episode 4

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Jeon mansion
Mrs jeon-i tell you so many times not involve those poor people but you are not understanding they are just employee of our company nothing more
Mr jeon -you are wrong he is more than employee he is my best friend we are with each other from starting you are not no how loyal he is as employe or friend so many companies offer him job but because of mehe never excepted they give 3 times extra than us in foreign countries
But he all ways reject because of our friendship and his loyalty
Mrs jeon -whatever i don't care I am going to sleep good night
He never understand love and friendship she only knows money mr jeon think in mind

Park house-
All parks family sitting on living room talking with each other
Mr park -tae , jimin why you all ways fight with kook look at hannie he is only one who understand me and respect me you too all ways fight with kook and yoongi
Tae -appa we are not fighting they started 1st
Jimin -yes appa and mumma you seen na how Jenny push our tae
Mrs park -jimin i know son but they are rich people we can't fight with them
Tae-why mumma if they are rich doesn't mean they treat us like sheet
Mrs park gasped after hearing this word from tae mouth
Jimin and hannie -i agree with you tae

Note -jimin,tae and hannie also study with kook and others children
Because mr park don't want adjust with their education
Jeons ,Kim's ,mins,choihouses are in one area where all rich people have houses
Park house is also with them but not like others mansion but small house
Which is given by jeon family for parks from long time now which is belongs to parks

Next morning garden area
All children of jk gang sitting in garden for discussion
Jk-yoongi hyung i want to punish that tae he all ways embarassed me
Yoongi -yes kook i know that jimin also goes my head yesterday
Scopus -guys we don't do anything here we got chance in school what you say
Jin-are you out of your mind kook i will tell appa if you do something
Namjoon -jin is right we should not fight with them
Jenny -why hyung you don't see how all peoples are laughing on kook in party
Kook you should get your revenge.
Kook- ok then hyung we will bully them in school

Parks house
Mrs park -taetae ,vhim, hannie baby come you will late for school
All together from room coming mumma
In dining table all eating their breakfast mr park -guys don't fight with jk and others ok
Hannie -ok appa
Tae- but If they fight i am not gonna live them    
Jimin -yes appa                                                              
Mr and Mrs park chuckle on their babies

(Hey bubbles comment lot )
I just want to tell you about their ages jk and Jenny 6 yr they are in same class
Tae and jimin -8 yr old they are also in same class
Scopus, hannie and yoongi -9yr the are in same class
Rm and Jin -10 yr they are also same class
I hope you all understand

Tae , jimin and hannie entes in school gate they see all students are shouting fatty and shorty to them
Hannie got very nervous after listening this but tae and jimin run to jk and yoongi and started pulling their hair because they see how kook and his gang also laughing so they got who did this
Teachers come in hurry and separate them and punish them now they all are standing in outside of class
Mr jeon and mr park come they say sorry for their children behalf to principal and
Go from their thinking they are children but they don't know what they are thinking are is not like that

Like this fighting, bullying goes worst and 10 yrs passed and their hate for each other also increased
Now kook become jk handsome , aggressive, possessive full of attitude
Every girls and boys dream man same like jk yoongi, Scopus and rm also become hot and handsome
Jenny also grow very beautiful and rude
Jin is all ways wwh but caring, loving and his dad jokes only liked by namjoon

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