episode 21

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All elders are gathered together in min mansion
All are happy they are talking about there younger days
Mrs min - once again I welcome you all for this celebration
Mrs jeon- thanks Mrs min we are not outsider so you don't have to do this all time
Mrs park - yes Mrs min thanks to inviting us
Mr jeon - by the way where is all childrens
Mr hoseok - hobi tell me he is gonna come with Jenny
Mr Kim - and you all know jen take lots of time for ready
All elders chuckled

Mr Kim - mr jeon today i heard you invite mr monobin
Mr min - yes we invite them because they help us in some business issue
Mr kim- but they are belongs to gangster family we should make distance from them
Jenny father said nervously
Mr choi- don't worry we just invite them for party
We are not fixed your daughter marriage with his daughter
All started laughing on mr Kim
Mr Kim also nod embarrassingly
Chan - hyung i want you to meet someone
They are coming just wait
Suddenly Kai and his mother come with beautiful bookay on hands
Chan -hyung they are my friends from America they help me lot in business
Everyone meet Kai and his mother all like the aura of classiness around Kai mother
Even mrs jeon also feel empress

With namjin
Rm - you are looking beautiful jinnie
Said looking at jin
Jin- i know i am world wide handsome said sasaily
Rm just chuckled on his beautiful and sassy hyung
Jin-where is others
Rm- they are coming

Suddenly all girls starting whispering and drooling
All look at the entrance and see four mafia looking guys enter in the hall
Ofcourse it's our yoongi,jk, Scopus
All look come to the elders greet them 
Yoongi pov- where is hobi i am trying to talk with him but he is not answering my calls
Jk pov- ohh this party is boring but where is my lovely taetae
Jin-uncle where is tae, hannie and jimin
Bae -they are coming sons

All attention of party goes to the entrance
As expected mafia family mr monobin and his daughter Lisa enter in party
Mr min  welcome them
Everyone is busy with talking and chatting
Then our angles enter in the house
As they enter yoongi Scopus and jk soul left the body
Because of three most beautiful humans enter in the party

Yoongi pov- this short heighted human all ways test my patience
Why the fuck he is looking damn sexy

Jk pov- ahh my heart can't handle this much Beauty i just want to throw you on bed and want to love you like no one loves you

Scopus pov- ahh fuck now i am feeling more hot this man is looking like angel

Vmin and hannie left to the elders and greet them

Lisa pov-ohh so this is mr Kim Jenny father if he is here then where is my sweetheart
Lisa looking at door and hobi and jen enter as all ways Jenn looking beautiful and hobi sweet but today his eye smile is missing
But someone else eye catches those beautiful eyes

All tops look at bottoms and smirk
Mr min - on Mike hello everyone thanks for coming in today party i hope you enjoy this night
All younger gathered together
Jenny look at Lisa and roll her eyes
Jin-tae who is this handsome man said looking at Kai
Tae - excitingly jin hyung he is Kai hyung our friend from America
And bestfriend of Jimim hyung
Yoongi and jk don't like closeness between Kai and vmin
Kai - hello everyone glad to meet you everyone nod

Hannie - and he soon gonna be our family member said looking at jimin
Kai and jimin nervously laugh
All looked confused
Rm- anyway hello Lisa I am meeting you 1st time but I heard lot about you
Lisa- hello everyone i  am also happy after meeting you all said looking at jen
Jenny just roll her eyes

With yoonmin
Yoongi -;wow you have best friend jimin i didn't know about that
Jimin - you are not that special for me to tell you everything about me min yoongi
Yoongi - i don't like when you are close to someone else
You are belongs to me
Jimin -  i don't have zero interest in your bullshit talk so excuse me
Jimin left from their

Jk - hello jeon taehyung said in tae ear
Tae - i think you have mental disorder you have to check yourself jeon jungkook
Jk- my memory is ok but my heart has disease which called loveria and my medicine is standing front of me if you allow can taste my medicine and said smirking at tae
Tae- you know kook you are rediculous i never seen such shameless person
Jk- and you never seen because I am only one is here for you
Tae angrily left

Jenny is looking at taekook when Lisa approach her
Lisa- you disturb my show that night when you gonna give me
Jenny cut her with angry eyes
Jenny - i think you don't heard that night i am not like you a slut who slept with so many girls said smirking at Lisa
Lisa eyes got darken she clench his hand
Lisa- no one talk me this way the way you are talking with me babygirl
You feel lucky that we are in public otherwise I will teach you how to behave
Jenny - wow now slut will teach me how to behave
You are disgusting women don't come near me or i will vomit said and started laughing on Lisa
Lisa angrily look at Jenn
Lisa-  then from today start to habitual to my touch soon to be Mrs monobin
I will teach you how to behave and i like to see your irritated and beautiful face when you are under me moaning my name and i am f@cking you without mercy
Jenny shocked after hearing this from Lisa mouth
Jenny - in your dreams i will gonna marry my love my kook
Not disgusting person like you so f@ck off said and left
Lisa pov-ohh so you are in love with jungkook mr jeon son
But sorry darling you are made for me

Jeongcheol -
Hannie standing alone suddenly someone approach him
Dk- hello dr.hannie
Hannie - hello dr.dk said bowing
You are here
Dk- mr chen and mrs xiumin is my mother and father
And sehun is my younger brother
Hannie nod understandingly
Hannie - ohh Jimin told me about sehun he is our classmate
You are not in our school
Dk- yes I am leaving with my grandmother in daegu
Hannie and dk started talking each other
But in one corner angry burning eyes are looking at them

Okkk guys sorry for late update and i know today episode is little boring so please forgive me

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