episode 3

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Parks kids sitting together then jungkook and his gang approach them
Jungkook -hey you little taetae you come but you say your not coming then why you come
Taehyung -frist your little here not me so call me hyung you little bunny and iam coming because uncle invited me ok.
Kook get so much angry and try to talk but yoongi said
Yoongi -kook don't get angry because of these two idiot they are not important
Jimin-you are right yoongi tae don't get angry because of these two idiots
Yoongi got so much angry park jimin don't talk to me like that yoongi said
Jimin say i will talk what will you do you sleepy cat they started fighting
Rm-guys leave them kook you started Frist you should say sorry you are right Jin said why you guys all ways fight leave them Jin said

Tae and jimin playing with kook tae take his tiger started playing but kook also want that tiger so the started fight for tiger toy  I am not gonna give my tiger to you but I like this tiger and I will take him they started stretching tiger in that time tae push to kook he fail on bum and started crying
Yoongi and jimin also come yoongi got angry after seeing crying kook so he push tae also start crying jimin looked yoongi with angry eyes he also push yoongi and he fail on mud they all Started with fighting with each other and since that day they are enemies

Mrs jeon kook come for cake cutting kook and others goes to cutting cake parks childern stay with thei parents all are started gift to kook when parks time come they give gift but kook immediately unwrap the gift and seen one small beautiful rabbit kook look to taehyung who is smirking he goes more angry 
You little I know you are the one choose this gift yes you are right I am the one who choose this rabbit because you look like rabbit kook bunny all children of party started laughing but Jenny got angry and push tae all elders look them and see tae is crying other children are laughing hannie immediately up to taehyung jimin goto the Jenny and started pulling her hair how dare you u push my tae

Elders come and separate them Jenny father -mr jeon who are this mannerless kid who fighting
Mr jeon-they are my babies don't talk like that mr. kim jae
Mr jeon-whay happen babies tell uncle say to tae who explains everything kook this your fault gift is gift you can't fight with guest apologies to tae
Mrs jeon-why kook will sorry him he is the wrong why he push kook i am telling you start don't take poor people on your head but you are not listening me
Mr jeon got so much angry what are you saying
Mr park chanyeol -sorry mr jeon mrs jeon is right tae also did Wong we should live tae say sorry to kook
Tae -but appa it's not my mistake I give him bunny 🐰 because it looks cute
Mr park still say sorry son  today is kook birthday
Tae -sorry bunny and he run away all Start laughing elder also not Mrs jeon
Mr kim-its ok chan they are kids they will forget tomorrow all elders agree with mr Kim
Ok we will mrs park said and goes from their.

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