Chapter 7

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The four of you waited for Wukong to return with the peaches he spotted. But you stayed on edge. Something was really wrong, but you couldn't remember what happened after the manfruit fiasco.

Several moments passed, then Sanzang spoke up, "Is that a girl I see?" You peered over in the direction the monk spoke of. "You three stay here. I'll check." Bajie offered. Has the woman drew closer, you could see more of her details.

She was a beautiful lady, with dark hair and dark eyes that contrasted her ice pale skin. You paled as you realized who this was. "Uhm... Tang? Monkey said he didn't see any signs of human life. Has he lied about such a thing before?" You asked nervously.

A cold chill slowly crawled up your spine. The monk thought for a moment, then answered. "No. But he could have made a mistake!" "Or that could be a demon in disguise!" You whispered to him. "Now why would a demon disguise themselves? That sounds ridiculous! Especially when I still have two disciples here who can protect me!" Sanzang countered.

"I just have a bad feeli-!" You gasped as the "woman" glanced at you, momentarily revealing itself to you. You shook in fear and hid behind Bai Long Ma. It was her! Your least favorite demon! You are meeting her! Oh no! This wasn't going to end well! Where is Wukong when you need him!

An idea popped into your head. You swiftly and carefully searched the luggage for a small weapon of some kind. You'd be happy to have anything that could defend you! And the monk too, if possible, but let's get priorities straight. If you died, you couldn't help protect the monk! If he died, well...

There would be anymore chapters, would there? So obviously he'd be fine. Maybe suffering a little trauma, but fine. You on the other hand, you weren't really part of this story. So if you died, that would be the end of you. You trembled once you couldn't find anything. This was terrifying!

A cold whisper seemed to grab your shoulders. You opened your mouth to screech in fear! But nothing came out. Slowly, you felt as if your control over your body disappear. Something happened! And you couldn't do anything about it except watch, and listen.

The "woman" offered the monk and his disciples the food, and explained why with a smooth lie. The monk refused kindly and explained that another of his disciples were already fetching food. But Zhu Bajie was starting to become greedy. He saw this "lady" as beautiful, and was growing rather hungry.

You wanted to scream and warn them, but your figure remained calm and cool. Bai Long Ma was rather quick to notice this change in your demeanor and gave you a questioning glance. You remained as you were, despite his glanced and your true self.

Luckily, the monkey soon appeared with the fruit he spotted. But upon seeing the "woman", he swiftly pulled out his staff and was about to strike! "Monkey! What do you think you're doing?!" Sanzang stopped his disciple.

"Master! That woman isn't a woman! It's a demon! I should know because I used to pull this trick a million times just to eat a human every now and then!" Monkey explained. "I think your eyes are fooling you." Sanzang spoke gently.

"Nope! My eyes work fine! It's your eyes that are fooled! Unless you just think this girl is pretty!" Monkey teased. The monk was stunned, and embarrassed. The monkey then took his masters moment of shock as an advantage, and struck the demons body dead!

Tang Sanzang gasped in horror. Bajie gagged as the food the "woman" had brought, turned into bugs and toads. Wujing shared in shock at what his elder brother had done. And you gasped and wobbled as you felt whatever took control leave you.

Bai Long Ma stepped towards you to help steady you. Concern glinted in his eyes as he looked you over. You trembled as you clung to him. "Master! Wukong killed an innocent local! And magicked the food she brought to fool you into not reciting the spell on him!" Bajie exclaimed angrily.

The monk, for some reason, believed Zhu Bajie, and started reciting the enchantment. Wukong whined in pain as the band around his head tightened. "S-stop!" You told the monk. The monk stopped and stared at you, expecting you to continue.

"Wukong was right! That lady was a demon! The moment I tried to warn you she revealed herself to me for a moment, then did something that prevented me from speaking up further! Please don't hurt Wukong for trying to protect you!" You explained.

The monk thought over your words carefully, while the monkey stared at you in shock. No one had ever done that before! Begged his master to stop reciting?! What did you want? The monkey looked at you, suspicion clear on his features, until he remembered your deal with the monk. He then relaxed a bit. You just wanted protection from evil demons!

"Very well. But if Monkey kills another being, he will no longer be my disciple." The monk responded. You sighed in relief. And Wukong thanked his master for a second chance.

As the hike continued, Monkey decided to start talking a little more to you. He asked for more details about what happened and taught you a few basic and easy retreating maneuvers. He would have continued more, if it weren't for the glanced you gave him as the feeling of losing control of yourself returned.

He glanced you over, then used his fiery eyes to glance you over. A stern expression crossed his face until he was distracted by a new voice. "Have you seen my daughter" the disguised demon asked.

This was the same demon that disguised itself as a beautiful "woman", and Monkey recognized this immediately. Without a moment to haste, he struck the "old lady" down. You stumbled as your  control returned again.

"Monkey! Why would you do that?!" Sanzang exclaimed. "It was the demon again, master! Somehow they escaped me the first time, but I believe I got it this time!" Monkey explained. The monk didn't believe his disciple, and recited the spell several times over.

Poor Sun Wukong screeched in pain, and begged his master to stop! "Monkey, I am disappointed in you. I taught you not to kill, yet here you are! With another dead woman!" The monk stated. "You are no longer my disciple! Go home!"

"But master! At least let me stay a little longer! I've yet to repay your kindness, or fulfill your promise to teach the maiden with us some defense!" Monkey begged. The monk refused to listen. "Then at least take this stupid band off my head!" Monkey begged.

"I don't know the spell to take it off you." The monk admitted. "Then I'm still coming with you!" Monkey stated. The walk continued onwards. Monkey was now silent as he walked beside you, but he kept giving you glances. Why hadn't you stood up for him this time?

You quietly yelped as the feeling returned and you were once again only able to watch and listen. Why was this demon doing this? How was it doing this? Why was it only doing this to you? Where you that weak? Or was there something more at play?

(Hello again! So, this next demons chapters aren't as long as the manfruit chapters were, but I thought I'd try to include more details with this one than the last one. I hope you enjoy it! I'm glad I'm able to give you another chapter so soon! Love y'all and have a great day/night!♥️)

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