episode 20

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All got shocked because of loud voice and the person standing on door started laughing with his mother
Tae- Kai hyung said loudly
And hug Kai with lovingly
All feel after looking at Kai and his mother
Hannie - hello aunty how are you
Kai mother - i am ok son how are you all
All- we are good all said and in one go
Jimin - tae can you release Kai so he can come inside
Tae - look at jimin and smirk and Said someone is jealous Kai hyung
All started laughing on looking at jimin and Kai
They both are embarassed
Bae- please come in

All settled in living room
Chan -i am really happy Kai that you shift here
Now we will grow up our business together
Kai- yes uncle don't worry now i am here i can handle every situation you don't worry
Kai mother - and also we can decide your future Said looking at jimin
Jimin feel shy and flustered
Bae- u are right besti i hope they think about our dream

Kai - don't worry aunty i will marry you in two days if you allow me said jockingly
All started laughing all know Kai all ways flirt with baekhyun
He love to mess with baekhyun
Bae- what did you say you brat come here i will smack your head
Kai started running and bae chasing him all started laughing on both of them

Chan - so ok now stop both of you
Kai come here son
All settled ok so from today you are joining me with office and still your office settled ok
All nod
Bae- and you both gonna stay with us
Kai mother - no bae we can't stay here we will manage
Bae look at them angrily Kai mother stop talking
All started laughing on Kai mother
Bae- hannie and tae you arrange their rooms
Hannie and tae nod

Jimin - so finally you come said hugging Kai
Kai - you miss me so much that's why I come here i don't want upset my future wife said jockingly
Jimin smack Kai head dumbo said with flustered face
Hannie - hmmm i don't want disturb your romantic moments but mom is calling you for breakfast
Tae back hugging hannie - common Hannah hyung from today we have to see their lovy dubby movement
Jimin - you brat
Kai - don't worry brother in law's we also do lovy dubby movement
Hannie and tae gasp with kai flirting jimin chuckle on haanie and tae gasp face

Jimin - ok stop it now we should go down
All started talking and laughing

Jeon mansion
All sitting together on dinning table
Mr jeon - i am very impress with tae and jimin they are very good in business
Mrs jeon- you all ways like them
You never press our child
Mr jeon looking at jk - our child never do anything like praising
Jin- mom and dad please don't stay early morning
Jk - and don't worry now i am gonna do something for which you praise me life time
Said and leave from their
What he gonna do now i am all ready feeling scared
Mr jeon - all ready for today party
All nod together

Min mansion
Mrs min - where is hobi yoongi he not come with you
Yoongi - he is not with omma
Mr min - yoongi i want to talk to you something
Yoongi - what happen appa
Mrs min - ok we start preparing for today party yoongi invite all your friends
And honey you call hobi Father
Yoongi and mr min nod
Servant bowing- mam hobi sir Is not in their room
All looked at him confusingly
Yoongi pov - where is hobi he left early morning or in night
Ohh fuck i should call him
Mrs min - yoongi i thought he with you
Mom i think he left in morning
Mrs min - why he left without talking to anyone
Yoongi - don't worry mom i will call him
And invite him for today party
Mrs min nod
Mr min pov-i hope yoongi you will take good decision

Choi mansion
Scoups is exhausted because of his wonderful night
Door bell ring scoups open the door
Me and mrs choi return from their trip
Mrs choi -son are you ok what happen you look exhausted
Mr choi- i think he is come early in morning after partying all night said angry gaze on Scopus
Scoups pov- stime I stay all night in home and they are not believing me wow i have very good image in my parents eyes
Mrs choi - honey you all ways scold him
Common we will talk later Frist we have to freshnup
Scopus - ok mom and dad i will also join you for breakfast

Yoongi pov- i was calling hobi but he not answering my calls
I think I have to call me hoseok
Yoongi call him and he pick up the call
Mr hoseok - good morning son you call early morning today
Yoongi - uncle hobi is not as answering my calls
You know where is he
Mr hoseok - i don't know son what happen to him he come very late in night after that he is not coming his room
I think he is sleeping
If you want i can wake up him
Yoongi - no uncle please don't disturb him i will call later
Mr hoseok - ok son

Yoongi hang up the call
I have to talk jimin as soon as possible

Yoongi goes to his appa office room
Yoongi knock the door
Mr min - come in yoongi
Yoongi - appa you said you want to talk something with me
Mr min -you know i don't like talk with round words
I come to exact point
Yoongi nod
Mr min - what is happening with you and hobi
You Love him or not
Answer me in one word don't lie with
Yoongi - NO
Mr min - reason
Yoongi - i love someone else
Mr min -name
Yoongi - park jimin
Mr min nod and look at yoongi with soft smile
I am happy you tell me about your feelings
Talk with hobi and handle the situation
Yoongi - i never thought appa you will support me
Mr min- I just want your happiness son which is belong with jimin
I never seen the love in your eyes for hobi
But with Jimin you are looking like lover
Yoongi shyly nod

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