episode 19

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With jeongcheol
Scopus is kissing him passionately hannie is standing like statue whe Scopus bite his lower lip he come to the sense he started pushing Scopus but there is no use
Scopus lead hannie to bed and push him hannie is struggling
Hannie pov-he is not his sense something is wrong with him
He standsup and harshly slap Scopus Scopus come to his sense

Scopus - sorry hannie please leave from here
Hannie - i will go and come with medicine still then stay here and hannie left to the house
Scopus is feeling more uncomfortable so he call someone

With hobi
I am standing here i hope my plan will work
Yoongi open the door and look at me confused
I am look at him he is feeling very calm he don't have any uncomfortable
I started thinking but he called me
Yoongi - what happen hobi why you standing here
Hobi- hyung i want to say something
Yoongi - this time say confusingly
Hobi pov- now what can I say i think my plan is flopped
Hobi - nothing hyung i want headache medicine my head is spinning
Yoongi - ohh ok i have one i will give you come here
Hobi nod and enter in the room

Hobi pov-atleast i should try
He come close to yoongi who is back facing hobi
He back hug yoongi and say i love you hyung
Yoongi pov- i am checking medicine in door but suddenly hobi back hug me and say i love you
I was shock
I turned to hobi he is looking at me so much love
I can understand his feelings but it's wrong today i should tell him

Hobi - hyung we should take steps on our relationship
Yoongi - hobi i want to talk to you i know you love me but
Hobi heart started pounding because of fear
Hobi - i don't want to hear anything hyung
Yoongi - hobi i know i play with your feelings but trust me he take deep breath and say
I never love you I all ways love jimin he is my first love
Because of my craziness we both are in this condition please forgive me i know i am responsible for this all mess but I am truly sorry

After listening this hobi heart break into pieces he looking like emotionless person
Tears started falling from his eyes
He left his room with crying eyes yoongi also stood there with guilt

Park house -
Jimin and tae are there room thinking about yoongi and jungkook
Unknowingly both started to feeling shy when they recall their kiss

Author - i also don't know what happen next because of yoongi and jungkook kiss
Because if they kiss me like tae and jimin
Then i have to go for mental hospital
Because my heart can't handle this much load

Scopus is waiting for someone
But hannie come with medicine he got so shock 😲
Hannie - why are you standing in hall please go take this medicine and take rest i also leave
Suddenly one girl inside hannie look at the girl she is wearing short dress 👗 and full make up
Hannie understand why she is here he angrily look at Scopus
Scopus pov - i am waiting for some random girl because I can't control myself for long time
But when hannie come my heart beat become insane
I am thinking hannie will not come after what happen between us but he come
He really care for me
But my thoughts intrupted whe that girl come
Hannie looking at me coldly
Hannie - i think you don't need any medicine your cure is here all ready
Scopus - hannie it's nothing like that please try to understand
Hannie - no need this is your life do what you want i don't care said
Girl - don't worry I will give you more pleasure than him said seductively
Hannie - shut up you bitch i am not like you and walk forward
Scopus try to go near hannie but he push Scopus and left from there
Scopus mind-why I am feeling guilty he is nothing to me then why I am feeling like I am cheating on his
He cursed himself and look at the girl
Angrily said laeve

That girl fear and left from there angrily
Scopus look at himself and cursed
Scopus mind- i think today i have to deal with this
He left to bathroom and started moaning hannie name

Whith taekook
Tae is sleeping 😴 fondly but his sleep got disturbed by knock on the window
He look at time it's 3am in morning he feared but go to the window and open it
And one bunny 🐰 type human hanging on window
Tae-angrily kook you why you come here at this time are you mad or what
Jk- happily yes I am mad in your love sweetheart said happily
Tae-look at him angrily why you come here at this time
Kook - i am Missing you so much that's why I come here to see you
Tae unknowingly feeling happy and shy
Tae with cold face - but I am not missing you so leave
Kook - you are so unromantic i come here for you with so much danger and you are saying me to leave
Tae - i am not invited you
I am gonna close the window please let me in i will not do anything
Tae-i know you very well
Kook - romantically really you know me
Tae got shy and close the window

Kook is shouting from outside in slow voice but tae ignore it
Kook also got happy after meeting with tae and left to his house happily

Tae pov- that idiot bunny come here at this time for me
This thoughts increased his heartbeat and he lay down on bed

With hannie
Hannie is lying on bed and looking at selling blankly
Hannie pov - i know you never love me still this heart beats for you
After so many years i come back to you but you are busy with fucking some random girls said blankly
I don't know when you gonna understand my feelings for you
I am hurt chollie said and tears started falling from his eyes and slept

In morning
Parks are sitting together in dinning area
Bae- u all enjoyed your are club night last night Said teasingly
Chan - and hannie why you come late
Hannie - abbaa appa i am just walking in garden i am not sleepy so
All nods

Suddenly bell ring all look at each other
In early morning which guest come here
Jimin i am going to open the door and left to the door


All heard loud voice and got surprised

Guys what you think whose come there

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