episode 9

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Today all are working in jeons house they have family dinner with parks today parks are coming
Mr jeon happiness is out of control now jin is telling workers about favourite dishes of parks
All doing there work
Mrs jeon- you are preparing like Korean king is coming to our house said annoyingly
Mr jeon - not koreas king but my heart kings are coming say jockingly
Mrs jeon- do what you want but don't accept from me
Mr jeon - good to hear you i will prepare everything don't worry

Jk come to the kitchen what is happening omma what is rush early in morning
As usual your dad excited for reunion with park said annoyingly
Jk- ok i am going to university i will late
Mr jeon -come early today we have guests don't late
Jk just hummed and go from there

Jk come parking and call scoups and yoongi
Jk-hyung today you all are coming for dinner
Yoongi -yes kook we are coming appa tell me in morning
Scoups - in my home omma and appa excitement is another level
I don't know what they will do after they come
Jk-you are right hyung in my house also same problem
Yoongi hyung why you are not saying anything
Yoongi -yes kook i am listening we will meet them in night I have important work bye
Jk-oh hyungs bye he cut the call and goes to university

Jenny mansion
Mr Kim -park are coming so they invited us to dinner Jenny
Jenny -i don't want to see that fatty boys so i am not interested dad
Mr kim-its not gonna good for us Jenny take lead in your relationship with kook before someone else make him fall
Jenny -dont say like that dad he is only mine no one is more beautiful than me kook mother also like me I am not gonna loose him
I will confess my feelings soon
Mr kim- i hope so your relationship will help me in business also

At night jeon mansion everyone is waiting for parks
All mins ,Kim's,choi are there and Jungs also invited today
Jin- dad when they gonna come i am going impatient
Rm - you are all ways impatient Say jockingly jin give him angry look rm scratch his nape nervously all younger look at rm with chuckle
Mr jeon - cars are all ready wait at airport
Jk-i think they become more fat that's why flight ✈️ are not landing Said giving hipi to scoups jin and rm feel very bad
Mr jeon looks angrily to jk
He try to say something but cars horn get everyone's attention
Jin they come appa said happily and run to door all also follow jin
Car door get open chan and baekhyun come down all look at them happily
Mr jeon go foreword and hug chan they both tear up mr min,kim and choi also join them
Baekhyun also tear up looking Mrs Kim and mrs choi then Also hug each other
Mr jeon -you don't know how much i miss you sai broking hug
All started meeting with each other
Bae -hyung all are babies so much grown up looking more handsome and beautiful
And our jin is all ways world wide handsome
Jinn -uncle i miss you so much and your handmade food
Bae - i also Miss u baby
All other children bow to chan and baekhyun
Chan -hyung is this our kook he is become double Bunny said jockingly everyone started laughing
Jk scratch his nape embarrassingly

Yoongi and scoups your also become more handsome and rm your dimples are looking very pretty baekhyun said hugging rm
Rm-thanks aunty rm said shyly
Mr jeon -let go inside chan he said ohh wait where is my babies mr jeon said
Jin - ohhhh yes uncle where is my hannie and vmin
Bae -hyung there car also with us where they are stop

Another car enter in gate all look at the car happily
Rm - they are come
Scoups, yoongi and kook heartbeat beome fast
Jhope heart started feeling uneasy
Car door open and haanie come down

Another car enter in gate all look at the car happilyRm - they are comeScoups, yoongi and kook heartbeat beome fastJhope heart started feeling uneasyCar door open and haanie come down

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All become shock after seeing hannie he is looking like prince
Scopus forget to blink
Other two backside door opens and vmin also comes down

All become shock after seeing hannie he is looking like princeScopus forget to blinkOther two backside door opens and vmin also comes down

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All become more shock jungkook and yoongi even forget to breatheJhope and Jenny become numb on the spot thinking how can someone looks this beautifulHannie and vmin smile warmly looking at elders and bow themMr jeon is this my babies or someone el...

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All become more shock jungkook and yoongi even forget to breathe
Jhope and Jenny become numb on the spot thinking how can someone looks this beautiful
Hannie and vmin smile warmly looking at elders and bow them
Mr jeon is this my babies or someone else said dramatically and open his arms for vmin and hannie all hug them i miss you my angles said happyily
Mrs jeon- said to Jenny they are looking like unbelievable i must say they are more beautiful now

All elders meeting with them gradually
Mrs min -bae what you feed them in America they are like living angels said lovingly
Hannie and vmin become shy
All elders are meeting with kids but other side jk yoongi Scopus heart beating like bullet train

Yoongi mind- you are looking like beautiful hell park jimin the hell in which I want to burn myself
After so many years you finally come to here
My all wishes, desires and feeling are bounded to you say looking to jimin

Jk mind -park taehyung your are looking like angel come from heaven for me
Just for me
In my whole life I all ways hate you the most but your beauty got my attention
Your are belongs to me
Every inch of your body belongs to me
I never felt for anyone like i feeling right now i don't know is this love or anything
But i know one thing you are mine soon Tobe jeon taehyung

Scopus mind- i never seen someone this beautiful i can't accept he is that hannie who likes me back
He changed more Even he don't look at me once
He is totally different he became cold personality

Mr jeon- now everyone please come inside of the house and meet each other
After entering mansion jin jump on the hannie and vmin
Jin - i miss you babies
Vmin and hannie we also miss you jin hyung
Jin-finally you come back now don't go anywhere
Rm - you don't wanna meet yout hyungs
Said opening his arms all hug rm
So finally all meet with each other

Tae jimin and hannie look at jk scoups and yoongi but there expression is normal no one can sence whats going on
All sits in the sofa
Mr jeon -chan meet mr Jung police commissioner and hobi Father
Chan and mr Jung Meet each other and
He is hobi our yoongi fiancee last year they got engaged
Chan and baekhyun smile warmly to hobi
Bae-you are really sunshine
Congratulations hobi and yoongi
Jimin look at both of them smile to hobi
But hobi feels upset face of yoongi after mentioning there engagement

Mr choi -guys why don't you go in otherside and talk to each other i know you have lots of talk
But there tae is feeling very annoying because kook is continuously staring him Like he will ate him alive
Scoups also looking at hannie which is feeling nervousness on Scopus stare
Only yoongi are avoided jimin because he knows what happen when he will look at person who is sitting his front

You are right dad we will talk in another room bye
All chuckles to jin excitement
And left to other room

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