episode 33

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Seoul hospital -
Dk sitting in his cabin with deep thoughts
I am in love with Joshua since he joined the hospital
His naughtiness,clumsiness his attitude,his gorgeous smile are all my life
But he don't like me
Why he like person like me who introvert doesn't talk to anyone he love person like him said and some tears left from his eyes

Dk is meeting his one of client in hotel where they are talking after client left he is also going
But his attention got one familiar figure who is hugging one boy who is tall, handsome look like he is also foreigner like Joshua
Joshua hugging him and said i love you so much hansol i miss you
After listening this my heart stop i can't control my emotions and i am hurriedly left from there
I never thought my Frist love story is incomplete

Door knocked and dk come from his thoughts
And his eyes shined looking at front Dr Joshua is standing with gloomy face
Joshua - sir Dr .haneul is calling you for meeting said with sad face
Dk look at Joshua and sternly said
I know i have meeting you don't have to remind me
Joshua look at dk with hurt eyes and left

Joshua pov-
I know you don't like me still i am hoping one day you will see my love for you
I heard your conversation with hannie hyung you are getting engaged
I am happy for you he is best choice for you you are best couple
But my heart is crying i can't hide my feelings i am emotional person

With kaihope
Kai is come to the mall for some shopping but his eyes catched one figure who is standing on jewellery shop
Kai look at him smile crept on his facehe come to him
Kai- hello hobi
Hobi look at Kai and sadly smile hello said
Kai- i look at you so thought i should greet you how are you
Hobi smiled and said
Hobi - thank you Kai and i am fine
Kai- are you coming for shopping
Hobi look at him and nod
Kai - which shopping
Hobi - my engagement ring said sadly
Kai- what
Kai feel very strange on his heart after hearing this
He don't know what is feeling is this
Suddenly someone come and tighten his grip on hobi wrist
Hobi whimper in pain
Hobi- leave my hand eunsoo you are hurting me
Eunsoo - ohh i am hurting you and here you are talking with your love
Kai look at eunsoo with so much anger
Kai- who the hell are you leave him
Eunsoo - i am his soon to be husband and you are asking me leave him
Kai can feel eunsoo is controlling hobi
Eunsoo - and you i will talk to you in home come here and start dragging hobi who left with eunsoo
Kai don't what just happened but one thing is sure hobi is not happy

Park house next morning
Bae- Chan our little angels are getting married i am thinking like it's dream
Chan look at bae smile and nod
Chan -everyone is busy in engagement preparations bae where is our triplets
Bae- they are going to the shopping
Chan- ohh ok then we are alone we should do some romance Chan said flirting with bae
Who gasped and playfully hit tha Chan

Shopping mall
Triplets looking for engagement rings
Tae - i think we should come with our
fiancee it's easy to choice ring
Jimin and hannie look at tae and nod
Jimin - but today Kai and bogum has important meeting they can not postpone this
Hannie - and dokyeom also said he have important appointment
Tae - they and their important meetings we just agree and they are flying in sky said dramatically
Jimin and hannie also smile to his cute brother
They are looking at rings carefully

But their peace doesn't like to our tops so they come to irritate them
Scopus - hyung look how excited they are for our engagement said smirking at trio
Yoongi - they have to because they don't no with whom they are going to engaged
Smirked looking at jimin
Jk- hyung stop discussion let's go to them i want to see my tae irrited face said and smiled
Yoongi and scoups also chuckle
Scoups - but kook how you know about shopping
Jk- i have my own ways
All nod together and left to the bottoms

With taekook
Tae like one ring so he is trying but suddenly someone come and put another ring in his finger
Tae gasped and look at front one bunny like human standing in front of him with smirk and smile
Tae- you really don't have any shame i am right said irritatey
Jk- how many times I have to tell you i am shameless
And our engagement is left for one day afcourse i have to be with you
Tae- i think you are misunderstanding Mr jeon my and bogum engagement is tomorrow
Jk- we will see said looking at tae
Look this 💍 is beautiful you should try this
Tae- i don't like that ring so stay away from me
Suddenly jk catch tae hand put ring on his ring finger tae gasped
Jk- look this looks more beautiful in your hand my love has beautiful fingers
Tae try to remove the ring but the ring is perfect for his size
Jk- i know your exact majorment in every way said looking at tae
Tae disgustingly look at jk and left from there
Jk look at tae and smile and he paid the bill of ring

