, then he asked the question. "Have you made your decision?" You looked at the monk, then stared at the ground in thought. You swiftly placed the pros and cons to either answer them answered, "I have. And I except your offer."

The monk smiled. "I'm so glad!" He spoke while smiling. "On one condition!" You added. The monk stared at you, curious about the condition. "And what might your condition be?" He queried. You sighed then stated, "That you let your disciples train me in self-defense, so I can protect myself from any demons who may attack." You explained.

"I'm sorry, but Buddhist don't-" "It's not them teaching me how to kill. It's them teaching me how to protect." You clarified while interrupting the monk. The monk paused and thought on this for a moment, then answered "Very well then." You smiled and thanked the monk. And to further show your appreciation, you help the group pack their few belongings while Sanzang explained to his disciples the arrangement.

At first, the others were hesitant and scoffed the idea of a woman learning how to fight, but they, reluctantly, listened to their master. You swiftly decided, based off their reluctance, that you'd find ways to help them out. Even if it meant starting with the lustful one in the group, Zhu Bajie.

'If he starts eyeing me, though, I won't hesitate to make him regret it.' You swore to yourself. And so, the journey began.

(Hey! I'm back! I hope you like it! I'll try to write more more often, but, just to let you know, life has gotten a bit... messy? Chaotic?... busy? So, if I don't update too often, just know it's because of life. But I'll try, for your sakes! Oh! And in case anyone is confused by the word "curtly", curtly means to be polite. Anywho~ love you all! And have a great day/night/I DON'T CARE WHEN IT IS!♥️♥️♥️

P.S. Yes, I know that was probably weird, but I don't care 😘)

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