episode 27

147 6 1

With jeongcheol

Hannie bow to Mrs choi
Mrs choi- hannie son welcome i am really happy you come
Hannie - thanks aunty to invite me said smiling to Mrs choi
Scoups is standing on the stair looking at all of them
Hannie and scoups look at each other and hannie immediately look other side
Scoups chuckle at hannie behaviour
All other ladies also come they greet each other

Mrs jeon look at Kai mother and smile to her
They both share classy aura
Every one settled in the living room
Hannie pov-i don't know why he looking at me i hope he forgot all our conversation
So Scopus is sitting opposite side of hannie and staring him continuously

Few minutes ago
Scopus come to living room and greet all the ladies
Scopus pov- wow today my luck is with me my love also come here i have to stay here
Scopus - hello aunties can i also join you all
Mrs looked at Scopus in shock
All ladies look at Scopus and smile and nod
Bae- Scopus i thought you don't like here
Mrs min - you are right bae they never come and sit in kitty party
But today what happen he join us
Mrs jeon - today is something special Scopus Said looking at hannie
She suspiciously looking at hannie and scoups
Scopus - nothing everyone i just want to sit with you all said looking at hannie
Hannie is looking down he don't want sit there with Scopus intense stare

When everyone enjoying the party Scopus drag hannie to yoongi room
Hannie - leave me Scopus what are you doing
Scopus drunken voice - today i want to tell you something which is important
Hannie - Scopus u are drunk please leave me somebody will see us
Scoups - i don't care listen me Frist said cup hannie face
You are very beautiful Yoon jeonghan i really like you Frist time in my life i am feeling this for someone
Hannie heart started beating fast he don't want hear more
He push Scopus and try to go but Scopus immediately pulled him back and back hug him he come to hannie ear hannie can feel breath on his ear

I love you Yoon jeonghan

Hannie froze on spot nothing can he feel his body stiffned
Scopus - i never thought i was say this to you i really love you
You are mine hannie
Hannie come to his sense he angrily push
Hannie - wow choi scoups is loving a gold digger and orphan boy
After listening this scoups soul left his body his guilt eating him
What you say to me i am not your level i don't have standard
In front of whole school you made fun of my feelings
I never forget that insult I hate you said angrily

One tear escape from Scopus eye he never thoughts
Hannie is this much hurt because of him
Scopus - hannie i know i did wrong with you but that time we are younger
Please forgive me we can start new life please don't do this to me
Hannie - i am not gonna do same mistake
Said and left the room
Scopus stay there with head low

After party hannie and all family members came to the park house
Hannie also come to his room and start crying
His all emotions are pouring the guy he all ways love today he said he love him
Hannie - i don't know what i am feeling happy or pity for myself
Because he said love me but in drunk state he will forget tomorrow all his email
He is Playboy he never gonna love me said and started crying
During crying he looked in mirror his reflection is talking with him
Hannie shadow -look at yourself he is millionaire and you are orphan boy who is living on others pity
Don't increase your hopes or you will feel Same insult one more time said and started laughing on hannie

Hannie look at his reflection and Said i am never gonna love him
He will forget all conversation tomorrow i am also forgot this
I will behave normal with him said and wipe his tears

Flashback end

With jenlisa
Jenny is so much stressed so she come to shopping
Whenever she feel so much stress she goes to shopping
She is enjoying her shopping but someone pat her shoulder she look at the person and roll her eyes
Lisa-ohh baby girl now you are rolling your eyes on me but last night you are enjoying
Jenny - i don't like to see your face last night you help me for that thanks she said go from there
Lisa also start following her
Lisa - why don't we sit and talk together with one cup of coffee
Jen- i think you don't have any self respect that's why you are here standing in front of me after so many insult
Lisa eyes darken till then no one talk her in that manner but this girl keep testing her patience
Lisa control her anger and look at Jenn with smirk
Lisa - you don't want to hear your Frist night story
After listening this Jenny angrily look at Lisa
Jenny -how dare you
you are so disgusting said and try to slap Lisa
Who immediately held her hand and twist on back side
Jenny painfully moan
Lisa - if I am listening your shits don't mean i am weak you gonna pay for this said and leave from their
Jenny clench his hand and angrily left the mall

Lisa pov-i listen your all shits because I love you but you are crossing your lines
Now I have to do something fast otherwise she will hate me more

Jeon mansion
Jungkook is smoking cigarettes in his room his all room is become smoky
He is looking like a devil who sitting his throne
Jungkook pov-
I have to talk with appa about our marriage otherwise that bubblegum snatch my love from me
No it's not gonna happen i will not going to loose
He think something and smirk form on his lips

Park taehyung you are in big problem

Choi mansion -
All ladies talking with each others happily
But hannie is feeling bore and his health also not ok and top of that one man sitting in his front of him and staring like he will eat him
Hannie - aunty can I go home he said nervously
Mrs choi-what happen son
Bae- he is not feeling well unnie
Mrs min - son then go and sleep in Scopus room
After listening this scoups immediately nod and hannie immediately nod his sir as no
Hannie - aunty i am ok i will go to our house
Scopus - you are not feeling well no one is now in your house so stay here this is also your house said smirking
Hannie want to beat Scopus he look at all ladies and sigh

Bae -they are right son i will not also feel good please rest here we will leave after sometime
Hannie nod and look at Scopus
Scopus - i will lead you to our room
All ladies and hannie look at Scopus with shock
Scopus - i mean my room
They both left to the Scopus room

Jung house
Mr Jung and hobi sitting together
Hobi what you want to say i am sitting here almost half our tell me son what happen mr Jung said
Hobi-appa i am sorry
Mr Jung - why son
Hobi- appa me and yoongi hyung decide that we don't our relation said crying
Mr Jung become speechless after hearing this
Mr Jung - take deep breath and said son are you joking with me
Hobi- teary eyes no appa it's truth we are not good for each other
They both become silent

After some time mr Jung said i want to talk with mr min

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