episode 26

145 6 2

After class jungkook come to the park office and he started searching for tae
Jungkook - excuse me can you tell me where is park taehyung office Said rudely to receptionist
Receptionist - looking at jk with nervous smile sir is not coming today
Jk - what are you talking i myself drop him and you are saying he is not coming
Receptionist - i am sorry sir but taehyung sir is not coming
Jk angrily left to the office he is dialing tae phone number but he is not jungkook answering calls
Jk pov-where he left i think he is in house i should check
Jk left to the park house
Bae- jungkook son i am telling you he is not in home
Jk-aunty but he is not in office also please call him and ask him where is he
Bae-ok sit i will call him
Bae call the tae and he asked him where is he
Kook tae with bogum in his office after listening this jungkook anger rushed to his veins
He immediately left park house bae is calling him behind but is not listen and left to bogum office
Flashback end

When kook enter in photo shoot room he looked at tae and bogum with burning eyes
Tae- what the hell jungkook what are you doing here
Jk-i tell you to wait for me then why you here said in looking at tae eyes
Bogum also feel very angry
Bogum - and who the hell are you to order him
Jk-i am not talking with you bogum so stay out of it
I am talking with my future wife said sternly
After listening this tae and bogum both angrily look at jungkook
Tae - i am working here kook so don't create scene here you know i don't like you so get out
After listening this bogum feel very happy  he ordered there staff to leave from room every one left
Jk- angrily look at tae i am not joking sweet heart i will tell appa i want to marry you
Bogum angrily look at jungkook
Bogum pov-if he is saying then i have to do something or i will loose tae
Bogum - then you are late kook
Tae i love you since school i also want to marry you
Tae and jk shockingly look at bogum
Jungkook clench his hand goes to the bogum and punch on bogum face bogum stumbled but after he also turned to kook and hold is callor and both started fighting
Tae  is shocked he recovered from shock and goes to both of them and try to separate them but no one is listening him
Tae angrily separate them and slap kook hard


Bogum feel very happy and smirk at jk kook looked at tae with anger, hurt eyes
He never feel tae will do something like that
Tae also feel very guilty he don't want to slap him but accidentally it happens
Jk angrily left to office

With yoonmin
Today after Kai and jimin conversation jimin is in deep thoughts
Jimin is not understanding his feelings he don't know what to do
He knows he don't love Kai they are best friends
And about yoongi his heart have different emotions for yoongi wich he denying
His thoughts intrupted when he heard knock on door
Jimin - come in
The person enter in room which is no other than yoongi
Yoongi - hii chim said lovingly wich jimin don't like
Jimin - why are you here Hyun said coldly
Yoongi - i want to talk to you it's very important
Jimin - if it's related to work then you can talk to me otherwise you can leave i am not interested in your other matters
Yoongi feel very angry still he control his anger and say
I want to marry you Jimina
After listening this jimin become shock and speechless

Jimin stand up from his chair and look at yoongi
Are you out of your mind
You and hobi hyung are engaged you are going to marry him and here you proposing me
Yoongi - jimin Frist please listen me
Jimin - i don't want to listen anything get out
Yoongi - i confess hobi my feelings for you after listening this jimin look at yoongi with confusion
Jimin - what you mean min yoongi
Yoongi - i tell him i don't love him and I all ways love you
You are my first love i know i do very wrong with you
But please try to understand that we are child so please don't judge me on past

After listening this jimin started laughing on yoongi
Yoongi look at him with confusion and nervously
Jimin - you are right hyung we are child at that time so i forgive you
Yoongi feel better after
Listening this
Jimin - but now we are adults and i don't have any feelings for you i don't want to marry you
So don't take any hopes from me my omma and appa want to fix my marriage with kai hyung and we are best friends from college so we are better for each other
After listening this yoongi heart feel with so much pain
He never think his own did are responsible for his heart break with tears in his eyes yoongi left from office

After yoongi left jimin sit on floor and some tears left from his eyes the pain he feeling has no Name

It's not hate and not love something is between in the hate and love

Today hannie feel Little cold since morning so he come home early
He is sitting with bae and Kai mother today all ladies is going to hangout with Mrs choi house
This plan made by Mrs min and Mrs choi so all arrangements are done
Hannie - omma i don't want go there what will I do
Bae- dear i know but when Mrs choi heard that you are in home he request me to bring you so please come with us sweety
Kai mother - hannie dear you don't have to go too long you come for some time and after that come home
Hannie nod

With jungkook
After left from bogum office he directly went to his friend personal bar after that he continuously drinking his heart break into pieces when tae slap him
His heart is crying because tae slap him for bogum
Jungkook pov- you slap me tae for that bogum and what is he say he love you and he want to marry you

Angrily in this life it's never gonna happen from today you will see my worst side
By hook or crook you will be mine

With yoongi
After coming from parks office yoongi is is in his home gym
He continuously punching on punching bag
Every word is constantly roaming in his ear which jimin said to him
Yoongi pov-today you insult my love
You thought you will say i will leave you not in this life
I will destroy even which is come between us
You are mine i will not gonna loose you
After this you are responsible for everything which is come in your life

Choi mansion
Mrs choi- ordering servants for work
Scoups come there with his usual clothes
Mom why so rush
Mrs choi- today we all ladies have little kitty party in our house
Scopus - ohh then i have to go as soon as possible you people enjoy
He said goes to the room but after hearing hannie voice he immediately look at back side
He feel very happy after looking at hannie
Scopus pov- ohh so my love also join them


Ohh so guys see you in next episode and i want tell you
Because of your good wishes i passed in my last year exams
Now your author is officially doctor
Thank you so much

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