episode 22

115 6 2

Dk and hannie are casually talking with each others but choi scoups is burning in anger
He himself don't know why he is feeling so much anger
So he approached them
Scopus come and stand behind hannie dk look at Scopus
Scopus - hello everyone i think you know each others that's why you both take long time to talking
Dk- hello choi seungcheol said mockingly
Yes  ofcourse we know each other
Scoups glare at dk
Hannie - we work in same hospital he is my colleague said to Scopus
Scoups - anyway I think you should talk with other peoples also
Am right hannie
Hannie angrily look at Scopus who just innocently smile to hannie
Dk-anyway i am leaving bye Dr jeonghan
And he left

Hannie - angrily look at Scopus what is your problem Scopus why you behave rudely with him
Scoups - rudely when I am just saying him to talk others also
Hannie - you behave weird sometime
Scoups - hannie listen i want to talk you something
For yesterday thanks and sorry
Hannie - look at Scopus with soft face i understand about thanks but sorry for what
Scoups - that girl
Hannie understand what scoups is trying to say
Hannie - with cold face i don't care with your personal things Scopus
I help you because of humanity nothing else he said and left
Scoups look at hannie is back and smirk
Scoups pov- you pretend like you don't care but I know you still love me
I can feel nervousness between us chuckle at his own thinking

Hobi is standing alone in balcony
Hobi is in his own thoughts he doesn't feel someone presence
Kai pov - i am feeling bore in party that's why I come here for fresh air
But i saw someone also standing there ohh this is the same boy who stole my attention when he enter the party
Kai- hi
Hobi-look at Kai and nod
Kai-can i stand with you
Hobi - i don't have problem you can stand whenever you want said emotionlessly
Kai- i don't know what is your problem but I want to say because of someone else don't let go your happiness
One day you will meet someone who love you unconditionally
All ways stay happy no matter what happen your life said and smile to hobi and left from there
Hobi who listening this feel very calmed
After hearing this from stranger
Hobi pov- i don't know him but his words are so pure
I am feeling very bad for myself since yoongi confess his feelings for jimin
He is my first love but he love someone else from starting he never give me attention but i myself increased more hopes
But now I am understand he never gonna love me
I have to free yoongi and me from this unwanted relationship this is gonna hurt but I have to do it
He said and tears started following from his eyes

Tae is talking with but suddenly someone tap his shoulder and he look at backside
Tae-bogum you here
Bogum - smile and nod i am here because I am also invited
I am also business partner with jeon and mins
Tae nod
Tae-bogum i am really happy you come here i am going bored here
Bogum chuckle
Bogum - don't worry now i am here I'll company you
Bogum pov-i don't want to come here but i know tae will come here that's why I come here
I want to spend some alone time with tae
Tae look at bogum confused he wave his hand on bogum
Bogum back to the reality
Bogum - tae let's sit together and talk ok
Tae nod
Tae and bogum is going but suddenly someone gripped tae wrist bogum and tae look back
And found one bunny 🐰 looking human looking hella angry 😡

With namjin
Jin- joonie today i am really happy
Joon - i know jinnie
Jin- and how you know
Joon- smile to jin and said i love you jin that' s why I know whe you happy and when you upset
Jin looks at joon fondly and said
Jin-i love you too joon thanks for coming in my life and making special for me
Joon - so mr jeon jin can you please dance with me
Jin smiling afcourse sure let's go they start dancing some other couples also start dance
Like mr and mrs kim, Mr and Mrs jeon, Mr and Mrs min, Mr and Mrs park .

With jungkook
Jungkook pov - i am planning to dance with my tae
But jen approached me
Jen- jk all are enjoying party let's go we will dance
Jk- ahh jen i am also planning to dance but
His words cut bye when he see tae and bogum talking and laughing to each other
Jen also look at tae side and smirk
Jen-ohh bogum
You know na kook from school bogum have crush on taehyung
He all ways follow taehyung in school
He said smirking at jk
Listening this jungkook clench his hand and goes to the tae and bogum side jen also follow him

With taekook
Tae - what are you doing jungkook leave my hand
Jk angrily where are you going
Bogum also got angry he also hold tae other hand
Tae- none of your business kook leave my hand
Jk-looking at bogum leave his hand he is going with me
Bogum - i think you have hearing problem jungkook tae told you to leave his hand not me
Jk- look at tae you are gonna dance with me come
Jenny feel angry and hurt
Jenny - kook leave them they are enjoying you come with me we will dance together
Tae- i am not gonna dance with you said angrily and push jk hand
Bogum come we will dance together you will be my partner
Bogum - sure tae said smirking at jk
Tae and bogum left to the dance floor
Kook clench his hand goes to the bar counter

With yoonmin
Yoongi is finding hobi in balcony and other areas he wants to talk with hobi
But when he came back to party hall
He encountered with dancing Kai and jimin
He look at them and his body started boiling in anger
Kai and jimin are dancing together with other couples Kai hand is on jimin waist and jimin holding Kai shoulder
Yoongi pov-today you cross all your limits jimin
I am trying to deal with you patience but you keep testing my patience
He is trying to go there but some words caught his attention

Hannie and Kai mother talking with each other
Kai mother - hannie look at Kai and jimin both are looking perfect couple
Hannie look at them and smile to Kai mother
Hannie - yes aunty they both look great together
Kai mother - hannie I want them happy like this all ways
I am gonna talk about their marriage with your omma and appa very soon
Hannie look at Kai mother happily and nod
Hannie - aunty i am sure jimin and Kai will say yes because they are bestfriends for long time
They are comfortable with each others
Kai mother also nod

After hearing this yoongi blood boil he left to the bar counter where jk is all ready drinking like there is no tomorrow

Jenlisa -
Jenny is feeling hurt so she standing alone in garden
Jenny pov- kook why you doing this to me
I allways love you but you are started liking tae i can feel
You all ways hate him suddenly what happen why you started liking tae
Lisa come there and stand behind Jenny
Lisa- ohh babygirl what is why you standing alone here where is your love jungkook said mockingly
Jenny - look behind and feel so much angry 😡 because of Lisa presence
Jenny - get lost from here i don't want to talk to you
Lisa- ohh baby girl sorry but I am not gonna live you in this life
So start to habitual with my presence on your life and body said smirking at Jenn
Lisa pov- i am witness of all drama  is going here
But feel very happy after knowing that jungkook like that guy taehyung
So my path is clear or otherwise i have to clear my path

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