episode 30

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At 7 pm everyone is started coming to park house Frist Mr and Mrs jeon and mr min and Mrs min come
After that every one come to the park house mr monobin and lisa, mr chen and mrs xiumin their sons sehun and dokyeom,mr Kim and Jenny, bogum and his mother
Parks greets everyone and welcome them
And lastly mr Jung and hobi
Others don't know about min family and Jung family problems

Everyone is waiting for parks kid and other childrens

All meet the Kai and his mother who also politely meet with everyone
Sehun - bae uncle where is jimin said excitingly
Mr chen can find happiness in his son eyes
Bae- they are coming son you please enjoy the party
Lisa is as all ways staring at Jenny who is sitting with bottoms looking pale
Lisa pov- what happen to her why she looks like she is not good

All ladies and bottom sitting together and talking
Mrs jeon - your necklace is very pretty kai mother
Kai mother -  thank you Mrs jeon you also looking very beautiful
Mrs jeon - ohh thank you i am really don't look like at my age said proudly
Other ladies and bottom chuckled

All tops sitting together with drinks in their hands
Mr jeon - Chan suddenly you organise party something special
Chan - hyung please wait for babies you got all answers
All nod and start drinking then jk and all others  younger also come
Bae- please come sons all young people bow to everyone
After that vmin and hannie also come to the hall they also bow to everyone with their charming smile

Everyone is looking at their specific partner
Today every ones emotions is fighting with each others
Love,hate, Anger , obsession, jealousy are seeing in every one eyes

Chan - so everyone Frist all of you welcome once again in park house please enjoy the party
And main announcement of party i will tell you later said looking at Kai and jimin
Everyone nod and start talking to each other

With chen family
Mrs chen look at hannie and he likes him at Frist side
Xiumin - ohh so he is Yoon jeonghan who also work with dokyeom I must say he is really pretty
Chen- he is but what are you thinking said confusingly
Xiumin - ahh honey why not we ask his hand for our dk
They both are doctors and look good together
Chen got surprised but he also thinks something and said
Chen - i don't know about dk if he likes someone
Xiumin - i am his mother I know him very well so don't worry
Chen look at his wife and nod because he also knows if he think something then he will do

Jk , yoongi, scoups trying to talk with vmin and hannie
But they are busy with bogum,Kai and dk
And this scene making their blood boil
And hobi is sitting with kai mother who is talking with hobi
Kai mother really like hobi sweet nature
Kai pov- my mom don't talk with strangers  but  she is happy with hobi
I must say he is special

So everyone please look at here
Everyone looked at the Chan
Chan - Frist of all thanks everyone for coming at this short time
And todays special announcement is my little mochi my jimin is going to marry
Everyone looked at Chan with shock and surprised face
But mr min ,jk , scoups , namjoon and jhope looking at yoongi who is looking at jimin with hurt eyes
Jimin who is looking at yoongi with full of ego
Others started cheering for jimin and Kai
Chan - Kai jimin please come here sons
They both nod and goes to the Chan and stay with him
Kai mother - today i am really happy for both of you we will do your engagement as soon as possible
Bogum mother - congratulations bae you got one son in law what about tae

After hearing tae name jk hands started shivering because of fear
Jenny look at jk with smile but Lisa don't like this idea
Bogum mother - me park i also want to your tae for my bogum
Tae and others park got shocked with others 
Bogum shyly smile to tae
But smirk formed on  tae lips
But sehun eyes started forming tears Mrs chen look at his som with worried face
Dk pov- sehuna like bogum but i think bogum don't know about his feelings

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