With yoonmin
Jimin is selecting some dresses for engagement but he doesn't like any of them
But his eyes catch one dressso he took that dress and left for trial
When he trying dress suddenly someone come inside the room and jimin heart skip a beat luckily he wearing his shirt
Jimin look at the person and shocked
Yoongi one word left from his mouth he turn around
Jimin - what the hell how dare you come inside Said angrily
Yoongi look at jimin and pulled him and catch his waist
Jimin trying to struggle but yoongi not letting him do anything and spoke
Yoongi - what is big problem if I come i am your future husband
And that right i can come here anytime anywhere
I don't needs other permission and i am thinking i am also do some shopping for our engagement with your choice
Jimin look at yoongi with unbelievable expressions he knows yoongi don't gonna listen him
So he try to push him but yoongi pinned jimin to the wall and smashed his lips with jimin
He kissing him but who is shocked not letting him in so he bite jimin lips and insert his tongue
Yoongi passionately kissing him but jimin is struggling but after some seconds jimin also Start kissing him and both share passionate kiss yoongi hand roaming around jimin body he come to the jimin neck and jimin moan and come to sense and pushed yoongi
yoongi leave jimin who is panting heavily
Yoongi look at jimin and smirked
Yoongi - in one kiss you are out of control
And you are saying you don't love me

Ask this question yourself park jimin the way i am kissing u anybody can do that or you will give the permission to that person to kiss you
I know even your so called fiancee also can't do that
Because you both don't love each other
Hearing this jimin got shocked he don't know what to say he is angry on himself how can he kiss back to most hated person of his life

Yoongi once more look at jimin and left to the door
And look at back and said this dress suits you and left
Jimin who stand there with shocked

With jeongcheol
Hannie is looking at the same perfumes and bag
But one staff come there bow to hannie and said sir this is for you
Hannie look at the person and said
Hannie -  sorry But i don't buy this
Staff - but sir owner sir said this all mall belongs to you so you don't have paid for anything Said politely
Hannie look at staff suspiciously and said
Hannie - who is owner of this mall
Staff - sir choi scoups
Hannie look at the staff and put all the things which he liked in counter and left
But one voice catch him and he look at the backside
Scopus - Mrs .choi you don't like the perfumes if you want you can check other things also
Hannie look Scopus and said
Hannie - i don't like anything from here mr choi nor things nor person
Scopus look at hannie and chuckle and come close to hannie
And look at staff who bow to them and left from there
Scoups - but your badluck you have to like me and my things said and wink at hannie who is speechless
By the way how is preparation are going in your house for our engagement
Hannie look at him with done face and said
Hannie - you are keep dreaming about that and i will go to honeymoon after marrying with dokyeom said sassily
Scopus look at hannie with dangerous eyes and clench his hand
He held hannie hand and drag him to the office room hannie is struggling but no use Scopus pushed hannie to sofa and lock the door and pinned hannie on sofa

Scopus - i am trying to not use my anger on you but you keep testing my patience
Today you talk to much and i will give you punishment
Try to take other man's name infront of me this punishment all ways remind you where you belong
He smashed his lips on hannie and kissed him
The kiss is very aggressive he literally eating hannie lips
Hannie is trying to catch his breath but Scopus is not letting him go
After half an hour scoups left hannie who is panting so heavily
Both look at each other eyes and Anger nervousness can seen
Hannie pushed Scopus who smiled and back hug hannie
Scopus - don't do that again otherwise I will not leave you for one hour
By the way hows my stamina
Hannie shyly close his eyes and smile but scoups don't see it
Hannie push Scopus on floor and hurriedly left Scopus office room Scopus look at hannie back and smile

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